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Academic Costume Rules

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Section 1 - Preliminary

Name of Rules

(1) These Rules are the Academic Costume Rules.


(2) These Rules commence on 27 October 2023 under resolution CNL 23/36.


(3) The Council of Macquarie University makes these Rules under section 29 of the Macquarie University Act 1989 and Part 10 of the Macquarie University By-law 2005.


(4)  Nil.

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Section 2 -  Rules

Part A - Chancellor, Deputy Chancellor, Pro-Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Pro Vice-Chancellor, Registrar and Members of the Council

(5) The academic costume for the Chancellor, Deputy Chancellor, Pro-Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Pro Vice-Chancellor, Registrar and Members of the Council shall be:

  1. for the Chancellor — a robe of black damask figured silk trimmed with gold lace, similar to that worn by the Chancellor of the University of London but without a train, and a black velvet square cap trimmed with gold lace or a black velvet bonnet trimmed with gold. In undress as arranged by the Vice-Chancellor;
  2. for the Deputy Chancellor — a robe of black damask figured silk as for the Chancellor but with trimmings of silver, with three silver lace bars on each shoulder, a trimmed opening to the sleeve, and seven silver lace bars beneath the arm and a black velvet square cap trimmed with silver lace or a black velvet bonnet trimmed with silver. In undress as arranged by the Vice-Chancellor;
  3. for the Pro-Chancellor — a robe of black damask figured silk as for the Deputy Chancellor but with trimmings of gold, and a black velvet square cap trimmed with gold lace or a black velvet bonnet trimmed with gold. In undress as arranged by the Vice-Chancellor;
  4. for the Vice-Chancellor — a robe of black damask silk trimmed with gold lace, similar to that worn by the Vice-Chancellor of the University of London, and a black velvet square cap trimmed with gold lace or a black velvet bonnet trimmed with gold and black. In undress as arranged by the Vice-Chancellor;
  5. for a Deputy Vice-Chancellor — a robe of black damask silk as for the Vice-Chancellor but with trimmings of silver, and a black velvet square cap trimmed with silver lace or a black velvet bonnet trimmed with silver and black OR the incumbent’s own robes of their highest qualification. In undress as arranged by the Vice-Chancellor;
  6. for a Pro Vice-Chancellor and the Registrar — a robe of black damask silk as for the Vice-Chancellor but with trimmings of silver, and a black velvet bonnet trimmed with silver OR the incumbent’s own robes of their highest qualification. In undress as arranged by the Vice-Chancellor; and
  7. for a Member of the Council — a gown the same shape as that worn by Doctors of Philosophy of the University of London, who are also members of Convocation of the University of London, of colour tartan green lined and trimmed with copper and a black cap of the square mortar board pattern with black tassel or a black velvet bonnet with a black tassel; or alternatively, the habit of his or her degree. In undress as arranged by the Vice-Chancellor.

Part B -  Those graduating from the University

(6) The following academic costume rules apply to those graduating from the University after 1 January 2009.


(7) The academic costume for doctoral degrees shall be:

  1. Doctors of Business, Doctors of Economics, Doctors of Laws, Doctors of Letters, Doctors of Medical Science, Doctors of Science and Doctors of The University (Honoris Causa):
    1. Gown: a festal gown of scarlet cloth similar to that worn by graduates holding the Degree of Doctor of Letters or Doctor of Science in the University of Cambridge with facings and sleeve-linings of smalt silk for the Degree of Doctor of Business, of electric blue silk for the Degree of Doctor of Economics, of amethyst silk for the Degree of Doctor of Laws, of white silk for the Degree of Doctor of Letters, of pipeline grey silk for the Degree of Doctor of Medical Science, of tartan green silk for the Degree of Doctor of Science and of bunting yellow silk for the degree of Doctor of the University (honoris causa);
    2. Cap: a black velvet bonnet of the Oxford pattern with a gold cord and tassel; and
    3. Hood: a hood of scarlet cloth of the Cambridge pattern lined with smalt silk for the Degree of Doctor of Business, with electric blue silk for the Degree of Doctor of Economics, with amethyst silk for the Degree of Doctor of Laws, with white silk for the Degree of Doctor of Letters, with pipeline grey silk for the Degree of
      Doctor of Medical Science, with tartan green silk for the Degree of Doctor of Science and with bunting yellow silk for the Degree of Doctor of the University (honoris causa).
  2. Doctors of Philosophy:
    1. Gown: a festal gown of claret cloth of the Cambridge pattern faced with silk of a lighter shade of claret;
    2. Cap: a black velvet bonnet of the Oxford pattern with a claret cord and tassel; and
    3. Hood: a hood of claret cloth of the Cambridge pattern lined with silk of a lighter shade of claret and edged with gold silk.
  3. Faculty Doctorates:
    1. Gown: a festal gown of claret cloth of the Cambridge pattern faced with silk of Malachite Green for the Degree of Doctor of Education, of Smalt for the Degree of Doctor of Business Administration, of the Faculty colour for all other faculty doctorates;
    2. Cap: a black velvet bonnet of the Oxford pattern with a claret cord and tassel; and
    3. Hood: a hood of claret cloth of the Cambridge pattern lined the same colour silk as the facing of the gown.


