(1) The purpose of this Procedure is to support the implementation of the Assessment Policy. (2) Refer to the Assessment Policy in force from 1 July 2021. (3) Assessment forms a key part of our students’ learning journey. Careful design and purposeful development of assessment tasks provide the foundation for a positive and successful experience of students and staff in University learning and teaching. (4) Academic Integrity underpins all of our endeavours. Students and staff are expected to abide by the University’s Academic Integrity Policy. (5) Academic integrity in assessment will be promoted through careful task design and scaffolding, clear explanations as well as regular review and renewal of assessments. (6) Student submissions for assessment tasks are subject to similarity detection software, for example, Turnitin or other equivalent software approved by the University. (7) Assessment tasks must be aligned to the appropriate Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) level and should follow any requirements stipulated for professional accreditation (if applicable). Assessment tasks must be aligned to the unit learning outcomes and relevant course learning outcomes. (8) Assessment tasks must provide all students with a fair opportunity to demonstrate the learning outcomes of the unit and, where applicable, of the course. Assessment tasks should not address material outside the scope of the relevant learning outcome. (9) Staff should develop assessment tasks in advance of the teaching period to ensure sufficient time can be dedicated to key design processes including moderation [see clauses 37 to 40], and for a unit, including its assessment details, to be approved by the relevant bodies as specified in the Delegations of Authority Register. (10) Assessment tasks must be designed to be inclusive and able to be completed by all students, with the resources required for completion of the assessment accessible and available to all students. (11) The task and any associated instructions will be clearly worded and contain no ambiguities as to what students are expected to do. (12) Each assessment task must have a clear marking scheme or rubric and, if applicable, directions concerning where and how marks are to be apportioned according to performance in specific questions or against specific assessment criteria and standards. (13) Assessment criteria and standards must be aligned to the grading descriptors specified in clause 127. (14) Volume of Learning in a standard unit of 10 credit points equates to 150 hours (overall learner time spent on a unit, including on assessment). When setting an assessment task, careful consideration should be given to: (15) Some assessment tasks - for example, to meet requirements for Work Health and Safety, Academic Integrity, or accreditation bodies - will not receive marks and will not receive a weighting. See also clause 29 regarding hurdle tasks. (16) No single assessment task can be worth more than 60 percent of the total assessment of the unit. (17) Faculty Boards may grant an exception to clause 16 for a particular assessment task on the basis of a sound pedagogical argument or accreditation requirements. These exceptions will be recorded in Appendix D: Record of Exceptions and must be noted in the Unit Guide. Exceptions will be reviewed by the Academic Senate Education Committee on a regular basis, as specified in clause 150. (18) The majority of units serve relevant course learning outcomes as either a core or an elective unit. As a result, when designing assessment, it is vital to consider the role of the unit and its assessment tasks within the relevant course(s). (19) Course Directors / Course Teams are responsible for ensuring that assessment across a course enables students to demonstrate the attainment of both unit and course learning outcomes. (20) A variety of assessment types should be used and embedded strategically throughout a course in alignment with the course learning outcomes. (21) Assessment workloads and the relative timing of assessment tasks of essential units within a course must be taken into consideration throughout the design process as much as possible to ensure that they are reasonable and sustainable for students, staff, and organisational support units. (22) Assessment must be aligned to learning outcomes. As a result, the quality and process of group tasks should only be assessed when groupwork forms part of the learning outcomes. (23) Group tasks must be structured in such a way that all students will be able to demonstrate attainment of all the learning outcomes mapped to the task. (24) Appropriate guidance and support for working in groups should be provided to students when setting group tasks. (25) Seventy percent of the total available mark for a unit must be attributable to individual student performance. That means a group task/s weighted 30 percent or less can be assessed as a group and assigned a group mark only. However, if a group task is weighted more than 30 percent, or there are multiple group tasks that sum to more than 30 percent, sufficient marks must be attributable to the individual student to ensure that 70 percent of the total available mark for a unit remains attributable to individual student performance. (26) A hurdle assessment mandates a minimum level of performance as a condition of passing the unit in which the assessment occurs. (27) Hurdle assessments must be clearly specified in the Unit Guide including the requirements for performance. (28) Hurdle assessments may only be used for: (29) Hurdle assessments that are not allocated marks - for example, to meet requirements for Work Health and Safety, Academic Integrity, or accreditation bodies - are still regarded as assessment tasks for the purposes of the Assessment Policy. (30) In the case where students have made a serious first attempt at a hurdle requirement but have failed to meet it, they must be given one further opportunity to meet that hurdle requirement - if their performance in the unit is otherwise satisfactory. (31) Faculty Boards may grant an exception to clause 30 for a particular assessment task on the basis of a sound pedagogical argument. These exceptions will be recorded in Appendix D: Record of Exceptions, must be noted in the Unit Guide and will be reviewed by the Academic Senate Education Committee on a regular basis, as specified in clause 150. (32) The second attempt at a hurdle assessment will be graded on a pass / fail basis. (33) A student who has obtained a raw mark over 50 yet failed all available attempts of at least one hurdle assessment as described in this Procedure, fails the unit. (34) Supplementary assessment tasks should be administered in the following circumstances only: (35) If a supplementary assessment task is required, the item/s will take the form of the original as closely as possible and will ensure the same learning outcomes are assessed. (36) Applications for reasonable adjustments to assessment tasks will be considered by Accessibility Services in accordance with the University’s Student Accessibility Policy. (37) Assessments must be reliable, that is, they should consistently and accurately measure learning. This involves making judgements about student learning that are based on a shared understanding of standards of learning and should not be dependent on the individual