
University Glossary



The University Glossary contains terms that have been approved in accordance with the Glossary Policy and Glossary Procedure.


Where there is a conflict between a term as used in a rule/policy/procedure and a term in the University Glossary, the rule/policy/ procedure will prevail.


The Business Intelligence and Reporting Unit is responsible for the University Glossary. All queries regarding terms included in the University Glossary should be directed to


Return to TopA

  • ABDC Journal Quality List
    is an online publication that will be produced by the Australian Business Deans Council and will provide a quality rating to a journal with a business field of research.
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Entry Pathway

    is an admission pathway that will enable an eligible Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander applicant to study an undergraduate course at Macquarie University.

  • academic appeal
    is an appeal that will be submitted by a student to request a review of an applicable decision or determination made by Macquarie University.
  • Academic Calendar
    is the official representation of the academic year that will include all administrative dates of Macquarie University such as all examination periods and all census dates and the due date for fees among other deadlines and closing dates.
  • academic classification level

    is a level that will specify the minimum standards for a member of academic staff according to complexity, autonomy, leadership requirements, and level of achievement.

  • Academic Entry Program

    is an admission pathway that will match the strength of an applicant to select undergraduate courses at Macquarie University based on their performance in relevant HSC subjects and is processed via the Universities Admissions Centre.

  • academic freedom
    is a principle that will promote the freedom of all staff members and all students to conduct research and to undertake learning and teaching and to communicate and publish without unreasonable interference and restriction subject to the standards of academic scholarship.
  • academic integrity
    is a principle that will involve a commitment by all students and all staff members to act with the values of honesty, respect, trust, responsibility, fairness, and courage in academic scholarship and scholarly activities in education and research.
  • Academic Integrity Module
    is an online module that will enable a student and/or staff member to develop foundational knowledge and ethical academic practice to support academic integrity.
  • academic misconduct
    is a form of misconduct that will breach academic integrity in relation to an academic exercise.
  • academic organisational unit

    is an organisational unit that will perform a teaching only function or a research only function or a teaching and research function or technical industry commercial function and will either be a faculty or a department or an discipline (AOU).

  • academic pause

    is an academic standing that will prevent the enrolment of a student for two consecutive standard teaching periods due to unsatisfactory academic performance.

  • academic penalty

    is a consequence that will officially record a specified unit of study on the academic transcript of a student if the student has withdrawn from that unit of study after the last withdrawal without academic penalty date.

  • academic progression
    is a process that will monitor the progress of a coursework student towards course completion and will be indicated by their academic standing.
  • academic promotion

    is a process that will provide an identifiable career pathway for all academic staff on the basis of merit, performance and achievement, relative to opportunity and will enable a member of academic staff to apply to a higher academic classification level.

  • Academic Ranking of World Universities
    is a publication that will rank a university against other universities based on six indicators and is published annually by the ShanghaiRanking Consultancy.
  • Academic Senate
    is the principal academic governance body of Macquarie University that will advise Macquarie University Council on matters concerning academic and research related activities of the University in fulfilling its functions as set out in the Academic Senate Rules.
  • academic staff

    is a staff member that will have an employment contract that is covered by the Academic Staff Enterprise Agreement and will typically perform the function of teaching and/or research.

  • Academic Staff Enterprise Agreement

    is the Enterprise Agreement that will apply to all relevant academic staff of Macquarie University.

  • academic standing

    is a status that will indicate the Academic Progression of a coursework student within an award course and will be assigned at the end of a standard study period and will only be included on their internal record on eStudent and on their Results Notification.

  • academic year
    is a period of time that will quantify the amount of learning and teaching to be administered by Macquarie University in a twelve month period and will comprise a number of study periods.
  • accelerated course
    is a purpose-built course that will deliver the recommended volume of learning for an award in less time than the standard course duration.
  • accrued day off

    is a period of leave that will be paid to an eligible staff member as per the relevant industrial instrument.

  • additional SLE

    is an SLE amount that can be accrued by an eligible person in addition to the initial 7 EFTSL of ordinary SLE under specific circumstances.

  • adjunct graduate research supervisor
    is a graduate research supervisor that will collaborate with the principal supervisor and any other graduate research supervisors to supervise the graduate research student and is not a current staff member of Macquarie University and will not hold an honorary academic title.
  • adjustment factor
    is a numerical value that may be added to an Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank to potentially generate a higher selection rank.
  • admission
    is a process that will enable a successful applicant to enter a course if they accept their offer.
  • admission pathway
    is an option that will be available to an applicant to be considered for entry into a course.
  • admission point

    is an entry point to a postgraduate course that will enable an eligible applicant to either commence study at the standard course duration or at a reduced duration that is predetermined by Macquarie University depending on their prior qualifications, work experience, or other recognised prior learning.

  • admitted student

    is a student that will have an admission to at least one award course or non-award course at a specified time and will typically have an enrolment in a unit of study or be on leave.

  • advanced diploma
    is an award that will recognise the successful completion of an undergraduate course and will satisfy the learning outcomes at Level 6 of the AQF.
  • Altmetric
    is a publication that will gather online data to track the attention of a research output in relation to other research outputs and to complement more traditional metrics and will list any altmetric mentions and will produce an altmetric attention score for each research output.
  • Altmetric attention score
    is a weighted measure that will sum the number of altmetric mentions for a research output to quantify the attention of the research output and will apply a weighting to each altmetric mention to reflect the relative reach of each type of source.
  • Altmetric mention
    is a reference to a research output that will be collected by altmetric from a non-traditional online source such as a news article, a blog post, or a policy document and will enable the generation of an altmetric attention score for that research output.
  • amount charged

    is the amount that will be charged to a student for a unit of study as a student contribution or a tuition fee or for the student services and amenities fee.

  • amount paid up front

    is the amount that may be paid upfront by a student for a unit of study as a student contribution or as a tuition fee by the census date or for the student services and amenities fee for a study period.

  • annual leave

    is a form of leave that will enable an eligible staff member with continuing employment or fixed-term employment to be absent from work for an allotted number of days in a calendar year without losing pay.

  • annual leave loading

    is a monetary amount that will be paid to a staff member in addition to their annual leave and their ordinary base rate of pay and the timing of payment will vary according to the relevant enterprise agreement and/or the specified entity within the Macquarie University Group where the staff member is employed.

  • applicant
    is a person that will apply for admission to a course or one or more units of study either through a Tertiary Admission Centre or directly to Macquarie University.
  • application
    is a formal request for admission that will be submitted by an applicant to request a place in one or more courses and will either be a direct application or a TAC application.
  • applied research
    is research that will involve original work to acquire new knowledge with a specific application in view either to determine possible uses for the findings of basic research or to determine new ways of achieving some specific and predetermined objectives.
  • appointment

    is the arrangement that will appoint a person to a position.

  • AQF level
    is a level that will be specified in the Australian Qualifications Framework and will indicate the relative complexity of an award and will identify the commensurate learning outcomes that must be demonstrated by a student to achieve that award and will range between levels 1 to 10 where AQF level 1 has the lowest complexity and AQF level 10 has the highest complexity.
  • articulation pathway
    is a predetermined arrangement that will enable a student to progress from a specific course into another course with admission and/or with credit.
  • artificial intelligence

    is intelligence that is exhibited by a range of machines particular computer systems.

  • assessment
    is a process that will measure the achievement of a student in relation to one or more specified learning outcomes.
  • assessment moderation
    is a process that will occur at all stages of the assessment life cycle to assure the quality of assessment design, tasks, standards, and marking.
  • assessment task
    is a task that will enable a student to demonstrate their learning and capabilities against the achievement of one or more specified learning outcomes.
  • assessment task submission
    is an artefact that will represent the attempt by a student or a group of students to meet the requirements of an assessment task and will be submitted for assessment.
  • associate degree
    is an award that will recognise the successful completion of an undergraduate course and will satisfy the learning outcomes at Level 6 of the AQF.
  • Associate Supervisor (Doctoral or MPhil)
    is a graduate research supervisor that will collaborate with the principal supervisor and the graduate research student through their Master of Philosophy or doctoral degree.
  • Associate Supervisor (Research Masters)
    is a graduate research supervisor that will collaborate with the research masters supervisor and the graduate research student through their master of research.
  • assumed knowledge

    is the expected level of knowledge that should be possessed by a student prior to enrolment in select courses and select units of study.

  • attendance mode

    is a classification that will identify the attendance of a student for a specified unit of study and/or for their course.

  • attendance pattern
    is a mode of offering that will identify the required attendance of a student for a specified unit of study.
  • Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification
    is a government publication that will enable the analysis of R&D in Australia and New Zealand and will comprise all fields of research and the Socio-Economic Objective and the Type of Activity and is available from the Australian Bureau of Statistics.
  • Australian Bureau of Statistics
    is a government organisation that is the central statistical authority for the Australian government
  • Australian citizen
    is a person that will be legally recognised as a member of Australia.
  • Australian Council for Educational Research
    is an organisation that will administer higher education assessment services including the Special Tertiary Admissions Test and the Graduate Medical School Admissions Test
  • Australian exchange student
    is an exchange student that will undertake study at an international higher education provider through an approved exchange program and will count the study as credit towards their course at their home higher education provider in Australia.
  • Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement
    is an official document that may be issued to a graduate to supplement other graduation documents including the testamur and the official academic transcript and will contain additional information to enhance local and international understanding of the award.
  • Australian permanent resident
    is a person that will hold an Australian permanent residency visa and will not be an Australian citizen and will be considered a domestic student for the purposes of assessing eligibility for university entry and a commonwealth supported place.
  • Australian Research Integrity Committee
    is a government committee that will review the processes of a higher education provider regarding the management of any potential breaches of the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research and will thus contribute to research integrity in Australia and is jointly established by the Australian Research Council and the National Health and Medical Research Council.
  • Australian Standard Classification of Education
    is a government publication that will specify all fields of education and all levels of education in Australia and will be available from the Australian Bureau of Statistics and will be used by the Department of Education to ensure consistent classification for government reporting across all higher education providers.
  • Australian Standard Classification of Languages
    is a government publication that will assign a language code to each language and will group all languages for statistical purposes and for government reporting and will be available from the Australian Bureau of Statistics.
  • Australian Statistical Geography Standard
    is a government publication that will classify all Australian postcodes into one of five levels of remoteness and will be available from the Australian Bureau of Statistics.
  • Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank
    is a numerical rank that will measure the academic achievement of a year 12 student relative to all other year 12 students in their age group and state in the year they graduated from senior secondary school and will be allocated by the Universities Admissions Centre after the completion of an Australian Year 12 qualification and will be used by Macquarie University to calculate the selection rank of an applicant.
  • Australian Year 12 qualification
    is a qualification that will certify the successful completion of senior secondary education and which will enable access to tertiary education.
  • authorship
    is an academic activity that will recognise the creation of a work or research and any research outputs by one or more people
  • award
    is a qualification that will recognise the successful completion of a course.
  • award course
    is a course that will enable a student to qualify for one or more higher education awards and must be approved by Academic Senate.

