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- Cash Handling PolicyThis Policy details the requirements for the handling of cash and cheques received by the University.
- Casual Employment PolicyThis document establishes the University’s approach concerning employment of appropriately skilled and qualified casual staff.
- Casual Employment ProcedureThis document outlines the steps and responsibilities associated with the recruitment, selection and appointment of casual staff.
- Charter of CouncilThe Charter of Council is a non-legislative set of guidelines adopted by the Council to assist Councillors with implementation of the intentions of the Act.
- Children at Macquarie University PolicyThis document establishes principles relating to children at Macquarie University in order to ensure the University meets legislative obligations for the protection of children involved in any University-related activity; and provides services and alternative arrangements to support, and ensure equality of opportunity for, staff and students with carer responsibilities.
- Children at Macquarie University ProcedureThis document outlines roles and responsibilities relating to: Working with Children Checks (WWCC); Handling Child Abuse Allegations; and Obtaining Permission to Bring a Child on Campus.
- Classification and Capture ProcedureThis document identifies responsibilities and actions related to classification and capture of records and information in accordance with the Records and Information Management Policy.
- Complaint Management Procedure for StaffThis document establishes Macquarie University’s approach to managing staff complaints.
- Complaints Resolution Policy for Students and Members of the PublicThis document sets out the University’s approach to responding to and resolving complaints from current, prospective and former students of the University and Members of the Public.
- Complaints Resolution Procedure for Students and Members of the PublicThis Procedure supports the Complaints Resolution Policy for Students and Members of the Public by setting out the University’s processes for managing and resolving complaints by current, prospective and former students and members of the public.
- Compliance PolicyThis document outlines how the University monitors and manages Compliance obligations relating to its operations and activities.
- Computer and Network Security ProcedureThis Procedure specifies the standards for cyber security protection for the University’s computer and network resources in accordance with the Cyber Security Policy.
- Conflict of Interest PolicyThis Policy outlines the expectations of Macquarie University and its Controlled Entities (the University) relating to the disclosure and management of conflicts of interest.
- Constitution RulesThe Macquarie University Constitution Rules are made by the Council of Macquarie University under sections 8 and 9 of the Macquarie University Act 1989 (NSW) (the Act).
- Controlled Entities PolicyThis Policy establishes the University’s governance framework for its Controlled Entities.
- Core Business Hours PolicyThis document establishes the minimum levels of support to be provided for the safe operation of Macquarie University teaching, research, and support services and facilities.
- Council and Council Committees ProcedureThis document sets out the requirements and protocols for meetings of Council and Committees of Council (Committees) and related processes. It should be read in conjunction with the Charter of Council and the Terms of Reference for each Committee.
- Countering Foreign Interference Complaint ProcedureThis Procedure details how complaints will be handled by Macquarie University if they disclose probable acts of foreign interference.
- Course of Study Accreditation PolicyThis Policy documents the process through which a new course of study (course), including its constituent units of study (units) and course components, is approved (accredited) for delivery by the University.
- Course of Study Discontinuation PolicyThe Policy specifies the principles and process through which a course of study (â€~course’) is disestablished.
- Course of Study Monitoring and Review PolicyThe purpose of this Policy is to support the assurance and enhancement of the quality, integrity, and relevance of the University’s suite of award courses of study (courses). It ensures that all courses meet agreed institutional, disciplinary and regulatory standards regarding their quality in teaching, learning and the student experience.
- Course of Study Reaccreditation PolicyThis Policy and its procedures specify the principles and process by which approved award courses of study (courses) are reaccredited by the University.
- Course of Study Revision PolicyThis Policy supports the continual enhancement of the quality, integrity and relevance of the University’s suite of award courses of study (courses) and documents the process by which courses can be subject to revision.
- Course Transfer (Undergraduate Coursework) PolicyThis document establishes the principles for students seeking to transfer from one undergraduate course to another.
- Course Transfer (Undergraduate Coursework) ProcedureThis document establishes the required steps for students seeking to transfer from one undergraduate course to another.
- Credit Card PolicyThis document specifies the principles that govern the issuing and use of a University Credit Card.
- Credit Card ProcedureThis document establishes how the University facilitates the issuing and use of a University Credit Card.
- Critical Finance Systems User Governance ProcedureThis document establishes the controls governing user access management for Critical Finance Systems across the University and its Controlled Entities (the Group).
- Curriculum Architecture PolicyThis Policy governs the design and structure of Macquarie University’s award courses.
- Cyber Security PolicyThis document specifies the cyber security responsibilities of Macquarie University staff, students, and other authorised users in order to protect the University’s people, information, and technology assets.