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- Macquarie University Act and By-LawThe purpose of this document is to act as a placeholder for the Macquarie University Act 1989 No 126 and the Macquarie University By-law 2005.
- Macquarie University Code for the Responsible Conduct of ResearchThis document is in place to ensure that research being undertaken under the auspices of Macquarie University is conducted with the highest standards of ethics, responsibility and integrity.
- Macquarie University College Academic Progression PolicyThe MUIC Academic Progression Policy specifies how Macquarie University manages progress requirements for students enrolled in the Macquarie University International College (the College).
- Macquarie University College Academic Progression Policy - ELICOS StudentsThis Policy ensures that all Macquarie University College (The College) students studying in English Language programs are monitored, assessed, and informed regarding their progress, and outlines when and how an intervention strategy can be initiated for students at risk.
- Macquarie University College Attendance Policy - ELICOS StudentsThis document establishes the attendance expectations for students enrolled in English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students (ELICOS) at Macquarie University College.
- Macquarie University College Attendance Policy - Standard Foundation ProgramThis Policy establishes the attendance expectations for students in the Standard Foundation Program.
- Macquarie University College Board Terms of ReferenceThese Terms of Reference set out the College Board’s purpose, authority, membership and functions and responsibilities.
- Macquarie University Research Code Complaints, Breaches and Investigation ProcedureThis document sets out general processes for managing complaints about the conduct of research, and any subsequent investigation.
- Macquarie University Services Limited Board Terms of ReferenceThis Terms of Reference sets out the establishment, membership, functions and responsibilities of the Board of Macquarie University Services Limited, and procedural matters regarding the meetings of the Board.
- Microcredentials PolicyThis document sets out the principles and procedures for development, approval, delivery and quality assurance of the University’s microcredentials.
- Modern Slavery PolicyThis document sets out the University’s commitment to identify, assess, and minimise the risks of modern slavery in its operations and supply chains; and maintain responsible and transparent operations and supply chains.
- Motor Vehicle PolicyThis document establishes the University’s approach to the supply, maintenance and use of University owned vehicles.
- MQ Health Clinical Risk, Safety and Quality Committee Terms of ReferenceThis Terms of Reference sets out the establishment, membership, functions and responsibilities of the MQ Health Pty Limited Clinical Risk, Safety and Quality Committee, and procedural matters regarding the meetings of the Board.
- MQ Health Pty Limited Board Terms of ReferenceThis Terms of Reference sets out the establishment, membership, functions and responsibilities of the Board of MQ Health Pty Limited, and procedural matters regarding the meetings of the Board.