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  • bachelor degree
    is an award that will recognise the successful completion of an undergraduate course and will satisfy the learning outcomes at Level 7 of the AQF.
  • bachelor honours degree
    is an award that will recognise the successful completion of an undergraduate course and will satisfy the learning outcomes at Level 8 of the AQF.
  • basis for admission
    is the main criterion that will be used by Macquarie University to issue an offer to an applicant.
  • block credit
    is credit that will be granted for the recognition of prior learning towards a defined grouping of units of study within a course.
  • bridging course
    is an intensive component of study that will fill any gaps in assumed knowledge and will prepare an undergraduate student to succeed within a specific discipline and may be recommended by Macquarie University prior to enrolment in a specified unit of study and will not typically be counted for credit
  • bridging for overseas trained professional
    is a non-award course that will enable an overseas-trained professional to meet the formal requirements for entry into their profession in Australia.

Return to TopC

  • Cambridge English C1 Advanced

    is a test that will assess the English language proficiency of an applicant and may be an entry requirement for a course.

  • Cambridge English C2 Proficiency

    is a test that will assess the English language proficiency of an applicant and may be an entry requirement for a course.

  • campus suburb

    is the suburb of the campus that will be used for government reporting.

  • capstone unit
    is an essential unit that will integrate the content presented across a course and will enable a student to demonstrate all course learning outcomes prior to course completion and may be combined with a PACE unit.
  • casual conversion

    is a process that will enable an eligible member of casual staff to convert to a full-time employment contract or a fractional full-time employment contract.

  • casual employment contract

    is an employment contract that will engage a staff member to perform work on an hourly basis.

  • casual staff

    is a staff member that will have a casual work contract.

  • census date

    is a date that will be set by Macquarie University for each study period and will indicate the deadline for a student to withdraw from a unit of study without financial liability.

  • Centres of Excellence scheme

    is a government arrangement that will provide funding to an organisation as a research grant via the Linkage Program of the Australian Research Council and will generate a specialised kind of research collective to promote a high level of national and international collaboration in research.

  • Centres of Research Excellence scheme

    is a government arrangement that will provide funding as a research grant via the National Health and Medical Research Council and will generate a specialised kind of research collective to enable a group of researchers to pursue collaborative research and to develop capacity in basic science research, clinical research, health services research, and public health research.

  • certificate I
    is an award that will recognise the successful completion of a course and will satisfy the learning outcomes at Level 1 of the AQF.
  • certificate II
    is an award that will recognise the successful completion of a course and will satisfy the learning outcomes at Level 2 of the AQF.
  • certificate III
    is an award that will recognise the successful completion of a course and will satisfy the learning outcomes at Level 3 of the AQF.
  • certificate IV
    is an award that will recognise the successful completion of a course and will satisfy the learning outcomes at Level 4 of the AQF.
  • cheating
    is conduct that will involve the attempt by a person to obtain an unfair advantage in any academic exercise in learning and may involve copying the work of others undertaking a task, either in whole or part, and presenting it as their own; falsifying in-text citations, references, bibliographies, and/or reference lists; and/or using unauthorised materials, assistance, resources or devices in an academic exercise
  • chief investigator

    is a researcher that will lead a research project.

  • citations per paper
    is a measure that will assess the average impact of a researcher or a journal and equals the total number of citations divided by the total number of articles and will either be a CiteScore or a journal impact factor.
  • CiteScore
    is a metric that will reflect the average citations per paper of a journal in a specified year and in the prior three years if the citation is recorded in Scopus and will only include a research output that has been published in that journal within the four years and is an alternate to the Journal Impact Factor.
  • class
    is a scheduled lesson that may deliver the learning and teaching of a unit of study to a group of enrolled students.
  • class registration
    is a process that will enable an applicable enrolled student to register in one or more classes for each unit of study via eStudent and to create their timetable.
  • collaboration
    is an academic activity that will involve the cooperation of at least two people in learning and/or research
  • collaborative research agreement

    is a formal agreement that will specify all the obligations and all the deliverables that are expected of both Macquarie University and all partner organisations for a collaborative research project and will be enforceable by law.

  • collaborative research project

    is a type of research partnership project that will involve the collaborative pursuit of research with specified objectives that are identified in partnership between Macquarie University and all other participating organisations and will involve contribution of funding and any essential resources by all the partners to undertake the research.

  • collusion
    is conduct that will involve any unauthorised cooperation between two or more students to complete an academic exercise and may include working with a friend, or group of friends, to complete an academic exercise required to be completed individually; and/or sharing the following with other students: quiz, test or examination questions; quiz, test, or examination answers; and/or completed or partially completed academic exercises, e.g., essays, reports, problem sets, multimedia works, presentation slides, computer code, or laboratory results.
  • combined degree
    is an arrangement that will combine select components of an undergraduate course and a postgraduate course into one integrated course and will enable a student to qualify for two awards at different AQF levels.
  • combined individual and group assessment task
    is an assessment task that will involve components of an individual assessment task and a group assessment task and will provide both an individual and group grade.
  • commencement fee

    is a portion of the tuition fee that will be charged to an international student by Macquarie University and must be paid when accepting an offer and will be deducted from the tuition fee of their first semester.

  • commencement fee deposit

    is a portion of the commencement fee that may be paid by an international student to indicate a student's intention to accept an offer.

  • commencing student
    is a student that must start a course for the first time in a specified study period or in a reference year and is either a new student or is a course transfer student or is a returning student.
  • commercialisation
    is a process that will translate intellectual property and the outcomes of research at Macquarie University into a financial, societal, or reputational benefit and/or impact.
  • Commonwealth Assistance Form
    is an electronic document that must be submitted by all students in a commonwealth supported place prior to enrolment and must be submitted by an eligible student by the census date to request Commonwealth assistance via the Higher Education Loan Program.
  • Commonwealth Assistance Notice

    is a document that will provide information about the enrolment and the student contribution amount of a commonwealth supported student or a student in the higher education loan program and will be issued within 28 days of the census date.

  • Commonwealth assisted student
    is a domestic student that will receive assistance from the Australian government and will include a Commonwealth supported student or a student with a Commonwealth scholarship or in the Research Training Program or in the Higher Education Loan Program.
  • Commonwealth contribution
    is the maximum funding for a Commonwealth Supported Place that will be paid by the Australian Government to a higher education provider through the Commonwealth Grant Scheme and will support the cost of a Commonwealth Supported Student and will vary according to the funding cluster.
  • Commonwealth Grant Scheme

    is a government arrangement that will provide funding to a higher education provider as a Commonwealth contribution for an agreed number of Commonwealth supported places.

  • Commonwealth Higher Education Student Support Number
    is the unique identification that will be allocated by the Department of Education to a Commonwealth assisted student and will be replaced by the Unique Student Identifier.
  • Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students

    is the official register that will list all Australian education providers that offer one or more courses to an international student that is studying in Australia on a student visa and will list all the offered courses.

  • Commonwealth Scholarship
    is a scholarship that will be administered by the Australian Government to assist a student under the Indigenous Student Success Program with the costs associated with higher education.
  • Commonwealth Scholarships Guidelines (Research)

    is legislation that will supplement the Higher Education Support Act and will govern the administration of all scholarships under the research training program.

  • Commonwealth supported place

    is a place in a course that will be subsidised by the Australian Government with a commonwealth contribution through the Commonwealth Grant Scheme and must only be occupied by an eligible domestic student and will require an enrolled student to pay a student contribution by the census date for any enrolled units of study within the course.

  • Commonwealth supported student

    is a domestic student that will occupy a Commonwealth Supported Place at an Australian higher education provider.

  • ComparED
    is an online system that will present the data from QILT and will enable a person to compare the data by higher education provider or by QILT study area or by the QILT stage of studies and will be funded by the Department of Education and will be administered by the Social Research Centre.
  • completed student
    is a student that must have satisfied all requirements of an award course and will qualify for the award and will only be eligible for conferral and considered a graduand if the student has no outstanding obligations to Macquarie University.
  • Completion Letter
    is a letter that will confirm a student has met the requirements of an award upon course completion and will notify the graduand about the allocated month and year of graduation.
  • concurrent degree
    is study that will involve the admission of a student in two courses that will not be officially recognised as a double degree or as a combined degree.
  • conditional offer
    is an offer that will outline any conditions to be satisfied by an applicant to become eligible for a full offer in a nominated course and will require the applicant to submit proof of satisfying the specified conditions.
  • conferral
    is a formal process that will confer an award to a graduand either in person or in absentia and will formally transition a graduand into a graduate.
  • Confirmation of Enrolment
    is an electronic document that will be issued to all intending international students by Macquarie University to confirm their eligibility for enrolment in the specified course and will enable the student to apply for a student visa
  • consultancy project

    is a type of research partnership project that will make available the skills and/or expertise of academic staff from Macquarie University to apply their existing knowledge to activities such as expert opinion, analysis, testing services, and product and process development to solely benefit the external organisation that is funding the consultancy.

  • continuing appointment

    is an appointment that will not specify an end date in the employment contract.

  • continuing student
    is a student that will not be new to a course in a specified study period or in a reference year.
  • continuing supervisory arrangement
    is an arrangement that will ensure each graduate research student is supported through the appointment of a principal supervisor with at least one associate supervisor (doctoral or mphil) or a research masters supervisor with at least one associate supervisor (research masters).
  • contract cheating
    is a form of cheating that will involve the submission of an academic exercise or part thereof that has been completed by a third party regardless of the relationship between the student and the third party or if the third party is paid or unpaid
  • contract research project

    is a type of research partnership project that will make available the skills and/or expertise of one or more researchers from Macquarie University to pursue research with specified objectives and outcomes and deliverables that are identified by the external organisation to solely benefit the external organisation that is funding the research project.

  • contract term

    is a period of time that will specify the duration of the substantive appointment or the current duties of a staff member.

  • contracted FTE

    is the full-time equivalent that will be designated to an appointment as specified in the employment contract.

  • controlled entity
    is an organisation that must be under the control of Macquarie University.
  • cooperative education program
    is a competitive course that will enable an eligible student to undertake professional experience at a select leading organisation via several built-in placements in addition to classroom studies
  • core zone
    is a compulsory study zone that will constitute the minimum study requirements to meet the course learning outcomes.
  • corequisite
    is a unit of study that must be completed by a student either prior to enrolment in a specified unit of study or concurrently with the specified unit of study.
  • cost centre

    is a type of responsibility centre that will allocate cost to an organisational unit for accounting purposes and the manager of the cost centre is expected to contain any costs and/or to maximise productivity of the organisation.

