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  • Immunisation PolicyThis document addresses the minimum standards of immunisation requirements for staff, students, contractors, and volunteers who undertake activities where there may be an increased risk of contracting vaccine-preventable diseases (VPD) and tuberculosis as part of the business of Macquarie University.
  • Immunisation ProcedureThis document establishes how the University will meet the requirements of its Immunisation Policy.
  • Incident Management PolicyThis Policy specifies the University’s approach to and processes for managing incidents, including Critical Incidents.
  • Information Classification and Handling ProcedureThis Procedure specifies the actions required to classify information that is owned or handled by Macquarie University and facilitate the application of appropriate security measures in accordance with the Cyber Security Policy.
  • Information Management and Technology Special Purpose Committee Terms of ReferenceThe purpose of the Information Management and Technology Special Purpose Committee is to assist Council through the Audit and Risk Committee by reviewing, monitoring, and providing advice and recommendations on information management and information technology priorities and projects across the University.
  • Information Technology Disaster Recovery PolicyThis document specifies the principles by which Macquarie University and its controlled entities (the University) will ensure appropriate Information Technology (IT) resilience, and maintain the delivery of IT services to the University at pre-defined levels, in the event of major disruption, emergency, or disaster.
  • Institutional Biosafety Committee Terms of ReferenceThis document sets out the Terms of Reference for the Institutional Biosafety Committee.
  • Insurable Risk GuidelineThis document provides information and guidance to University staff, students, and visitors about the insurance protections available under the University’s insurance program.
  • Insurable Risk PolicyThis document establishes the principles that underpin the University’s approach to ensuring that the Macquarie University has in place insurance that provides comprehensive and cost effective protection for the University’s insurable risks.
  • Intellectual Property PolicyThe purpose of this Policy is to provide guiding principles for the management and administration of the Intellectual Property of Macquarie University, its Employees, Students, Associates and Visitors (University Members).
  • Internal Audit CharterThis Charter provides the framework for the conduct of the Internal Audit function in Macquarie University and has been approved by the Council taking into account the advice of the Audit and Risk Committee.
  • International Agreements PolicyThis document provides the University's strategic framework in relation to managing agreements for collaboration with international institutions and organisations.
  • International Agreements ProcedureThis document provides further information on the the steps to obtain approval for establishing a new, or renewing an existing, agreement with an international partner institution or organisation.
  • International Education Agent Management ProcedureThis document details the steps required for:

    a) assessing and approving applications from prospective education agents (Part A);
    b) ensuring that agents perform to the required standards and targets as set out by the Global and Domestic Student Recruitment Teams and the Agent Agreement to enable strategic review of the University’s agent network (Part B);
    c) investigating and managing actual or potential compliance incidents (Part C); and
    d) exiting from a formal relationship with an agent due to the expiry of an existing Agent Agreement (non-renewal) or due to a breach of contract or non-performance (termination) within the agreement term (Part D).
  • International Education Agent PolicyThis document sets out Macquarie University’s approach to the appointment, management, and termination of international education agents.
  • International Fee Refund PolicyThis document establishes how Macquarie University will manage refunds of tuition fees and other administrative fees for full-fee paying international students.
  • Investment and Treasury Risk Management PolicyThis document defines the investment principles and specific parameters by which Macquarie University invests its funds and manages the risks associated with investment, funding, interest rate, foreign exchange, utilities, cash management and credit risk (together, “treasury risks”).