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  • Health and Safety PolicyThis document establishes the University’s commitment to the principles and practices of workplace health and safety (WHS).
  • Health and Safety Risk Management Policy"This document establishes the approach taken by the University for the identification, assessment and control of Health and Safety (H&S) hazards and their associated risks in order to create and maintain a safe and healthy work and study environment.
  • Health and Safety Risk Management ProcedureThis document provides further information on the actions required concerning the identification, assessment and control of Health and Safety (H&S) hazards and their associated risks.
  • Higher Degree Research Deferment of a Course Offer ProcedureThis Procedure specifies the steps required for a domestic or international commencing higher degree research student requesting to defer an offer of admission in accordance with the deferment principles approved by the University.
  • Higher Degree Research Degree Transfer PolicyThis document establishes the conditions under which Higher Degree Research (HDR) candidates enrolled at Macquarie University may transfer their degree between either Departments and Faculties or between different types of HDR degrees.
  • Higher Degree Research International Fee Refund PolicyThis Policy specifies how Macquarie University will manage refunds of tuition fees and other administrative fees for fee paying international HDR students who are enrolled in time-based units. This includes international HDR students enrolled in Year 2 of the Master of Research, Master of Philosophy, Doctor of Philosophy and the Combined Doctor of Philosophy.
  • Higher Doctoral Degree RulesThe Macquarie University Higher Doctoral Degree Rules are made by the Council of Macquarie University under section 29 of the Macquarie University Act 1989 and Part 10 of the Macquarie University By-law 2005.
  • Honorary Academic Titles PolicyThis document sets out the conditions for conferral of honorary academic titles at Macquarie University, and the benefits afforded to and obligations of title holders.
  • Honorary Academic Titles ProcedureThis document specifies the process for conferral of honorary academic titles by Macquarie University in accordance with the Honorary Academic Titles Policy.
  • Honorary Awards Committee Terms of ReferenceThe Honorary Awards Committee Terms of Reference set out the Committee’s purpose, authority, membership and functions and responsibilities.
  • Honorary Degree PolicyThis Policy specifies the requirements for the nomination, approval and conferral of an Honorary Degree by the University Council.
  • Human Research Ethics PolicyThis document establishes how Macquarie University fulfils its responsibilities for ensuring compliance with the National Health and Medical Research Council’s National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research (2007) and the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research (2007).