  • cotutelle
    is study that will involve joint enrolment at both Macquarie University and a partner university for their Doctor of Philosophy and will lead to one thesis and will require the graduate research student to undertake two examinations and will produce two testamurs.
  • course
    is a grouping of units of study that will be delivered by a higher education provider.
  • course authority
    is an appointed staff member that will manage a course on behalf of Academic Senate and will either be a member of faculty or an office.
  • course completion
    is a course outcome that will recognise the successful completion of a course and all course learning outcomes by a student and will qualify a student for an award and will mark the transition of a student into a completed student.
  • course component
    is a component of the course structure that will enable a student to develop understanding in one or more disciplines within a course and will either be a major or a minor or a specialisation.
  • course enrolment

    is an admission to a course that will have at least one enrolment in a unit of study or active engagement in research at a specified point in time.

  • Course Experience Questionnaire
    is a component of the Graduate Outcomes Survey that will gather data from a graduate of undergraduate coursework or of postgraduate coursework about the experience of higher education in Australia.
  • course learning outcomes
    is a set of statements that will specify the knowledge and skills and/or the application of knowledge and skills to be acquired and demonstrated by a student upon course completion.
  • course name
    is the full name of a course that will be assigned by Macquarie University.
  • course of study load

    is an aggregated measure that will sum the EFTSL of all units of study for a course.

  • course outcome
    is the status that will indicate the outcome of a student in a course.
  • course structure
    is the arrangement of a course that will detail the specified study zones and any course components including organisation and sequencing to qualify a student for course completion.
  • course transfer
    is a process that will transfer the admission of a student from one course to another course at the same AQF level or a lesser AQF level and will either be an internal course transfer or an external course transfer.
  • course withdrawal
    is a process that will withdraw a student from a course.
  • coursework
    is a form of study that will enable a student to acquire knowledge and skills through an undergraduate course or a postgraduate course without a major component of research.
  • coursework student
    is a student that will undertake an undergraduate course or a postgraduate course for which the course is comprised at least two-thirds coursework.
  • coursework unit

    is a unit of study that will have a number of credit points and must not include a major component of research.

  • credit
    is a numerical value that will be granted to a student for the successful recognition of prior learning and will reduce the total number of credit points for a student to complete their course and will either be specified credit or unspecified credit or block credit.
  • credit note
    is an official document that will issue a credit to Macquarie University to offset against a future purchase from the vendor.
  • credit overload
    is an approved study load that will exceed the standard number of credit points for a full-time student in a study period.
  • credit point
    is a numerical value that will be assigned to a unit of study to indicate the workload of a student and to represent the contribution of a unit of study towards a course.
  • cross-institutional study
    is an arrangement that will enable a student to undertake one or more units of study with another provider as part of a course for which the student is enrolled with their home provider.
  • current duties

    is a set of duties that will be performed by a staff member as of the reference date and will either refer to their substantive appointment or a temporary appointment.

  • current school leaver

    is an applicant that will finalise their Year 12 study in the current calendar year or will have completed their Year 12 studies in the year prior to the course intake year.

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  • data management
    is a process that will manage data and will involve planning and making decisions about how to collect, organise, manage, store, back-up, preserve, and share data throughout its lifecycle.
  • deferment
    is a process that will enable an eligible student to defer an offer and to delay their commencement of a course for an approved amount of time.
  • Deferred Salary Scheme

    is an arrangement that will enable an eligible staff member to defer the payment of a proportion of their pre-tax salary for three years to ultimately fund a continuous paid absence of 24 weeks.

  • deferred student
    is an eligible student that will have deferred their offer to delay their commencement of a course for an approved amount of time.
  • department
    is a subdivision of a faculty that will be devoted to one or more fields of education and will be responsible for delivering one or more units of study and for the conduct of research.
  • Department of Education
    is a government organisation that will be responsible for developing and administering higher education policy and programs and will administer funding under the Higher Education Support Act.
  • diploma
    is an award that will recognise the successful completion of an undergraduate course and will satisfy the learning outcomes at Level 5 of the AQF.
  • direct cost

    is a cost that can be directly attributed to education or research or the provision of healthcare or other commercial endeavours of the Macquarie University Group such as commercial tenancy.

  • disability
    is a condition that may impact the performance of a person and will be attributable to any physical, sensory, neurological, intellectual, psychiatric, or learning disability, impairment or long-term medical condition.
  • discipline (AOU)

    is a subdivision of a department that will be responsible for the teaching of a unit of study and for the conduct of research.

  • Discovery Early Career Researcher Award
    is a component of the Discovery Program that will award funding to select early career researchers with a teaching and research function or a research only function and will provide focused support in research.
  • Discovery Program
    is a National Competitive Grants Program that will provide funding to support fundamental research for innovation in Australia.
  • doctor of philosophy
    is a doctorate by research that will be offered by Macquarie University.
  • doctoral degree
    is an award that will recognise the successful completion of a postgraduate course and will satisfy the learning outcomes at Level 10 of the AQF.
  • doctorate by coursework
    is a doctoral degree that will be awarded for an original contribution to furthering professional practice and will require the production of a thesis.
  • doctorate by research
    is a doctoral degree that will involve independent research and will be awarded for an original contribution to knowledge and will require the production of a thesis.
  • domestic applicant
    is an applicant that must either be an Australian citizen or be a New Zealand citizen or hold an Australian permanent resident visa or hold an Australian permanent humanitarian visa.
  • domestic fee-paying place
    is a fee-paying place that will only be occupied by a domestic student.
  • domestic student
    is a student that must either be an Australian citizen or be a New Zealand citizen or hold an Australian permanent resident visa or hold an Australian permanent resident humanitarian visa.
  • double degree
    is an arrangement that will permit the study of both core zones from two undergraduate courses or two postgraduate courses to enable a student to qualify for two awards at the same AQF level.
  • double degree exclusions list
    is the register that will specify the combination of courses which a student is not permitted to undertake as a double degree since the two courses exceed the permitted limits for unit sharing.
  • double major
    is an undertaking of two majors that will contribute to the course requirements of an award if the student has space in the flexible zone of their course to study more than one major.

Return to TopE

  • early career researcher
    is a researcher that will have five years or less of research experience from the award of the PhD or equivalent qualification.
  • early entry scheme

    is an arrangement that will provide an early offer to an eligible applicant prior to the completion of an Australian Year 12 qualification or the International Baccalaureate and will include the Schools Recommendation Scheme and the Macquarie Leaders and Achievers.

  • early offer

    is an offer that will be issued to an eligible current school leaver prior to, and contingent on, their completion of an Australian Year 12 qualification or the International Baccalaureate.

  • editing

    is a process that will check a work and may suggest changes beyond proofreading.

  • Education Services for Overseas Students
    is legislation that will regulate a higher education provider and will govern the delivery of a course to all international students studying in Australia on a student visa.
  • Education Services for Overseas Students (Registration Charges)

    is legislation that will supplement the Education Services for Overseas Students and will specify the annual amount to be paid by a registered higher education provider to remain listed on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students.

  • Education Services for Overseas Students (Regulations)

    is legislation that will supplement the Education Services for Overseas Students and will specify the information to be stored by a higher education provider and to be reported into the Provider Registration and International Student Management System about an international student and their enrolment.

  • Education Services for Overseas Students (TPS Levies)

    is legislation that will supplement the Education Services for Overseas Students Act and will specify the liability of a higher education provider to fund the Tuition Protection service.

  • Educational Access Scheme
    is a type of adjustment factor that may provide individual consideration for an applicant who has experienced educational or social disadvantage, or other special circumstances that may have hindered their Year 11 and/or Year 12 performance.
  • eduroam

    is a wireless network that will allow a staff member and/or a researcher and/or a student from any participating university to securely access the internet of other participating universities by using the login credentials from their home university.

  • effective enrolment
    is a status of enrolment that will recognise the enrolment of a student in a unit of study after the census date and will finalise their financial liability and will record the unit of study and their grade on their academic transcript.
  • elective unit
    is a unit of study that will be chosen by a student from a list of available units of study to count towards the requirements of their course and/or a course component.
  • ELICOS Standards

    is legislation that will supplement the Education Services for Overseas Students and will establish consistent standards across Australia to govern all English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students.

  • employer reserved place

    is a place in a course that will be reserved for a student that is sponsored by an employer or an industry body via a restricted access arrangement.

  • Employer Satisfaction Survey
    is an annual sample survey that will form one component of QILT and will gather data about the quality of higher education in Australia to supplement the Graduate Outcomes Survey and may only be completed by the supervisor of a graduate.
  • employment contract

    is a formal agreement that will specify the terms and conditions of employment between the Macquarie University Group and an individual staff member and will complement the relevant Enterprise Agreement.

  • enabling course
    is a course that will enable a student to be admitted to an award course.
  • English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students
    is a course that will provide English language instruction to an international student on a student visa in Australia and will be governed by the ELICOS Standards and must be registered on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students.
  • English language proficiency

    is an essential skill that must be possessed by a student to communicate successfully in written and spoken English throughout their study.

  • English Language Program

    is an English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students that is delivered via the Macquarie University College and will enable a student to meet the select English entry requirements to a number of courses at Macquarie University and must meet the ELICOS Standards.

  • English speaking background
    is a domestic student that will have English as their primary language spoken at home.
  • enrolled student
    is a student that will have an enrolment at a specific time.
  • enrolment
    is a process that will lead to the entry of a student into one or more units of study in a specified study period.
  • entry requirement

    is the minimum criterion that must be satisfied by an applicant to qualify for admission into a nominated course and will enable Macquarie University to prioritise an offer to an eligible applicant.

  • equivalent full-time student load
    is a measure that will represent the proportion of the standard annual load undertaken by a student in an academic year or in a study period and equals the study load of a student divided by the standard annual load of the course.
  • essential unit
    is a compulsory unit of study that must be completed by a student within a specified course or a course component to qualify for course completion.
  • eStudent
    is the online system that will be used at Macquarie University to manage enrolment and class registration among other processes.
  • examination
    is an assessment task that will be a time-limited test of knowledge and/or skills.
  • examination paper
    is the document that will set out the requirements of the examination.
  • examination script
    is an artefact that will represent the attempt by a student to meet the requirements of the examination paper and will be submitted for assessment.
  • Excellence in Research for Australia
    is a collection of data that must be submitted to the Australian Research Council by all eligible higher education providers to evaluate the quality of research in Australia against international benchmarks by field of research and will comprise information about research income and about all eligible research outputs including applied measures from all eligible researchers and will complement Engagement and Impact.
  • excessive leave balance

    is a leave balance that will have exceeded the excessive leave threshold of the industrial instrument for the specified leave type.

