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  • Academic Appeals PolicyThis document establishes the principles governing appeals against an academic decision of the University.
  • Academic Appeals ProcedureThis document provides further information for students seeking to appeal an academic decision made by the University.
  • Academic Costume RulesThe Macquarie University Academic Costume Rule establishes academic costume requirements for graduation ceremonies and other formal events.
  • Academic Integrity Breach ProcedureThis document describes the University’s procedures for managing academic integrity breach for coursework students.
  • Academic Integrity PolicyThis document sets out the principles, responsibilities, and practices that underpin the University’s commitment to promoting and upholding academic integrity. Academic integrity is vital to sustain ethical standards in all aspects of academic activities.
  • Academic Language and Literacies PolicyThis document establishes the principles and responsibilities that inform the development of students’ academic language and literacies at Macquarie University.
  • Academic Progression PolicyThis document establishes the principles that govern the academic progress of students towards the successful completion of their coursework award.
  • Academic Progression ProcedureThis document establishes the process that governs the academic progress of students towards the successful completion of their coursework award.
  • Academic Promotion PolicyThis document establishes the principles that underpin the University's approach to academic promotion to Levels B, C, D and E.
  • Academic Promotion ProcedureThis document specifies the promotion process, including application requirements, promotion committees, assessment process, and roles and responsibilities associated with academic promotion.
  • Academic Senate and Academic Senate Committees ProcedureThis document sets out the requirements and protocols for meetings of the Academic Senate and Committees of the Academic Senate and related processes.
  • Academic Senate Curriculum Subcommittee Terms of ReferenceThe Academic Senate has established the Academic Senate Curriculum Subcommittee (the Committee). These Terms of Reference set out the Committee’s purpose, authority, membership, functions and responsibilities.
  • Academic Senate Education Committee Terms of ReferenceThe Academic Senate has established the Academic Senate Education Committee (the Committee). These Terms of Reference set out the Committee’s purpose, authority, membership, functions and responsibilities.
  • Academic Senate Research Committee Terms of ReferenceThe Academic Senate has established the Academic Senate Research Committee (the Committee). These Terms of Reference set out the Committee’s purpose, authority, membership, functions and responsibilities.
  • Academic Senate RulesThe Macquarie University Academic Senate Rules are made by the Council of Macquarie University under section 29 of the Macquarie University Act 1989.
  • Academic Senate Standing Committee Terms of ReferenceThe Academic Senate has established the Academic Senate Standing Committee (the Committee). These Terms of Reference set out the Committee’s purpose, authority, membership, functions and responsibilities.
  • Academic Staff Qualifications and Professional Experience Equivalence PolicyThe purpose of this Policy is to set out the principles and procedures for Macquarie University academic staff who teach award courses to ensure they have appropriate qualifications.
  • Academic Standards and Quality Committee Terms of Reference(Expired)These Terms of Reference set out the Academic Standards and Quality Committee’s purpose, authority, membership and functions and responsibilities.
  • Academic Statements PolicyThis document sets out the University’s responsibilities concerning the issuing of Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) qualifications.
  • Acceptable Use of IT Resources PolicyThis document specifies requirements for the respectful, safe, reliable and secure use of Information Technology (IT) Resources provided by the University.
  • Access and Security ProcedureThis document outlines the responsibilities and actions associated with access and security of records and information at Macquarie University.
  • Access Macquarie Limited Board Terms of ReferenceThis Terms of Reference sets out the establishment, membership, functions and responsibilities of the Board of Access Macquarie Limited, and procedural matters regarding the meetings of the Board.
  • Accounting Policies PolicyThis document defines approved Accounting Policies, and defines authority for making and amending Accounting Policies.
  • Admission of Students under 18 ProcedureThis document specifies the requirements and actions that enable the admission of international and domestic applicants who are under 18 years of age prior to commencement of an approved preparatory, study abroad, undergraduate, or postgraduate course of study at the University.
  • Admission PolicyThis document establishes the principles that govern the admission of students to an approved preparatory, undergraduate or postgraduate course and includes the Procedures related to admission.
  • Admission Policy - Schedule 1 English Language Admission Requirements to Coursework and Non-Award CoursesThis Schedule sets out English Language requirements for applicants to undergraduate, postgraduate, and non-award courses.
  • Aegrotat and Posthumous Awards PolicyThis Policy specifies the requirements for awarding and conferral of aegrotat and posthumous awards.
  • Affiliation of Residential College RulesThe Macquarie University Affiliation of Residential College Rules establish the provisions under which Council may grant affiliation with the University to a residential college whether upon land vested in or acquired by the University, or upon other land if the college is established and maintained in accordance with these rules.
  • Alcohol and Drug PolicyThis document establishes the principles that underpin the University’s approach concerning the consumption/use of alcohol or drugs, strategies which minimise the adverse impacts of these substances, and support available for staff and students suffering from an alcohol or drug problem.
  • Animal Use for Scientific Purposes PolicyThis document establishes the principles that underpin the University’s approach concerning responsibilities relating to the ethical and humane use of animals for scientific purposes.
  • Art Collection Management ProcedureThis Procedure supports the Art Collection Policy by providing procedures specifically for the management of the Macquarie University Art Collection.
  • Art Collection PolicyThis Policy sets out the principles by which the University acquires artworks and manages its art collection. It documents the requirements for preservation, conservation, and display; the management of inward and outward loans; and describes the principles and practices guiding deaccessioning and disposal of works.
  • Assessing Recognition of Prior Learning Applications ProcedureThis document specifies the responsibilities and actions required for the assessment or reassessment of applications for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) for the purpose of admission and/or Credit Transfer, and the rescission of Credit.
  • Assessment PolicyThis document establishes the principles that underpin the University’s approach to assessment.
  • Assessment ProcedureThe Assessment Procedure supports the implementation of the Assessment Policy.
  • Audit and Risk Committee Terms of ReferenceThe Audit and Risk Committee Terms of Reference set out the Committee’s purpose, authority, membership and functions and responsibilities.
  • Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement (AHEGS) PolicyThis document provides a clear, factual, and concise statement of a graduate’s academic achievements for an international audience and to ensure that Macquarie University complies with Government requirements relating to the Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement (AHEGS).
  • Award of University Council Title of Emeritus PolicyThis document establishes the criteria for the award of the titles of Emeritus Chancellor, Macquarie University; Emeritus Deputy Chancellor, Macquarie University; and Emeritus Council Member, Macquarie University.