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  • Salary Loadings PolicyThis document establishes the approach for the setting, payment and review of salary loadings and responsibility allowances.
  • Salary Loadings ProcedureThis document establishes procedures for the payment and review of salary loadings and responsibility allowances for academic and professional staff.
  • Secondment GuidelineThis document provides information to staff on the purpose, duration benefits and management of internal and external secondment arrangements.
  • Senate Learning and Teaching Committee Terms of Reference(Expired)These Terms of Reference set out the Senate Learning and Teaching Committee’s purpose, authority, membership and functions and responsibilities.
  • Smoking on Campus PolicyThis document supports wellbeing on campus, including within any Macquarie University controlled building, vehicle or boat.
  • Social Media PolicyThis document specifies the rights and responsibilities of Macquarie University staff engaging on Social Media in their capacity as an employee of the University.
  • Special Consideration PolicyThis document establishes the principles that support students seeking to notify the University when they have been impacted by short-term circumstances or events that are serious, unavoidable and significantly disruptive, and which may affect their performance in assessment.
  • Special Consideration ProcedureThis document set out the Procedure for students seeking to notify the University when they experience short-term, unexpected, Serious and Unavoidable Circumstances, which affect their performance in assessment, and the basis and mechanisms through which the University will provide support in accordance with the Special Consideration Policy.
  • Staff Code of ConductThis document sets out the expectations for staff and affiliates of Macquarie University (the University) with respect to their professional and personal conduct.
  • Staff Sexual Harassment Prevention and Response PolicyThis document details the obligations of Macquarie University staff and affiliates in relation to sexual harassment.
  • Staff Sexual Harassment Prevention and Response ProcedureThis document explains how people can seek support and make a report of sexual harassment, and describes how the University will respond to complaints or allegations of sexual harassment in the workplace.
  • Staff Volunteering Leave ProcedureThis document specifies the University’s commitment to providing staff with community volunteering leave in order to contribute to just, inclusive, and sustainable communities through volunteering activities.
  • Storage and Use of Drugs of Addiction Used in Research ProcedureThis document establishes the actions and responsibilities required for obtaining, possession and use of drugs of addiction (Schedule 8 drugs) and/or prohibited drugs which are used at Macquarie University for research, analysis or instruction.
  • Student Accessibility Policy This Policy details the University’s approach to providing its students with an inclusive learning and social environment.
  • Student Accessibility ProcedureThis Procedure outlines the responsibilities and actions required to enable Students with a Disability, or Students who are Carers of a person with a Disability, to access services and support in accordance with the Student Accessibility Policy.
  • Student CharterThis document sets out the expectations between Students and the University.
  • Student Code of ConductThis document provides Macquarie University students with notice of general conduct which is prohibited.  It is not an exhaustive list of misconduct.
  • Student Cohort Monitoring ProcedureThis Procedure supports the implementation of the Quality Assurance Framework Policy by outlining the University's approach to monitoring students within identified cohorts.
  • Student Conduct ProcedureThis Procedure sets out the process for making and dealing with allegations of misconduct by students within the scope of this Procedure.
  • Student Conduct RulesThe Macquarie University Student Conduct Rules are made by the Council of Macquarie University under section 29 of the Macquarie University Act 1989. The Rules are enacted to provide for the establishment and management of misconduct procedures and related matters affecting Students.
  • Student Consultation RulesThe Student Consultation Rules provide for student input to decision making at Macquarie University (the University) regarding teaching, learning, research, amenities, and support through the provision of clear consultative arrangements, including student representation and student organisations.
  • Student Fees and Charges Debt Management PolicyThe purpose of this Policy is to specify the principles and responsibilities relating to the management and collection of debt arising from student fees and charges.
  • Student Groups PolicyThe purpose of this Policy is to confirm the University’s commitment to Affiliated Student Groups. It sets out the requirements (including management) and expectations of Affiliated Student Groups.
  • Student Loans PolicyThe purpose of this Policy is to describe funds available to support current students experiencing financial hardship during their studies at Macquarie University.
  • Student Loans ProcedureThis Procedure describes the responsibilities and actions related to the administration of Macquarie University funds used for Student Loans in accordance with the University’s Student Loans Policy.
  • Student Representative Committee Terms of ReferenceThis document sets out the Terms of Reference for the Student Representative Committee.
  • Student Sexual Misconduct Prevention and Response PolicyThis document sets out how reports of sexual assault and sexual harassment concerning Macquarie University students can be made to the University; and how the University will respond to a report about sexual assault or sexual harassment committed by a student.
  • Student Sexual Misconduct Prevention and Response ProcedureThis document provides further information about how the University will responding to reports of of sexual assault and sexual harassment concerning Macquarie University students.
  • Student Sponsorship Management PolicyThe purpose of this Policy is to outline the management of student fees and charges for all Sponsored Students of Macquarie University.
  • Student Sponsorship Management ProcedureThe Purpose of this Procedure is to outline the responsibilities associated with the management, collection, and processing of sponsorship owing to Macquarie University, and to ensure that sponsorship debts are recovered efficiently and timely in accordance with the University’s Student Sponsorship Management Policy.
  • Student Survey PolicyThis document articulates the scope and rationale associated with the surveying of Macquarie University students.
  • Student Survey ProcedureThis document specifies the administration, management, implementation and reporting of student surveys ensuring a coordinated, evidence-based approach is used to maximise reliability, validity, and student engagement.
  • Study for Staff PolicyThis Policy describes the purpose of, and eligibility for participating in the Study for Staff scheme. This scheme applies to all eligible academic and professional staff, who are employed on a continuing basis or have a fixed term contract of greater than two years.
  • Supplier Contracts PolicyThis Policy describes the requirements for supplier contracts in order to minimise risks and maximise benefits and to provide a framework for meeting compliance and probity obligations.
  • Support For Students PolicyThe aims of this Policy are to outline the principles, policy documents, and responsibilities that govern the provision of academic and non-academic support services that assist students to complete their study successfully, and to meet the requirements under section 19 – 43(2)(b) of the Higher Education Support Act 2003 (Cth) for compliance with the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021 (Cth) and the National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018 (Cth).
  • Surgical Skills and Anatomy PolicyThis document specifies the requirements for receipt, handling, tracking, storage and disposal of Bodies/Human Tissue in the Surgical Skills and Anatomy Centre (SSAC) in the Faculty of Medicine, Health and Human Sciences (FMHHS).
  • Surgical Skills and Anatomy ProcedureThis document specifies the the activities for receipt, tracking, handling, storage and disposal of Bodies/Human Tissue in the Surgical Skills and Anatomy Centre (SSAC) in the Faculty of Medicine, Health and Human Sciences (FMHHS).
  • Sustainability PolicyThis document establishes how the University will embed sustainability into its business practices whilst also complying with relevant legislation.
  • Sustainability ProcedureThis document establishes how sustainability will be embedded into all aspects and functions of the University.