  • excessive leave threshold

    is an accumulated amount of leave that will be considered excessive and will be specified in the industrial instrument.

  • exchange program
    is a formal agreement that will enable a student to undertake approved study at the equivalent AQF level at an overseas higher education provider and will count the study as credit towards their course at their home higher education provider.
  • exchange student
    is a student that will participate in a formal exchange program between an Australian higher education provider and an overseas higher education provider
  • exit award
    is an award that will enable a student to exit their admitted course at a lesser AQF level or with a lesser volume of learning if the student has completed the relevant course learning outcomes for that award and will either be a graduate diploma or a graduate certificate.
  • expenditure commitment

    is a financial commitment that will require a future payment from a project and will either be a salary expenditure commitment or a purchase-to-pay expenditure commitment.

  • experimental development
    is research that will involve systematic work and will use existing knowledge that is gained from research or practical experience to produce new materials, products, devices, policies, behaviours or outlooks; to install new processes, systems and services; or to improve substantially those already produced or installed.
  • external accredited course
    is a course that will be accredited by an organisation that is external to Macquarie University to meet any relevant professional or industry requirements.
  • external course transfer
    is a course transfer that may be between two different higher education providers and may be between two different courses at Macquarie University if the student has to apply for the new course via the Universities Admissions Centre.
  • external mode of attendance

    is an attendance mode that will require a student to undertake a unit of study predominantly online and may require in-person examinations.

  • external research income
    is a type of research income that must be funded by an organisation other than Macquarie University.
  • external research income commitment

    is a type of revenue commitment that will require a future payment to a project by an external entity based on a documented agreement.

Return to TopF

  • faculty
    is an academic organisational unit that will be devoted to a group of related disciplines and will be responsible for the administration of a course and of research and will consist of one or more departments.
  • Faculty Research Centre

    is a formal research collective that is established and governed by a faculty and is funded predominantly by the faculty of Macquarie University to conduct research in areas of relative strength and opportunity in alignment with the strategic research framework of the University and will be collaborative and cross-disciplinary in nature appropriate to the problem and disciplines.

  • faculty steward

    is the faculty that will be the steward of a course on behalf of Academic Senate.

  • fee for service agreement

    is a formal agreement that will specify all the obligations and all the deliverables that are expected of Macquarie University for a consultancy project or a contract research project and will be enforceable by law.

    is a Higher Education Loan Program that will enable an eligible domestic student in a fee-paying place to defer the payment of their tuition fee.
  • FEE-HELP loan fee

    is a fee that will be charged to a domestic student with a domestic fee-paying place in an undergraduate course if any of the amount charged for a unit of study is deferred to FEE-HELP and equals 20 percent of the tuition fee.

  • fee-paying place

    is a place in a course that will not be subsidised by the Australian Government and will require an enrolled student to pay the full tuition fee by the census date for any enrolled units of study within the course.

  • fee-paying student

    is a student that will occupy a fee-paying place at an Australian higher education provider and will either be a domestic student or an international student.

  • feedback
    is a process that will provide information to an individual student or to a cohort of students about the quality of their performance in relation to their learning and/or the requirements of an assessment task.
  • field of education
    is a hierarchical classification that will describe the content of a course and/or a course component and/or a unit of study and will be published in the Australian Standard Classification of Education by the Australian Bureau of Statistics.
  • field of research
    is a hierarchical classification that will classify all activities of research in Australia and will be published in the Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification by the Australian Bureau of Statistics.
  • final examination
    is an examination that will be held within the specified examination period.
  • final grade
    is the grade that will indicate the overall performance of a student in a unit of study and will be published on the academic transcript.
  • financial commitment

    is a financial obligation that will either require a future payment to a project or from a project based on a documented agreement.

  • first in family

    is a status that will indicate a student is the first person in their immediate family to undertake higher education.

  • Fitness to Practice
    is a status that will recognise the capacity of a student to practice properly and safely throughout their Practical, Clinical, or Professional course or unit.
  • flexible zone
    is a study zone that may provide choice to a student for their units of study and will enhance the breadth of a course and/or the depth of a course and may not be a component of all courses.
  • formal learning
    is learning that will occur through a course which leads to an accredited award.
  • formative assessment
    is an assessment that will monitor the progress of a student towards the achievement of one or more learning outcomes and will provide feedback on their performance to support further learning.
  • foundation zone
    is a study zone that will provide foundational knowledge in select postgraduate courses to enable a student from a non-cognate background to meet the requirements of the core zone.
  • free choice unit

    is a unit of study that will enable customisation of a flexible zone in a select course and will be chosen by a student from all available units of study.

  • full offer
    is an offer that will not have any conditions on admission and will enable an applicant to accept their offer and to proceed to enrolment when enrolment commences.
  • full-time employment contract

    is an employment contract that will specify the ordinary hours of work for a staff member to be 70 hours per fortnight and will either indicate the duration of employment as continuing employment or as fixed-term employment.

  • full-time equivalent
    is a standard measure that will calculate the workload of a staff member and equals the proportion of the contracted work hours to the standard full-time work hours as defined in the relevant industrial instrument.
  • full-time graduate research student
    is a graduate research student that will commit 35 hours per week throughout the year to their graduate research.
  • full-time student
    is a student that will have enrolled in at least 75 percent of the EFTSL across all of their courses in an academic year.
  • full-year unit
    is a unit of study that will have a duration of a full academic year or longer and must lead to one unit of study outcome.
  • fully funded project

    is a project that will receive full funding from one or more external organisations to cover the specified costs of the project.

  • function

    is a type of work that will be performed by one or more staff members in respect of their current duties and will either be a teaching only function or a research only function or a teaching and research function or a technical industry commercial function or an other function.

  • funding agreement

    is a formal agreement that will stipulate the details of the funding and will outline all responsibilities of Macquarie University and all other entities in regards to the terms, conditions and obligations pertaining to that funding such as funding use and payment arrangements.

  • funding cluster
    is a classification that will categorise all units of study by discipline code and will determine the commonwealth contribution and the maximum student contribution for a Commonwealth supported place.
  • future leave booking

    is an amount of leave that is booked by an eligible staff member for a future period.

Return to TopG

  • generative artificial intelligence

    is a form of artificial intelligence that is capable of generating content including, but not limited to, text, imagery, audio, and synthetic data.

  • genuine student

    is a domestic student that will be assessed by their provider as being academically suited to undertake a unit of study as per the considerations that are provided in the Higher Education Provider Guidelines and will entitle the student to retain their Commonwealth supported place and to receive financial assistance via HELP.

  • Gifted and Talented Entry Pathway

    is an admission pathway that will enable an eligible Year 11 student to study one or more approved units of study while still in high school and may provide an early offer with credit to a select number of undergraduate courses to a successful participant.

  • goods and services tax
    is a tax that will be levied on most goods and services that are sold or consumed in Australia as per A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999
  • grade
    is a non-numerical result that will indicate the performance of a student against specified learning outcomes in an assessment task.
  • grade appeal
    is a process that will enable a student to request a review of their final grade in a coursework unit.
  • grade certification
    is a process that will review the final grades for each unit of study as a component of assessment moderation.
  • grade distribution
    is a summary of data that will represent the frequency distribution of all final grades for a unit of study in a specified study period.
  • grade ratification
    is a process that will approve the final grades of a student following grade certification.
  • graduand
    is a completed student that will be eligible for conferral and will be pending the conferral of their award.
  • graduate
    is a person that will have received their award at conferral in person or in absentia.
  • graduate certificate
    is an award that will recognise the successful completion of a postgraduate course and will satisfy the learning outcomes at Level 8 of the AQF and equals 0.5 EFTSL.
  • graduate diploma
    is an award that will recognise the successful completion of a postgraduate course and will satisfy the learning outcomes at Level 8 of the AQF and equals 1 EFTSL.
  • Graduate Entry Medical Schools Application System

    is an online system that will process an application and will manage any related offers to graduate-entry medical schools for all domestic applicants.

  • Graduate Medical School Admissions Test

    is a standardised test that will assess the capacity of a graduate to undertake postgraduate study in medical and health professional courses and will be administered by the Australian Council for Educational Research and will be an entry requirement for select postgraduate courses

  • Graduate Outcomes Survey
    is an annual survey that will form one component of QILT and will gather data about the short-term outcomes of higher education in Australia and may only be completed by a recent graduate and will be distributed to the graduate approximately four months after course completion.
  • Graduate Outcomes Survey Longitudinal
    is an annual sample survey that will form one component of QILT and will gather data about the medium-term outcomes of higher education in Australia to supplement the Graduate Outcomes Survey and may only be completed by a graduate and will be distributed to the graduate approximately four years after course completion.
  • graduate research
    is a type of award that will recognise the successful undertaking of research training and will consist of at least two-thirds research and will either be a masters degree or a doctorate by research.
  • graduate research advisor
    is a graduate research supervisor that will provide specialised advice to support a graduate research student regarding their research training and is not a staff member of Macquarie University.
  • graduate research cultural advisor
    is a graduate research supervisor that will provide cultural advice to support an Indigenous student with their graduate research and/or to support research that involves any Indigenous peoples or any Indigenous lands and may or may not be a current staff member of Macquarie University.
  • graduate research student
    is a postgraduate student that will undertake research training to qualify for graduate research.
  • graduate research student annual survey
    is an annual survey that will be administered internally by Macquarie University to understand the experience of a current graduate research student in their research training.
  • graduate research student under examination
    is a graduate research student that will have submitted their thesis for examination in a time-based unit of study.
  • graduate research supervisor
    is a person that shall collaborate with a graduate research student throughout their research training in compliance with the Higher Degree Research Supervision Policy.
  • graduate research supervisor (end-user partnership)
    is a graduate research supervisor that will either be a research end-user or be an employee of a research end-user appointed in the context of an Industry-University partnership and will provide access to industry resources to support a graduate research student with their research training.
  • grandfathered student
    is a status of an eligible student that will recognise the existing student contribution bands from their course of study commencement date for any ongoing enrolment in their admitted course
  • grant application peer review
    is a process that will evaluate an application for a research grant to appropriately allocate funding and will be conducted by experts within a similar field of research.
  • grant funded research

    is a research project that will be conducted by one or more researchers at Macquarie University with identified objectives set primarily by the researcher and will be funded by one or more external entities via a research grant.

  • group assessment task
    is an assessment task that will be undertaken collaboratively by at least two students.
  • group mark
    is the mark that will be allocated to all students in a group to recognise their collective performance in a group assessment task or for the group component of a combined individual and group assessment task.
  • group work
    is an academic activity that will require collaboration between two or more students which may be assessed
  • Guaranteed Entry

    is an admission pathway that will guarantee an offer to an eligible undergraduate course for an eligible domestic applicant if their selection rank is the same or above the guaranteed selection rank that is published by Macquarie University for that course.

