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Revocation, Rescission or Relinquishment of an Award Procedure

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) This Procedure specifies the requirements for the revocation, rescission or relinquishment of awards conferred by the University.


(2) This Procedure applies to all staff and students at all campuses and locations of the University. It applies to the issuing of awards for students who have completed a course or program that leads to the award of an AQF qualification, or partial completion of an AQF qualification (Levels 5 to 10).

(3) This Procedure does not cover issuing of documentation relating to non-AQF awards.

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Section 2 - Policy

(4) Refer to the Academic Statements Policy.

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Section 3 - Procedures

(5) Where an award has been conferred but it is subsequently determined that the requirements of the award were not completed in accordance with the General Coursework Rules or Graduate Research Rules and/or any applicable University policy and procedure, the University will rescind the award.

(6) If the University believes that an award has been conferred by reason of breaches of academic integrity such as fraud, dishonesty, plagiarism, fabrication or ghost writing or administrative error, then the University will conduct an investigation to establish whether there is a case for revocation of the award.

(7) A graduate may voluntarily request the relinquishment of an award without the need to provide a reason for the request.


(8) The Registrar will:

  1. co-ordinate investigations into all matters relating to the revocation, rescission or relinquishment of an award;
  2. present findings and recommendations relating to the revocation, rescission or relinquishment of an award to the University Council for consideration;
  3. determine if disciplinary action should be considered; and
  4. ensure the implementation of University Council decisions to revoke, rescind or relinquish an award.

(9) The Head of Student Shared Services will: 

  1. compile summary reports on investigations, findings, and recommendations relating to the revocation, rescission or relinquishment of an award for consideration by the University Council; and
  2. co-ordinate administrative support for the revocation, rescission or relinquishment of an award as directed by the Registrar.

(10) The Manager, Graduation and Student Engagement will:

  1. confirm student details regarding:
    1. Student name;
    2. Student ID;
    3. Course name;
    4. Course code;
    5. Conferral date; and
    6. Completion date;
  2. determine the award status and if it has been issued / collected by student;
  3. liaise with the Manager, Student Lifecycle concerning any notification to be provided to the student if the student has already received communication regarding their qualification for the award;
  4. add an appropriate flag / semaphore within the University’s approved student management system to prevent the student from obtaining official documents during any investigation period;
  5. notify the student of any investigation into the possible revocation or rescission of an award. The student must be provided with twenty (20) working days to respond to the notification and must be advised of the appeals process;
  6. communicate with the student regarding an approved decision to revoke, rescind or relinquish an award;
  7. request the student return the Testamur, Academic Transcript and Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement (AHEGS) where issued, within ten (10) working days of receipt of a letter confirming the revocation, rescission or relinquishment of an award;
  8. provide the student with referral information for academic advice to assist the student to complete the award in a timely fashion if the award was issued by administrative error;
  9. provide any updated Academic Transcripts and awards to the student if required; and
  10. update records and associated systems relating to the revocation, rescission or relinquishment of an award, including My eQuals.

(11) The student will:

  1. provide information to the University regarding the attainment of the award as required;
  2. return the award should the award be revoked, rescinded or relinquished; and
  3. respond to the notice of revocation or recission of the award, including any intention to appeal the decision within twenty (20) working days by completing the steps specified in the Academic Appeals Procedure.

(12) Where the revocation, rescission or relinquishment of an award has been approved, the Manager, Graduation and Student Engagement will:

  1. ensure that the student’s graduation details are removed from the:
    1. Graduation program;
    2. Council list; and
    3. Academic award register.
  2. update the student management system; and
  3. oversee the destruction of the original physical testamur in accordance with the University’s approved records disposal process.

(13) If a revoked, rescinded or relinquished award has already been reported to the relevant Australian Government department as a conferred award, the Manager, Graduation and Student Engagement must report the change to the Australian Government department.

(14) The Faculty Executive Dean (or nominee) will:

  1. assist the Registrar with investigations into any request to revoke, rescind or relinquish an award; and
  2. liaise with the Head of Student Shared Services concerning reports on any investigations, findings, and recommendations relating to the award for consideration by the University Council.


(15) The University Council reserves the right to revoke or rescind an award that has been conferred if it is determined that:

  1. the award was conferred because of fraud, dishonesty, plagiarism, or administrative error (revoke); or
  2. all necessary requirements for the award were not completed (rescind).

(16) The decision of the University Council will be notified to the Registrar by the Council Secretary. 

Required Actions Flowchart

(17) The Revocation, Rescission or Relinquishment of an Award Procedure Flowchart provides a summary of the required actions documented within this Procedure.

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Section 4 - Guidelines

(18) Nil.

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Section 5 - Definitions

(19) Definitions specific to this Procedure are contained in the Academic Statements Policy.