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- Recognition of Prior Learning PolicyThis document establishes the principles for Macquarie University to apply a consistent, equitable and transparent approach to the Recognition of Prior Learning to determine eligibility for admission to the University and/or Credit Transfer.
- Records and Information Management PolicyThis document establishes a framework for the creation and management of authentic, reliable and useable records and information that support business functions and activities of the University and that comply with legislative requirements and relevant standards.
- Recruitment, Selection and Appointment ProcedureThis document provides essential information for hiring managers on when and how to conduct a competitive recruitment process. It should be used for recruitment, selection and appointment to continuing and fixed-term positions (academic and professional).
- Release of Student Information Guideline(Expired)This document provides examples to staff and students about when student information may be released / accessed, and when it is not appropriate to do so.
- Release of Student Information Policy(Expired)This document establishes the circumstances in which information may be disclosed to students about their own records, and third parties about students.
- Release of Student Information ProcedureThis Procedure outlines how Macquarie University Students can access their student records and the circumstances in which information can be disclosed to third parties.
- Relocation GuidelineThis document establishes the University’s position on the provision of relocation assistance to staff who are required to relocate.
- Request a Waiver of HDR Candidate IP Assignment ProcedureThis document provides clear instructions on how HDR candidates can request a waiver of the requirement to assign the Intellectual Property (IP) generated during the course of their enrolment to the University and the criteria that will be taken into consideration when assessing the waiver request.
- Request to Assign IP Rights to Third Party ProcedureThis document provides clear instructions on how IP Rights (title or other) can be assigned to another entity (third party) and the criteria that will be taken into consideration when assessing the request to assign those IP Rights.
- Request to Handback IP to University Member ProcedureThis document provides clear instructions on how IP can be handed back to the inventor (University Member) and the criteria that will be taken into consideration when assessing the request.
- Request to Transfer IP Rights to HDR Candidate ProcedureThis document provides clear instructions on how HDR candidates can request the transfer the IP rights developed by them whilst studying at the university and assigned to the University on enrolment, and the criteria that will be taken into consideration when assessing the transfer request.
- Research and Research Training Committee Terms of Reference(Expired)These Terms of Reference set out the Research and Research Training Committee’s purpose, authority, membership and functions and responsibilities.
- Research Authorship Grievance ProcedureThis Procedure accompanies the Research Authorship Policy. It delineates the process for managing disagreements about the attribution of authorship.
- Research Authorship PolicyThis Policy details the criteria for the attribution of authorship for all research outputs and:
a. outlines the responsibilities associated with authorship of a research output;
b. outlines the necessary steps to be taken to confirm authorship of a research output, prior to its submission for publication and distribution, or its submission as a component of a Higher Degree Research thesis by publication;
c. describes the standards which must be applied to the assignment of credit and fair acknowledgment of others’ contributions in work presented in research records (such as in research proposals or grant applications).
- Research Collectives PolicyThe Policy outlines the value, standards, expectations, and governance of research collectives within Macquarie University’s research architecture. It establishes common principles and practices in the establishment and management of research collectives and describes their oversight by Macquarie University.
- Research Collectives ProcedureThis Procedure outlines the processes for the selection, management and governance of research collectives at Macquarie University to ensure strategic and sustainable investment in and management of national and internal centres, institutes and initiatives.
- Research Data Management PolicyThis Policy describes principles and expectations of researchers related to maintaining the integrity, security, quality, and reusability of research data.
- Research Data Management ProcedureThis document establishes applicable processes for data governance, data management planning, data retention or disposal, data dissemination/publication, and data protection. It outlines the expected practices for research data management, including data collection, storage, use, sharing, and retention activities.
- Research Data Sensitivity, Security and Storage GuidelineThe document provides information to assist researchers to classify their data according to its sensitivity and details appropriate security controls to be applied to that data.
- Research Degree Subcommittee Terms of ReferenceThese Terms of Reference set out the purpose, authority, membership, responsibilities, and operation of the Research Degree Subcommittee.
- Research Overheads and Infrastructure Costs PolicyThis document specifies the requirement to include a contribution towards the Overhead and Infrastructure Costs incurred by the University for external research grants, collaborations, and consultancies.
- Research Quality Assurance PolicyThis policy establishes a framework for research and research training quality assurance at the University, encompassing the policies and practices that govern and manage this work.
- Research Risk Review ProcedureThis document specifies the Research Risk Review procedures as administered by the Research Risk Review Committee. Advice is provided to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) on how to manage the risk of research projects and research disciplines by the Research Risk Review Committee. Decisions taken by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) on research risk are implemented and monitored by the Research Risk Review Committee.
- Research Third-Party Arrangements PolicyThis Policy sets out the University’s requirements for delivery of research and research training activities involving third party arrangements described in the Scope.
- Research Training Program Scholarships PolicyThis document provides information regarding the administration of RTP Scolarships at the University.
- Resource Management PolicyThis document establishes the University’s approach to effective and efficient resource management relating to energy, water and waste.
- Retention and Disposal ProcedureThis document identifies responsibilities and actions for retention and disposal of University records and information in accordance with the Records and information Management Policy.
- Return to Work PolicyThis document establishes Macquarie University's approach to rehabilitation and return to work for staff members who have acquired an injury or illness as a result of a workplace incident or accident.
- Return to Work ProcedureThis document provides further information on how the University will help an injured staff member to return to work, and the reciprocal responsibilities of the injured staff member.
- Revenue Recognition ProcedureThis document supports the Accounting Policies Policy and Accounting Policies Register by establishing requirements for revenue recognition assessment and month-end processing across the Group to deliver revenue reporting in accordance with requirements of the Accounting Policies Register.
- Revocation, Rescission or Relinquishment of an Award ProcedureThe Revocation, Rescission or Relinquishment of an Award Procedure documents requirements for the revocation, rescission or relinquishment of awards conferred by the University.
- Risk Management PolicyThis Policy specifies the University’s commitment, approach, and objectives relating to the understanding, identification, and management of risk. This Policy supports staff and affiliates to take informed risks without exposing the University, its assets, staff and affiliates, students, or other stakeholders to unnecessary harm.
- Room Booking PolicyThis document establishes how to book a facility and the priority order in which activities are booked.