Return to TopH

  • h-index
    is a metric that will quantify the performance of a researcher or a journal in terms of both productivity and citation impact of all research outputs and equals the maximum number of articles by a given researcher or journal for which at least the same number of citations are received per research output.
    is a Higher Education Loan Program that will enable an eligible Commonwealth Supported student to defer the payment of their student contribution.
  • HELP balance

    is the amount that will be available for a student to borrow under the Higher Education Loan Program for future study and will represent the unused proportion of the HELP loan limit.

  • HELP debt incurral date

    is the date that will specify when debt was incurred by a student for OS-HELP and/or for SA-HELP and will be used for government reporting.

  • HELP loan amount
    is the amount that will be deferred to HECS-HELP or to FEE-HELP for a unit of study or to be deferred to SA-HELP for the student services and amenities fee and equals the amount charged minus the amount paid up front plus any loan fee.
  • HELP loan limit
    is the maximum amount that can be borrowed by an eligible student through the Higher Education Loan Program to cover the cost of the student contribution or the tuition fee.
  • HEW level

    is a level that will specify the minimum standards for a position that is occupied by a member of professional staff.

  • higher doctorate
    is a doctoral degree that may be granted to a person by a higher education provider on the basis of an internationally recognised original contribution to knowledge rather than through supervised independent study and will not include an admission.
  • Higher Education Administrative Information for Providers

    is a government guideline that will support the implementation of the Higher Education Support Act and will assist an approved higher education provider to understand its obligations under the Higher Education Support Act and any other relevant legislation.

  • higher education award
    is a type of award that will be a level above Certificate IV in the AQF.
  • Higher Education Loan Program

    is a financial arrangement that will enable an eligible domestic student with an Australian Tax File Number to defer the payment of a fee or to cover the cost of overseas study and will be repaid through the Australian Taxation Office.

  • Higher Education Participation and Partnerships Program
    is a government arrangement that will provide funding to Macquarie University to improve access to higher education and to promote course completion and to increase the retention rate of all Indigenous students and/or all regional students and/or all remote students and/or all students from a low socio-economic status.
  • higher education provider
    is an academic organisation that will offer a higher education award and will confer the award after course completion and must be established under a law of the Commonwealth or a state or territory government and must be approved under the Higher Education Support Act and must be registered by the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency on the National Register of Higher Education Providers and must satisfy the Higher Education Standards Framework.
  • honorary degree
    is an award that will be conferred onto a person to honour their contributions to a specific field or to society and will waive the usual academic requirements.
  • honours weighted average mark

    is a weighted average mark that will indicate the academic performance of a student across all qualifying units of study in a bachelor honours degree and will enable the award of an honours classification including Honours Class I, Honours Class II (Division 1), Honours Class II (Division 2), or Honours Class III.

  • hurdle assessment
    is an assessment task that will mandate a minimum level of performance by the student as a condition of passing the unit of study.

Return to TopI

  • i10-index
    is a metric that will quantify the impact of a researcher and equals the total number of research outputs by a researcher which have been cited at least ten times.
  • inbound student
    is a student that will either be an international exchange student or a student that is undertaking study abroad at Macquarie University in Australia
  • incidental fee

    is a fee that may be charged by a higher education provider for goods and services related to studies as per the Higher Education Provider Guidelines and the Administrative Information for Providers and will be additional to the student contribution or the tuition fee.

  • indicative student contribution amount for a Commonwealth supported place

    is the projected student contribution that will be estimated for a commencing student in the commencing year of a course in a commonwealth supported place and will be used for government reporting with the course fees code.

  • indicative tuition fee for a domestic fee-paying place

    is the projected tuition fee that will be estimated for a commencing student in the commencing year of a course in a domestic fee-paying place and will be used for government reporting with the course fees code.

  • Indigenous student
    is a student that will identify as being of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander descent.
  • Indigenous Student Success Program
    is a government arrangement that will provide supplementary funding to a higher education provider to assist all students of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent to succeed in higher education.
  • individual assessment task
    is an assessment task that will be undertaken individually by a student.
  • industrial instrument

    is a legal document that will specify the terms and conditions of employment and the minimum entitlements of an employee and will typically be a modern award or an enterprise agreement.

  • industry body

    is an organisation that will represent a specific industry or occupation and will support all registered members of that industry body.

  • informal learning
    is learning that will be gained outside of a course such as work, social, family, or leisure activities and experiences.
  • innovative place

    is a commonwealth supported place that will be in areas of national priority with strong industry linkages.

  • intellectual property
    is an intangible asset that is the creative result of a person or a group and may be legally protected against copying or unfair use.
  • intending overseas student

    is a prospective student that intends on becoming or has taken any steps towards becoming an international student on a student visa in Australia and is protected under the Education Services for Overseas Students Act.

  • Intensive Program
    is an enabling course that may enable a person with an Australian year 12 qualification or equivalent to meet the select entry requirements for an award course at Macquarie University.
  • internal course transfer
    is a course transfer that will be between two courses at the same AQF level at Macquarie University.
  • internal mode of attendance

    is an attendance mode that will require face-to-face attendance by a student in a unit of study for one or more learning activities on a regular basis or on an agreed schedule for the purpose of supervision and/or instruction.

  • internal research grant
    is funding that will support the conduct of a specific research project with identified objectives and will be dispersed within Macquarie University following a formal and often competitive application process.
  • internal research income
    is a type of research income that will be funded by Macquarie University.
  • internal transfer of income

    is a type of income that will be provided internally from Macquarie University to contribute to a project.

  • internal transfer of income commitment

    is a type of revenue commitment that will require a future payment to a project by an internal entity within Macquarie University such as from the DVCR or a faculty based on a documented agreement.

  • international applicant
    is an applicant that must not be a domestic applicant.
  • International Baccalaureate
    is an international diploma qualification that is recognised as comparable to the Australian Year 12 qualification.
  • International English Language Testing System

    is a standardised test that will assess the English language proficiency of an applicant and may be an entry requirement for a course.

  • international exchange student
    is an exchange student that will undertake study at an Australian higher education provider through an approved exchange program and will count the study as credit towards their course at their home higher education provider outside Australia
  • international fee-paying place

    is a fee-paying place that must only be occupied by an international student.

  • International Student Barometer
    is an online survey that will gather data about the satisfaction of an international student in regard to all aspects of their university experience.

Return to TopJ

  • job commencement date

    is the date that will mark the commencement of a person in their appointment.

  • joint PhD
    is study that will involve joint enrolment at both Macquarie University and a partner university for their doctor of philosophy and will lead to one thesis and will require the graduate research student to undertake a joint examination and will only produce one testamur.
  • Journal Citation Reports
    is an online publication that will report the annual performance of a journal against other journals in its respective category based on aggregated article-level citation data and will provide a journal impact factor and a journal immediacy index as well as other metrics.
  • journal immediacy index
    is a metric that will represent the average number of times an article in a given journal is cited in the year of publication and is intended to measure how quickly articles in a journal are cited.
  • journal impact factor
    is a metric that will approximate the average citations per paper of a journal in a specified year and will only include an article that has been published in that journal within the prior two years.

Return to TopL

  • last withdrawal date

    is a date that will be set by Macquarie University for each study period and will indicate the deadline for a student to withdraw from a unit of study without academic penalty.

  • late submission
    is an assessment submission that will be received after the submission deadline.
  • learning management system
    is an online system that will facilitate learning and will manage the delivery of content to a student.
  • learning outcomes
    is a set of statements that will specify the expected knowledge, skills, and the application of knowledge and skills to be acquired and demonstrated by a student through their learning.
  • leave accrual

    is a process that will enable an eligible staff member to accumulate leave from their first day of employment based on the number of ordinary hours worked to take annual leave and personal leave and long service leave.

  • leave balance

    is a measure that will equal the total leave hours that are accrued by an eligible staff member for a given leave type.

  • leave liability

    is a liability that must be paid to an eligible staff member upon employee termination and will include accrued annual leave and long service leave and time in lieu and accrued day off as per the relevant industrial instrument.

  • leave of absence
    is an approved break from study that will permit a student with an admission in a course to not enrol in any units of study or to not continue with research for a specified period of time if the student has at least one recorded grade against their course.
  • Letter of Offer

    is the official communication of an offer.

  • level of education
    is a hierarchical classification that will catalogue all Australian awards by ordinal level and will be published in the Australian Standard Classification of Education by the Australian Bureau of Statistics.
  • lifelong SLE

    is an SLE amount that can be accrued by an eligible person in addition to the ordinary SLE and any additional SLE and will either equal 3 EFTSL or an amount of EFTSL that is equivalent to the additional study a person is required to undertake to complete their course.

  • Linkage Program
    is a National Competitive Grants Program that will provide funding to support collaboration in research between a higher education provider and other organisations.
  • location of attendance
    is a location where Macquarie University will predominantly deliver a unit of study.
  • long service leave

    is a form of leave that will recognise the length of continuous service by an eligible staff member within a particular entity of the Macquarie University Group.

  • lost time injury

    is an injury that is sustained in the workplace and will either result in fatality or in permanent disability or time that is lost from work of one or more days and/or one or more shifts.

Return to TopM

  • m-index
    is a metric that will correct the h-index to account for the career length of a researcher and equals the h-index of the researcher divided by the number of years since the publication date of their first research output.
  • Macquarie Leaders and Achievers

    is an admission pathway that will provide an early offer to an eligible applicant based on their Year 11 academic achievements and extracurricular activities.

  • Macquarie Undergraduate Research Internship
    is a paid research internship that will be available to an undergraduate student with a low socio-economic status and will be funded by the Higher Education Participation and Partnerships Program.
  • Macquarie University College Teaching Staff Agreement

    is the Enterprise Agreement that will apply to all relevant teaching staff members of Macquarie University College.

  • Macquarie University Research Centre

    is a formal research collective that is established and governed by the DVCR and is funded predominantly by the DVCR of Macquarie University to conduct research in areas of significant strength and opportunity in alignment with the strategic research framework of the University and will be collaborative and cross-disciplinary in nature appropriate to the problem and disciplines.

  • major
    is a course component that will enable a student to develop a primary understanding of one or more disciplines in an undergraduate course and will total 80 credit points.
  • major research bid

    is the formal process that may lead to a major research initiative if the bid is successful.

  • major research initiative

    is an initiative that will involve a partnership between a number of entities of which Macquarie University is one to pursue research that is long-term, large-scale and high-value and will typically lead to a cooperative research centre or a research centre of excellence or an ARC Industrial Transformation Training Centre or an ARC Industrial Transformation Research Hub.

