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Academic Senate Education Committee Terms of Reference

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Section 1 - Establishment


(1) The Academic Senate has established the Academic Senate Education Committee (the Committee). These Terms of Reference set out the Committee’s purpose, authority, membership, functions and responsibilities.

(2) The procedures for the Committee are set out in the Academic Senate and Academic Senate Committees Procedure.


(3) The purpose of the Committee is to consider and provide advice to Academic Senate on the University's strategy, priorities, policies, and quality assurance processes for education to promote an academic culture of excellence and to ensure positive student outcomes and student success. The Committee will support Academic Senate in the academic governance of these goals, including the promotion of pedagogical excellence and the adoption of best practice in scholarly learning and teaching across the University.


(4) Any authorisations provided by Academic Senate to this Committee are documented in Section 3, Functions and Responsibilities.

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Section 2 - Membership

(5) The Committee will have:

  1. a Chair of the Committee, appointed by the Chair, Academic Senate; and
  2. a Deputy Chair of the Committee, appointed by the Chair of the Committee from the membership of the Committee for a term commensurate with their membership of the Committee.

(6) In accordance with the Academic Senate and Academic Senate Committees Procedure, the Committee will comprise the following ex-officio members:

  1. the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education) or their nominee;
  2. the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Indigenous) or their nominee;
  3. the Deputy Dean, Education and Employability of each Faculty; and
  4. the Director, Macquarie University College.

(7) The Committee will also comprise non ex-officio members appointed by the Chair, Academic Senate, including:

  1. one (1) member nominated by the Faculty Board of each Faculty and the College Board following a call for expressions of interest;
  2. two (2) members of Academic Senate considered by the Chair, Academic Senate following a call for expressions of interest; and
  3. two (2) student members nominated by the Chair of the Committee following a call for expressions of interest.

(8) The Chair of the Committee may recommend the co-option of up to two (2) appropriately skilled persons to the Committee for a specified term, to be approved by the Chair, Academic Senate. The Chair of the Committee may also invite individuals with specialist knowledge and expertise to attend Committee meetings as required.

(9) The term of office for members in clauses 7 and 8 is two years, unless otherwise specified.

(10) The Chair, Academic Senate may attend meetings of the Committee and will have all rights and duties of a member.

(11) The Chair, Academic Senate may renew any non ex-officio member’s term of appointment (excluding members co-opted by the Chair of the Committee).

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Section 3 - Functions and Responsibilities

(12) The Committee is directly responsible and accountable to the Academic Senate for the exercise of its responsibilities.

(13) The Committee will receive reports, monitor, provide advice and make recommendations to Academic Senate on:

  1. new or revised University policy and procedures relating to education, including admissions, credit and recognition of prior learning, orientation and student progression, retention and success, assessment, academic integrity and academic misconduct, complaints and appeals relating to academic decisions, diversity, equity and support, and workplace integrated learning;
  2. the quality of education, including pedagogical excellence, Indigenous Connected Curriculum, scholarship and academic staff development, comparison with institutional benchmarks across the University’s Faculties, the Macquarie University College (the College) and any third-party providers, including associated risks and measures to effectively treat and control those risks;
  3. quality enhancement in education, including educational innovations and providing input into the University's strategic and operating plans and frameworks as they relate to education and emerging educational challenges (both internal and external); and
  4. regulatory and legislative responsibilities with respect to education and related matters.

(14) The Committee will receive a report (including the draft minutes) of each meeting of the Academic Senate Curriculum Subcommittee (per the reporting line of the Subcommittee).

(15) The Committee will consider and report on any matters referred to it by Academic Senate, as required.

(16) Operational and budgetary matters are outside the role and responsibilities of the Committee. This includes the business case of any proposal, which must be approved by the Vice-Chancellor.

(17) There are no authorisations currently granted to the Committee by Academic Senate.

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Section 4 - Meetings

(18) The quorum shall be at least half the membership of the Committee plus one.

(19) Vacant positions on the Committee do not count toward the calculation of the number required for a quorum.

(20) Refer to the Academic Senate and Academic Senate Committees Procedure for meeting requirements and protocols.

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Section 5 - Variations

(21) Variations to this Terms of Reference must be approved by Academic Senate.

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Section 6 - Definitions

(22) For the purpose of this document:

  1. Committee – means the Academic Senate Education Committee of Academic Senate.