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  • Facilities Hire PolicyThis document establishes the hiring conditions of facilities managed by Macquarie University Property (Property).
  • Facilities Usage PolicyThis document establishes the conditions of use for Macquarie University facilities.
  • Faculty Annual Review and Planning ProcedureThis document supports the implementation of the Quality Assurance Framework Policy by setting out an annual review and planning procedure for faculties of the University.
  • Faculty Board Terms of ReferenceThis document outlines the Terms of Reference of Faculty Boards at Macquarie University, including their membership, functions and responsibilities, and meetings.
  • Faculty Research Centres Guideline(Expired)This document provides further information concerning the expectations of the University regarding the operation of Faculty Research Centres.
  • Faculty Research Centres Policy(Expired)This document establishes the principles that underpin the University’s approach to the establishment, management, performance, review and extension of Faculty Research Centres at Macquarie University.
  • Faculty Research Centres Procedure(Expired)This document provides further information concerning the expectations of the University regarding the operation of Faculty Research Centres.
  • Faculty RulesThe Macquarie University Faculty Rules are made by the Council of Macquarie University under section 29 of the Macquarie University Act 1989.
  • Fair Trade PolicyThis document establishes how Macquarie University will embed Fair Trade products into its business practices whilst also complying with relevant legislation.
  • Finance and Facilities Committee Terms of ReferenceThe Finance and Facilities Committee Terms of Reference set out the Committee’s purpose, authority, membership and functions and responsibilities.
  • First Aid ProcedureThis document establishes the University's approach to providing first aid resources and training; selecting and appointing First Aid Officers; paying a first aid allowance; and administering first aid in cases of illness or injury.Governance - Health and Safety, First Aid
  • Fitness to Practice ProcedureThis Procedure outlines the process for managing the progression of students enrolled in practical, clinical or professional (PCP) courses with Fitness to Practice (FTP) requirements. It describes the steps required to identify, notify, support, monitor and review students who experience FTP issues in their PCP courses, as well as the actions for excluding those students who fail to meet FTP requirements.
  • Flags PolicyThis document specifies the University’s requirements for the display of flags on University grounds and/or property.
  • Flexible Work PolicyThis document establishes the University’s approach to flexible work, including flexible work options, eligibility and considerations for staff and their managers/supervisors to enable effective, equitable, transparent and mutually beneficial flexible work arrangements.
  • Flexible Work ProcedureThis document establishes the process for requesting, approving and effectively implementing flexible work arrangements in accordance with the Flexible Work Policy.
  • Fraud and Corruption Control PolicyThis Policy specifies the University’s commitment, approach, and standards of behaviour relating to the prevention, detection, and response to fraud and corruption.
  • Freedom of Speech and Academic Freedom PolicyThis document sets out the University’s commitments to Freedom of Speech and Academic Freedom as well as to implementing the principles of the Model Code for the Protection of Freedom of Speech and Academic Freedom in Australian Higher Education Providers, prepared in 2019 by the Independent Review of Freedom of Speech in Higher Education Providers (Model Code).
  • Funding from the Tobacco Industry PolicyThis document establishes Macquarie University's principle that it will not accept funding and other forms of support from the Tobacco Industry.