  • mark
    is a numerical score that will indicate the performance of one or more students against specified learning outcomes in an assessment task.
  • masters degree
    is an award that will recognise the successful completion of a postgraduate course and will satisfy the learning outcomes at Level 9 of the AQF.
  • masters degree (coursework)
    is a masters degree that will recognise the completion of a postgraduate course in which more than one-third of the volume of learning will consist of coursework.
  • masters degree (extended)
    is a masters degree that will require at least two and a half years of full-time study and will constitute a professional qualification.
  • masters degree (research)
    is a masters degree that will recognise the completion of a postgraduate course in which at least two-thirds of the volume of learning will consist of research.
  • maximum basic grant amount

    is the maximum amount of funding that will be allocated to an eligible higher education provider as a commonwealth contribution via the Commonwealth Grant Scheme.

  • Medical College Admission Test
    is a standardised test that will assess the capacity of a graduate to undertake postgraduate study in medical and health professional courses and will be administered by the Association of American Medical Colleges and will be an entry requirement for a select number of postgraduate courses and may only be completed by an international student who is residing outside of Australia.
  • Medical Research Future Fund
    is a government arrangement that will allocate funding to support health and medical research in Australia and will be allocated by the National Health and Medical Research Council and by the Business Grants Hubs.
  • microprogram
    is a specified grouping of micro-credentials that must have defined learning outcomes.
  • mid career researcher
    is a researcher that will have between five to fifteen years of research experience from the award of their PhD or equivalent qualification.
  • minor
    is a course component that will enable a student to develop an understanding of one or more disciplines in an undergraduate course and must total 40 credit points.
  • modern award

    is a document that will outline the minimum terms and conditions of employment within a select industry or occupation on top of the National Employment Standards and will provide specified entitlements such as pay, hours of work, rosters, breaks, allowances, penalty rates, and overtime.

  • MRes exchange program
    is an exchange program that will be available to a graduate research student in a master of research.
  • multi-modal mode of attendance

    is an attendance mode that will involve the undertaking of study that is partially on an internal mode of attendance and partially on an external mode of attendance.

  • myHELPbalance

    is an online system that will enable a domestic student and a provider to view the available HELP balance and the SLE amount of a person.

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  • National Competitive Grants Program
    is a government arrangement that will provide funding to support research and research training and will be administered by the Australian Research Council through national competition and will comprise of the Discovery Program and the Linkage Program.
  • National Health and Medical Research Council
    is a government organisation that will allocate funding for research and for research training for health and medical research only and will assist the Department of Health to disperse the Medical Research Future Fund.
  • National Priorities and Industry Linkage Fund
    is a government arrangement that will allocate funding to support engagement with industry to produce job-ready graduates.
  • national priority area

    is a field of education that may be offered additional assistance by the Australian Government to encourage a prospect to study within that field of education.

  • National Register of Higher Education Providers

    is a register that is maintained by the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency and will list all accredited courses and all higher education providers in Australia that satisfy all the requirements of the Higher Education Standards Framework.

  • net teaching income

    is income that equals the total teaching income minus expenses that are related to teaching income such as scholarships and tuition services and fee waivers.

  • new student
    is a commencing student that must be new to Macquarie University in the reporting period
  • non-award
    is study that will not lead to an award and will either be non-award study or a non-award course.
  • non-award course
    is a course that will not lead to an award.
  • non-award study
    is an enrolment in a unit of study that will not lead to an award and will be reported as a non-award course for the higher education student data collection.
  • non-current school leaver

    is an applicant that must not be a current school leaver.

  • non-excessive leave balance

    is a leave balance that is less than the excessive leave threshold of the industrial instrument for the specified leave type.

  • non-formal learning
    is learning that will occur through a course which does not lead to an accredited award.
  • non-genuine student

    is a domestic student that will be assessed by their provider as not being academically suited to undertake a unit of study as per the considerations that are provided in the Higher Education Provider Guidelines and will not permit the student to occupy a Commonwealth supported place for that specified course and will not permit the student to receive financial assistance via FEE-HELP if in a domestic fee-paying place for that course.

  • non-Indigenous student
    is a student that will not identify as an Indigenous student.
  • non-traditional research output
    is a classification of research output that will be specified by Excellence in Research for Australia and will not be a traditional research output and will include original creative works, live performances of creative works; curated or produced substantial public exhibitions and events, portfolios, recorded or rendered creative works, or research reports for an external body.

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  • Occupational English Test

    is a standardised test that will assess the English language proficiency of an applicant and may be an entry requirement for a course.

  • off-campus study

    is a form of study that will enable a student to predominantly undertake their course away from the specified campus with some on-campus attendance as required.

  • offer
    is an invitation for admission that will grant a place in a nominated course to an eligible applicant.
  • offer round
    is a series of dates that will mark the release of an offer to a number of successful applicants via a tertiary admission centre.
  • offering
    is the availability of a unit of study that will consist of the study period and the attendance pattern and a location of attendance and may specify a quota.
  • offshore course
    is a course that will be delivered at a campus outside Australia and its territories.
  • offshore student
    is a student that will reside outside Australia during the study period.
  • on-time submission

    is an assessment task submission that will be received on, or before, the submission deadline.

  • OneID

    is the unique identification that will be allocated to all students and to all staff members by the Macquarie University Group to enable access to a number of systems and resources.

  • onshore student
    is a student that will reside in Australia during the study period.
  • Open Universities Australia
    is an online higher education provider that will deliver select courses and select units of study from a number of Australian higher education providers.
  • option set
    is a component of a course structure that will require a student to complete a specified number of credit points from a defined set of elective units to meet the requirements of their course or a course component.
  • ordinary SLE

    is the standard SLE amount that will be allocated to a person in a Commonwealth Supported Place and equals 7 EFTSL.

  • organisational chart

    is a diagram of the organisational structure that will show the relationship of each position and may show the names of people and/or business titles in each position.

  • organisational structure

    is a hierarchical arrangement of the organisation that will determine the channel of authority and will identify all managerial levels and all positions within each organisational unit.

  • organisational unit

    is a component of the organisational structure that will perform one or more functions and will have one or more staff members.

  • orientation
    is a program of activities that will support the transition of a new student or a commencing student to Macquarie University.
    is a Higher Education Loan Program that will provide a loan to an eligible domestic student to undertake some overseas study for their undergraduate course.
  • other function

    is a function that will be performed by a member of professional staff and will not involve any research or teaching.

  • outbound student
    is a student that will undertake study outside Australia and may not be facilitated through a formal exchange program.
  • overdue submission

    is an assessment task submission that will not be received within the duration of the unit delivery.

  • Overseas Student Health Cover
    is a health insurance policy that will be mandatory for an international student on a student visa and will cover eligible medical costs while studying in Australia.

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  • PACE unit
    is a unit of study that will enable a student to engage in work integrated learning and will integrate practical experience into a course and may be combined with a capstone unit.
  • package offer
    is an offer that will consist of at least two courses and will require the applicant to complete an English language and/or other preliminary program with the required results in order to gain admission into their nominated course.
  • part-time graduate research student
    is a graduate research student that will commit 17.5 hours per week throughout the year to their graduate research.
  • part-time student
    is a student that will have enrolled in less than 75 percent of the EFTSL across all of their courses in a academic year.
  • partially funded project

    is a project that will receive partial funding from one or more external organisations to cover the specified costs of the project.

  • partner funded research project

    is a type of research partnership project that will either be a contract research project or a collaborative research project.

  • partnership project

    is a type of project that will involve a formal arrangement between Macquarie University and at least one external organisation to pursue a specified outcome in partnership with clear objectives, expectations and deliverables.

  • patent
    is a legal document that will grant exclusive rights to an inventor for an invention that is new, useful, inventive, and a suitable subject matter, known as 'manner of manufacture'.
  • pay period

    is a fortnightly schedule that will determine the frequency of payment to a staff member and will have a beginning date and an ending date.

  • Pearson Test of English

    is a standardised test that will assess the English language proficiency of an applicant and may be an entry requirement for a course.

  • Peer Assisted Learning
    is collaborative study that will be facilitated by a more experienced student to assist an enrolled student with learning and academic transition for select units of study.
  • performance-based funding

    is funding that will be allocated to an eligible higher education provider for meeting specified performance requirements around teaching and student support and will be additional to the maximum basic grant amount of the Commonwealth Grant Scheme.

  • personal leave

    is a form of leave that will enable an eligible staff member with continuing employment or fixed-term employment to be absent from work for an allotted number of days in a calendar year without losing pay in addition to their accrued annual leave and may be accessed for range of leave types as per the relevant industrial instrument.

  • placement

    is a form of work integrated learning that will temporarily place a student with an organisation to obtain professional experience.

  • plagiarism
    is conduct that will involve advertently or inadvertently passing off any structure or ideas or manner of expressing them as one's own in an academic exercise
  • postgraduate course
    is a course that will lead to an award of a graduate certificate or a graduate diploma or a masters degree or a doctoral degree.
  • Postgraduate Research Experience Questionnaire
    is a component of the Graduate Outcomes Survey that will gather data from a graduate of graduate research about the experience of research training in higher education in Australia.
  • postgraduate specialisation
    is a specialisation that may be a requirement of a postgraduate course and will total exactly half the total credit points of the core zone of the course.
  • postgraduate student
    is a student that will be enrolled in a postgraduate course.
  • postgraduate unit
    is a unit of study that will have a unit level of 6000 to 8000 to meet the requirements of a postgraduate course
  • preference
    is a part of an application that will enable an applicant to nominate one or more courses for admission in their preferred order of consideration.
  • preferred name
    is the name that will be chosen by a person and will differ to their legal name.
  • prerequisite
    is a condition on a unit of study that must be satisfied by a student prior to enrolment in the specified unit of study.
  • principal chief investigator

    is the chief investigator that will be accountable for a research project.

  • Principal Supervisor
    is a graduate research supervisor that will collaborate with a graduate research student through their Master of Philosophy or doctoral degree to provide research training, timely feedback and candidature management and must either be employed by Macquarie University or hold an honorary academic title or be an employee of an affiliated organisation who holds a conjoint appointment.
  • probation

    is a specified period of time that will involve the observation of an employee who is new to a job to assess their suitability for all requirements of the position.

  • procurement
    is a process that is used by Macquarie University to select a vendor for the provision of goods and services.
  • professional staff

    is a staff member that will have an employment contract that is covered by the Professional Staff Enterprise Agreement and will typically provide professional, administrative, technical, or other support services.

  • Professional Staff Enterprise Agreement

    is the Enterprise Agreement that will apply to all relevant professional staff of Macquarie University.