(8) The academic costume for Masters degrees shall be:

  1. Master of Philosophy:
    1. Gown: a festal gown of black cloth of the Cambridge pattern faced with claret silk;
    2. Cap: a black cloth trencher cap; and
    3. Hood: a hood of black cloth of the Cambridge pattern lined with claret silk.
  2. Faculty Masters Degree:
    1. Gown: a gown of black cloth similar to that worn by graduates holding the degree of Master of Arts in the University of Cambridge;
    2. Cap: a black cloth trencher cap; and
    3. Hood: a hood of gold silk of the Cambridge pattern lined with silk of the relevant Faculty or professional degree colour.


(9) The academic costume for Bachelors degrees shall be:

  1. Bachelors:
    1. Gown: a gown of black cloth similar to that worn by graduates holding the degree of Bachelor of Arts in the University of Cambridge;
    2. Cap: a black cloth trencher cap; and
    3. Hood: a hood of gold silk of the Cambridge pattern lined with gold silk and edged to 5 centimetres with the relevant Faculty or professional degree colour.


(10) The academic costume for Diploma degrees shall be:

  1. Graduate and Postgraduate Diplomas:
    1. Gown: a gown of black cloth similar to that worn by graduates holding the degree of Bachelor of Arts in the University of Cambridge;
    2. Cap: a black cloth trencher cap; and
    3. Stole: a stole of gold silk edged with 5 centimetres of white silk.
  2. Diplomas (other than Graduate and Postgraduate Diplomas):
    1. Gown: a gown of black cloth similar to that worn by graduates holding the degree of Bachelor of Arts in the University of Cambridge;
    2. Cap: a black cloth trencher cap; and
    3. Stole: a stole of gold silk edged with 5 centimetres of malachite green silk.

(11) In the case of a diplomate holding a degree, the academic costume appropriate to that degree may be worn.


(12) The academic costume for Certificate degrees shall be:

  1. Undergraduate Certificates (other than Graduate and Postgraduate Certificates):
    1. Gown: a gown of black cloth similar to that worn by graduates holding the degree of Bachelor of Arts in the University of Cambridge;
    2. Cap: a black cloth trencher cap; and
    3. no stole or hood is worn.

Honorary Fellowships

(13) The academic costume for Honorary fellowships shall be:

  1. Honorary Fellowship:
    1. Gown: a gown of black cloth similar to that worn by graduates holding the degree of Bachelor of Arts in the University of Cambridge;
    2. Cap: a black cloth trencher cap; and
    3. Stole: a stole of gold silk with the Arms of the University affixed to the facings.

(14) In the case of an Honorary Fellow holding a degree, the academic costume appropriate to that degree may be worn.

Faculty and professional degrees colours applicable from 20 February 2020

(15) The colours referred to in the above rules are:

  1. Faculty of Arts – White: N14;
  2. Doctor of Education – Malachite Green: G41;
  3. School of Law - Amethyst: P22;
  4. Macquarie Business School - Electric Blue: B21;
  5. Faculty of Science and Engineering - Tartan Green: G11; and
  6. Faculty of Medicine, Health and Human Sciences - Pipeline Grey: N43.

(16) The colours are identified in terms of the Australian Standard 2700S—Colour Standards for General Purposes.

(17) Discontinued Faculty Colours:

  1. Faculty of Human Sciences - Dioptase: T12; and 
  2. Graduate School of Management - Smalt: B51.
Note: The Faculty of Human Sciences was disestablished with effect from 17 February 2020. As a transition arrangement, 2020 graduands qualifying for a degree from this disestablished Faculty will continue to wear the former Faculty Colour Dioptase: T12. This excludes School of Education graduands who will transition to the Faculty of Arts Colours from September 2020. From 1 January 2021 the Faculty of Human Sciences Faculty Colours will be fully discontinued for all graduation ceremonies.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander colours

(18) Graduates of the University who wish to signify their Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander background may wear a stole of the following colours with their academic costume:

  1. Aboriginal: a stole of equal vertical bands of black silk and post office red silk with a yellow sun disk and a red fringe at each end.
  2. Torres Strait Islander: a stole of equal vertical bands of Lark Spur silk and Juniper silk separated by a narrow band of black silk with a white headpiece and a white fringe at each end.
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Section 3 - Schedules and Associated Information

(19) Nil.