  • progressing graduate research student
    is a commencing graduate research student that will satisfy all requirements of one course and will transition into a new course within 365 days of the first course as part of an identified articulation pathway for graduate research.
  • proofreading
    is a process that will evaluate the technical correctness of a written work and may identify errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation
  • prospective student

    is a person that will have expressed interest in studying at Macquarie University.

  • Provider Registration and International Student Management System
    is an online system that will manage compliance for the Education Services for Overseas Students and will enable Macquarie University to issue a Confirmation of Enrolment and to report data about the enrolment of an eligible international student and will enable the Australian government to monitor the adherence of an international student to the conditions of their student visa.
  • provisional additional SLE

    is a temporary SLE amount that will be awarded to a commonwealth supported student in a postgraduate course and will be transferred to additional SLE after their enrolment in a unit of study is reported to the Australian Government as a commonwealth supported place.

  • publication peer review
    is a process that will evaluate a research output prior to publication and will be conducted by experts within their field of research.
  • purchase-to-pay expenditure commitment

    is a type of expenditure commitment that will require a future payment from a project such as a purchase order.

  • Pure

    is a research management system that is used at Macquarie University.

  • pure basic research
    is research that will involve experimental and theoretical work to acquire new knowledge without typically looking for long term benefits other than the advancement of knowledge.
  • Pure contract budget

    is the budget that will record the expenditure of a project in Pure.

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  • Quacquarelli Symonds
    is a publication that will rank a university against other universities based on a set number of indicators and is published annually by the Quacquarelli Symonds Organisation.

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  • reasonable leave balance

    is a non-excessive leave balance that will be less than one week of the excessive leave threshold.

  • recommended studies
    is the suggested level of knowledge that will be advantageous for a student to acquire prior to enrolment in select courses and in select units of study to better prepare the student for study within a specific discipline
  • reduced study load
    is an approved study load that will reduce the minimum study load for an eligible international student in a study period
  • referencing
    is a process that will acknowledge the sources from which specific ideas, facts, theories, evidence, or any other information have been obtained using a standardised referencing style and will identify the original authors or creators of the material
  • referencing style
    is a set of rules that will specify the information that is required to acknowledge the intellectual work of authors and creators
  • regional student
    is a domestic student that will have a residential address postcode which is defined as either 'Inner Regional' or 'Outer Regional' by the Australian Statistical Geography Standard
  • relative citation impact
    is a metric that will indicate the performance of a research unit or an institution or a sector relative to the world benchmark for which at least one hundred research outputs are published and will enable comparison against Australian and international standards and equals the average citations per paper of the unit being evaluated divided by the global citation rate for similar research.
  • remission

    is a process that will refund a student contribution or a tuition fee to an eligible domestic student and will typically result from a special consideration and will either directly repay the fee to the student or credit the HELP balance of the student if the fee is deferred to HECS-HELP or to FEE-HELP.

  • remote student
    is a domestic student that will have a residential address postcode which is defined as either 'Remote' or 'Very Remote' by the Australian Statistical Geography Standard
  • requisite
    is a condition on a unit of study that may impact the enrolment of a student.
  • research
    is a systematic investigation that will involve the creation of new knowledge and/or the use of existing knowledge in a new and creative way so as to generate new concepts, methodologies, inventions, and understandings.
  • research agreement

    is a formal agreement that will enable the provision of research and will be between Macquarie University and one or more external organisations and will have identified obligations for each organisation and must be signed by a delegated official of Macquarie University and will be enforceable by law.

  • research and experimental development
    is creative and systemic work that will be undertaken by a person to increase the stock of knowledge and/or to devise new applications of available knowledge.
  • research asset
    is an asset that will facilitate the conduct of research.
  • Research Block Grant
    is funding that will support research training or defray any indirect costs of conducting research and will be granted to Macquarie University by the Department of Education via the Research Training Program and the Research Support Program.
  • research data
    is data that will be collected or observed or generated or created through the conduct of research and may include, but is not limited to, primary materials or information held in any digital format or media, or anything that can be digitised, on which an argument, theory, test or hypothesis, or another research output is based..
  • Research Engagement
    is a measure that will rank the engagement of an eligible higher education provider with a research end-user and will be assessed by Field of Research.
  • Research Evaluation Committee
    is a government committee that will evaluate the submitted data for Excellence in Research for Australia and will be established by the Australian Research Council and will comprise a number of researchers.
  • research funding agreement

    is a funding agreement that will provide a legal framework for the funding of research at Macquarie University.

  • research grant
    is funding that will support the conduct of a specific research project with identified objectives and will be awarded to Macquarie University from a government organisation or from a private or industry organisation following a formal and often competitive application process.
  • Research Impact
    is a measure that will rank the contribution of research to the economy, society, environment, or culture beyond the contribution to academic research and will be assessed by Field of Research across all eligible higher education providers.
  • research income
    is income that will be received by Macquarie University to support the conduct of research or of research training.
  • research infrastructure
    is the infrastructure that will support the conduct of research.
  • research internship
    is an internship that will be established for a graduate research student with a research end-user and will be a temporary position and will have a duration of at least 30 days and may either be paid or unpaid and may form part of the enrolment and may be undertaken during a graduate research period of suspension.
  • research management system

    is an online system that will facilitate the administration of research and will manage the life cycle of a research grant and a research project.

  • Research Masters Supervisor
    is a graduate research supervisor that will collaborate with a graduate research student through their Master of Research to provide research training, timely feedback and candidature management and must either be employed by Macquarie University or hold an honorary academic title or be an employee of an affiliated organisation who holds a conjoint appointment.
  • research misconduct
    is a form of misconduct that will breach the Macquarie University Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research and/or the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research and will involve the failure of a researcher to meet the principles and responsibilities set out by the codes and is serious and also intentional or reckless or negligent .
  • research only function

    is a function that will be performed by a member of academic staff and will primarily involve research and/or the management and leadership of research staff, and of staff who support research staff.

  • research output
    is the published outcome of research that will communicate the findings of research or of research training.
  • research partnership project

    is a partnership project that will either actively pursue research or indirectly foster a research opportunity for Macquarie University.

  • research project

    is a project that will involve research and is expected to produce a research output or to create new knowledge.

  • Research Support Program
    is a federal government arrangement that will provide funding as a research block grant to Macquarie University to support any indirect costs of research.
  • research training
    is a type of postgraduate course that will lead to a graduate research award and will have a significant component of research which will constitute at least two-thirds of the course and may have a small component of coursework to build skills and knowledge in research and will require the production of a research output.
  • Research Training Program
    is a government arrangement that will provide funding as a research block grant to Macquarie University and will support the research training of a select graduate research student.
  • researcher
    is a person that will conduct research or will assist with the conduct of research at Macquarie University or on behalf of Macquarie University.
  • residential address

    is the address that will be the permanent residence of a student or an applicant and may differ from the term address and will be used for government reporting.

  • responsibility centre

    is an organisational unit that will be headed by a manager who is responsible for its activities and results and will formalise accountability within an organisation for any revenue that is generated and any cost that is incurred.

  • restricted access arrangement

    is an arrangement that will be between a higher education provider and an employer or industry body for the provision of one or more places in a course and will restrict admission in that place to an employee of the employer or industry body.

  • Results Notification
    is a document that will notify a student of their grade and their mark for each unit of study in a study period and will indicate their current academic standing and will be emailed to a student at the end of every study period.
  • revenue commitment

    is a financial commitment that will require a future payment to a project.

  • rubric
    is a tool that will specify the marking criteria for an assessment task and may be accompanied by grading standards.

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    is a Higher Education Loan Program that will enable an eligible domestic student to defer the payment of their student services and amenities fee.
  • salary expenditure commitment

    is a type of expenditure commitment that will require a future payment from a project to a staff member that is appointed to the project with continuing employment and/or with fixed-term employment.

  • salary loading

    is an amount that may be paid in addition to the standard salary for a position.

  • scholarship

    is a financial arrangement that will support an eligible student to defray all or some of the costs of study.

  • Schools Recommendation Scheme

    is an admission pathway that will provide an early offer to an eligible applicant based on their Year 11 academic achievements and the rating of an applicant's aptitude by their school and is processed via the Universities Admissions Centre.

  • SCImago Journal and Country Rank
    is an online publication that will report the performance of a journal and of a country based on citation data and will provide the SJR indicator as well as other metrics.
  • Scopus
    is a multidisciplinary database that will deliver an overview of select research outputs across multiple fields of research and will include the abstract and data about citations per paper for each research output.
  • selection rank
    is a numerical rank that will enable Macquarie University to assess the eligibility of an applicant for an undergraduate course and for specified enabling courses and may be derived from the Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank or the UAC Rank or the results of the Special Tertiary Admissions Test or the results of an eligible overseas qualification plus any adjustment factors.
  • self-plagiarism

    is a form of plagiarism that will involve the resubmission of a work or significant part thereof that has already been assessed to be assessed again without authorisation.

  • shared research infrastructure
    is the research infrastructure that will be made available to a researcher from different faculties, disciplines, business units, or external users by Macquarie University to enable access to research infrastructure that may not otherwise be available to the researcher.
  • SJR indicator
    is a metric that will quantify the prestige of a journal through an iterative process that is indexed by Scopus and will count the total number of citations received by a journal in a selected year per article that has been published in that journal during the previous three years and will apply a weighting to each citation to account for the prestige of the journal from which each citation is derived.
  • SLE amount

    is the amount of Student Learning Entitlement that will be available to a Commonwealth supported student at any particular time and will sum the amount of ordinary SLE plus any additional SLE and any lifelong SLE and will be reduced by any study that is undertaken by the student in a Commonwealth Supported Place.

  • Social Research Centre
    is an organisation that will administer ComparED and the Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching on behalf of the Department of Education.
  • Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas
    is a relative measure that will rank a location in Australia according to relative socio-economic advantage and disadvantage and will be published by the Australian Bureau of Statistics based on information from the five-yearly Census.
  • Socio-Economic Objective
    is a hierarchical classification that will categorise research by the purpose or outcome of the research and will be published in the Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification by the Australian Bureau of Statistics.
  • socio-economic status
    is a relative measure that will indicate the socio-economic position of a person in relation to other people by assigning a rank of high, medium, or low and will typically use the Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas from the Australian Bureau of Statistics to rank the person by their address.
  • special approval
    is a request that may be submitted by an eligible student to request a waiver of one or more requisites for a specific unit of study or to request permission to enrol in a special unit of study such as research projects, PACE units or special interest topics
  • Special Tertiary Admissions Test
    is a standardised test that will assess the aptitude of an applicant for tertiary study and is an alternative to the ATAR for admission into a select number of courses at Macquarie University and will be administered by the Australian Council for Educational Research
  • specialisation
    is a course component that will enable a student to develop an in-depth focus of one or more disciplines and will either be an undergraduate specialisation or a postgraduate specialisation.
  • specified credit
    is credit that will be granted for the recognition of prior learning if the prior learning of a student is equivalent to a specific unit of study.
  • Staff OneID

    is the OneID that will uniquely identify an individual staff member.

  • standard annual load
    is a standard measure that will represent the required number of annual credit points or the required number of annual research days to complete the course within the standard course duration.
  • Standard Australian Classification of Countries
    is a government publication that will assign a country code to each country and will group neighbouring countries for statistical purposes and for government reporting and will be available from the Australian Bureau of Statistics.
  • standard course duration
    is a standard measure that will specify the number of academic years for a full-time student to complete a specified course and must not exceed the course of study load and equals the total credit points for the course divided by the total annual credit points for the course .
  • Standard Foundation Program
    is an enabling course that may enable a person with an Australian year 11 qualification or equivalent to meet the select entry requirements for an award course at Macquarie University.

    is a Higher Education Loan Program that will enable an eligible student to defer the payment of their fees for a Startup Year course.

  • Status Letter

    is a document that will confirm the status of enrolment of a coursework student at the time the letter is written.

  • stipend
    is a type of scholarship that will be paid to an eligible student to assist with any living costs while undertaking study.
  • strategic basic research
    is research that will involve experimental and theoretical work to acquire new knowledge in the expectation of practical discoveries or for the solution of recognised practical problems.
  • student
    is a person that must either be admitted to a course or be enrolled in at least one unit of study.
  • student cohort

    is the group of students that will commence a course of study in a particular year with a higher education provider.

  • student contribution

    is the fee that will be charged to a Commonwealth supported student for a unit of study and must be paid before the census date and may be deferred to HECS-HELP by an eligible domestic student.

  • student contribution band
    is a classification that will categorise a unit of study by field of education and will determine the maximum student contribution to be charged annually to a commonwealth supported student within a Commonwealth supported place.
  • Student Experience Survey

    is an annual sample survey that will form one component of QILT and will gather data from an enrolled student about the experience of higher education in Australia.

  • Student Learning Entitlement

    is an entitlement that is granted under the Higher Education Support Act and will limit the subsidised study that can be consumed by a Commonwealth supported student in a Commonwealth Supported Place.

  • student life cycle
    is a progression that will track the typical transition of a person as they engage with Macquarie University from a prospect through an applicant and a student and a graduate to an alumni.
  • Student OneID
    is the OneID that will uniquely identify an individual student and will be allocated by Macquarie University and will be reported to the Department of Education as the student identification code.
  • Student Services and Amenities Fee

    is an additional fee that will be charged to an enrolled student per study period at a full-time or part-time rate at census date to fund student services and amenities of a non-academic nature and may only be deferred through SA-HELP by an eligible student.

  • student visa
    is an authorisation that will permit an eligible international student to study in Australia and to reside temporarily in Australia as defined by the Migration Act 1958
  • study abroad
    is an arrangement that may enable a student to count any overseas study as credit towards their course at their home higher education provider outside of a formal exchange program and will require the student to pay the fee that is imposed by the overseas higher education provider for the study
  • study load
    is a measure that will represent the study amount of a student in an academic year or in a specified study period and equals the total number of credit points for a coursework student or the total number of days for a graduate research student
  • study period

    is a period of time that will mark a portion of the academic year during which a unit of study is offered and will have a start date and an end date and will consist of a teaching period and an assessment period.

  • study zone
    is a component of the course structure that will group units of study in a course.
  • sub-bachelor award
    is a type of award that will be a level below a bachelor degree and will either be a diploma or an advanced diploma or an associate degree or an undergraduate certificate.
  • summative assessment
    is an assessment that will evaluate the achievement of a student against one or more learning outcomes typically at the completion of a unit of study.
  • summer school
    is a study period that a student will be charged a tuition fee for a unit of study and must commence no earlier than 1 November and must be completed prior to 1 March of the following year.
  • supplementary examination
    is an examination that may be offered to an eligible student if their application for special consideration is successful.
  • suspension of study

    is an approved break from study that will permit an international student on a student visa to temporarily suspend all their studies on the grounds of compassionate or compelling circumstances that are supported by documentary evidence and will be bound by the Education Services for Overseas Students Framework.

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  • take-home examination
    is a type of examination that will enable a student to attempt the examination paper over a set period of time outside a formal examination location.
  • tax file number

    is a numerical form of identification that will be issued by the Australian Taxation Office and will be used for the purposes of tax and superannuation and to take out a Higher Education Loan Program.

  • teaching and research function

    is a function that will be performed by a member of academic staff and will involve both teaching and research and/or the management and leadership of teaching staff and research staff, and persons who support such staff.

  • teaching only function

    is a function that will be performed by a member of academic staff and will primarily involve teaching and/or the management and leadership of teaching staff, and of staff who support teaching staff.

  • Teche
    is a blog that will support the learning and teaching community at Macquarie University and will contain news, resources, notices, stories, and general opinion pieces of interest on learning and teaching.
  • technical industry commercial function

    is a function that will be performed by a member of academic staff and will primarily involve non-traditional academic activities and at least 40 percent of either teaching or research.

  • Tertiary Access Payment

    is a one-off amount that will be paid from Services Australia to assist an eligible domestic student from an outer regional, remote or very remote area with the additional costs of relocating more than 90 minutes from their home to undertake full-time study at or above Certificate IV.

  • tertiary admission centre

    is an agency that will process an application and will manage any related offers in select undergraduate courses and select postgraduate courses on behalf of all participating universities in the relevant state across Australia.

  • Test of English as a Foreign Language

    is a standardised test that will measure the English language proficiency of an applicant and may be an entry requirement for a course.

  • testamur
    is a legal document that will be conferred by the University Council to certify an award.
  • time in lieu

    is an arrangement that will enable an eligible staff member to take paid time off work in lieu of overtime payment for any additional hours that are worked in excess of their specified contract hours.

  • Times Higher Education
    is a publication that will rank a university against other universities based on thirteen indicators and is published annually by the Times Higher Education Magazine.
  • traditional research output
    is a classification of research output that will be specified by Excellence in Research for Australia and will include published research books, book chapters, journal articles, patents, and conference papers.
  • tuition fee

    is the fee that will be charged to a fee-paying student for a unit of study and must be paid by the census date and may be deferred to FEE-HELP by an eligible domestic student and will be set by the Australian higher education provider and will be regulated by the Education Services for Overseas Students Framework.

  • Tuition Protection Service

    is a government entity that will support all international students on a student visa and any eligible domestic students if their higher education provider is unable to fully deliver their course of study.

  • Turnitin
    is software that will be embedded into iLearn to promote originality and to manage Academic Integrity and will enable a student to electronically submit an assessment task and will perform text-matching to detect potential plagiarism.
  • type of attendance
    is an indication of study load that will either classify a student as a full-time student or as a part-time student.

Return to TopU

  • UAC rank
    is a numerical rank that will be allocated by the Universities Admissions Centre to an undergraduate applicant with an assessable qualification other than an Australian Year 12 qualification.
  • unauthorised file sharing
    is conduct that will involve the sharing, selling, or passing of a file to another person or entity without authorisation
  • unauthorised use of generative artificial intelligence

    is conduct that will involve the use of material that is produced by a generative artificial intelligence without authorisation or acknowledgement and is submitted in whole or in part as one's own work in an academic exercise.

  • under leave balance

    is a leave balance that will be greater than one week below the excessive leave balance.

  • undergraduate certificate
    is an award that will draw its content from an existing higher education award at levels 5, 6, or 7 of the AQF.
  • undergraduate course
    is a course that will lead to an award of a diploma or an advanced diploma or an associate degree or a bachelor degree or a bachelor honours degree.
  • undergraduate specialisation
    is a specialisation that may be a requirement of an undergraduate course and will total at least 120 credit points.
  • undergraduate student
    is a student that will be enrolled in an undergraduate course.
  • undergraduate unit

    is a unit of study that will have a unit level of 1000 to 5000 to meet the requirements of an undergraduate course.

  • unfunded project

    is a project that will not receive any funding from an external organisation to cover the specified costs of the project.

  • UniForum

    is a survey that will collect data about the organisation and capacity of professional staff to deliver services at Macquarie University to enable benchmarking against other participating higher education providers.

  • unique student identifier
    is the unique identification that will be allocated to a student by the Australian government and will replace the commonwealth higher education student support number.
  • unit learning outcomes
    is a set of statements that will specify the knowledge and skills and/or the application of knowledge and skills to be acquired and demonstrated by a student upon completion of a unit of study.
  • unit level
    is a level that will represent the relative complexity of a unit of study and will typically correspond to the year of study as the student progresses through their course.
  • unit of study
    is a discrete component of study that will enable learning in a specific discipline and will either have a credit point value or a specified number of days of activity for a graduate research student and will have one or more specified learning outcomes and will be recorded on the academic transcript of a student.
  • unit sharing
    is a unit of study that will meet the requirements of both courses in a double degree or the requirements of two course components in the one course.
  • unit withdrawal
    is a process that will enable an enrolled student to withdraw their enrolment from one or more units of study prior to the last withdrawal date.
  • unofficial transcript
    is the uncertified version of an academic transcript that will be accessible to a student throughout their study via eStudent and will contain additional information to the academic transcript including the academic standing of the student.
  • unspecified credit
    is credit that will be granted for the recognition of prior learning if the prior learning of the student is not equivalent to a specific unit of study but still meets the requirements of the course.

Return to TopV

  • vendor
    is an entity that will provide Macquarie University with goods or services.
  • voluntary repayment

    is a repayment towards a Higher Education Loan Program that may be made by a person to the Australian Taxation Office in excess of the minimum compulsory repayment amount.

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  • weighted average mark
    is an average mark that will indicate the academic performance of a student over all completed units of study in the course and will be recorded on their academic transcript.
  • weighting
    is a percentage that will specify the contribution of an assessment task to the final mark in a unit of study.
  • Widening Participation
    is a strategy that will implement multiple initiatives at Macquarie University to support all Indigenous students and/or all regional students and/or all remote students and/or all students with a low socio-economic status and will be funded under the Higher Education Participation and Partnerships Program.
  • winter school
    is a study period that a student will be charged a tuition fee for a unit of study and must commence no earlier than 1 June and must be completed prior to 1 September of the same year.
  • Work Experience in Industry
    is work that will enable a student to obtain relevant work experience as part of their course or in connection with their course and will not be directed by the higher education provider.
  • Work Integrated Learning
    is an experience that will enable a student to apply their academic learning to professional practice for work readiness and employability.
  • worked FTE

    is the full-time equivalent that will be expended by a staff member and equals the total hours of work that are performed by the staff member as a proportion of the contracted FTE for that position at a specified period of time.