teacher, location, or time of assessment. (38) Moderation is an important mechanism throughout the assessment cycle to ensure that assessments are well-designed and reliable. Moderation should therefore occur at all stages of the assessment lifecycle, including design of assessment tasks and rubrics. (39) Moderation will confirm that the assessment criteria and standards: (40) Moderation should include the input of an academic not currently involved in the teaching of the unit. (41) Clear communication around assessment between staff and students is important across the lifecycle of a unit. Information available in the Handbook and Unit Guide may inform students’ enrolment decisions. Communication during the teaching period is important for effective completion, delivery, and submission of assessments. (42) Assessment information must include the submission dates, anticipated dates when marks and feedback will be available, and how feedback will be provided. If specific resources and technologies are not permitted in the preparation of assessment tasks, these must be specified. (43) Assessment criteria and performance standards (ideally in the form of a rubric) must be available no later than the point at which the task is given. The task is given when instructions for the task are posted online (e.g., iLearn). (44) Students are responsible for their learning and are expected to actively engage with all assessment tasks, including carefully reading the guidance provided, understanding criteria, spending sufficient time on the task, taking the initiative where appropriate, and submitting work on time. (45) Where exceptional circumstances require a substantive change to an assessment task or assessment criteria after the information has been made available to students [also refer to clause 51-54], the Unit Convenor or Education Manager, Macquarie University College must: (46) Unit Guides provide a consistent, reliable, and public source of information to students about coursework units offered by the University. All coursework units, including seminar and zero-credit point units, must have their own Unit Guide. (47) Each Unit Guide is managed via workflows within the Macquarie University Curriculum Management System (MQCMS), and iTeach. This must be the only available Unit Guide, it must be written in English and made available no later than two (2) weeks before the start of the teaching period. (48) System requirements for Unit Guides are published in Appendix C: Requirements for Unit Guide System. (49) All Unit Guides remain the property of Macquarie University. (50) Unit Guides must be approved and published within iTeach at least two (2) weeks prior to the start of the teaching period. Approval is by the relevant Faculty, College, School, Department or Course Authority. (51) In accordance with the University’s record management obligations, past Unit Guides will be maintained in an archive and made available on request. (52) Any late changes to units after Unit Guide publication (excluding editorial amendments) must be submitted via the MQCMS, and will follow the prescribed workflow within the MQCMS. (53) The Unit Convenor or Education Manager, Macquarie University College must notify students as soon as possible where a substantive late change to a unit is approved. (54) Where exceptional circumstances prevent one or more of the specified Unit Guide requirements from being met, the Unit Convenor or Education Manager, Macquarie University College must: (55) Unless otherwise approved by the Faculty Board, all text-based assessment tasks will be submitted electronically using the University’s electronic learning management system (iLearn). The submission deadline for all assessments will be at 11:55 pm on the due date unless another time is deemed necessary by the convenor (or equivalent). (56) All assessment tasks worth 20 percent or more must be archived for benchmarking, calibration, or grade review, for a period of six (6) months unless otherwise approved. (57) A maximum penalty of five (5) percentage points of the total possible marks will be applied per day to late submissions, for up to a maximum of seven calendar days (three calendar days for units delivered by the Macquarie University College). Tasks that have not been submitted within the maximum number of additional late days will receive a mark of zero, unless otherwise specified in the late penalties section of the Unit Guide. Late submission for a task will only be permitted when specified in the unit guide. This provision does not apply to online exams or other assessment with a time-limit of less than 24 hours. (58) Penalties for late submission are to be applied consistently and equitably to all students enrolled in the unit. Where short-term, serious and unavoidable circumstances have affected their ability to submit an assessment task, a student must submit a formal application for Special Consideration as per the Special Consideration Policy. Students should not request an informal arrangement from their tutor, lecturer or Unit Convenor (or equivalent). (59) Where an application for Special Consideration is approved and the outcome is an extension to the due date of a task, submissions that are received after the new due date will be subject to late penalties that are calculated from the new due date. This only applies where the outcome is an extension to the due date – see the Special Consideration Policy for a schedule of all possible outcomes. (60) Feedback is an important process that provides information to enable learning and improvement. Feedback is a shared responsibility between students and staff. (61) Moderation ensures that the marking process and the marks awarded have been determined accurately, consistently, and fairly in accordance with the assessment criteria and standards determined when the task was designed. All summative assessment must be subject to moderation. (62) Grading decisions for each assessment task will be moderated against the set criteria and standards before task results are released. (63) All markers must be familiar with and have a shared understanding and application of criteria and standards for assessment, provision of feedback and marking processes. The work of all examiners, including those external to the University are subject to the internal moderation processes of the University. (64) Common forms of assessment moderation may include: (65) Evidence of moderation should be recorded / retained until the next unit review. Insights from the moderation process should ideally feed forward into the next assessment cycle. Faculties are responsible for ensuring a continuous feedback loop. (66) The timing of when feedback is delivered, and the quality of feedback have significant impact on student learning. In accordance with the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021 1.3.3, feedback must be timely and assist students in their achievement of learning outcomes. To achieve this, feedback should: (67) Students must receive some feedback in each unit prior to the census date in every teaching period to allow students to assess their academic progress and potentially identify needs for additional support. This feedback may be formal or informal, directed to individuals or to a group. (68) Where feedback on a task would allow students to improve their learning on a subsequent task (i.e., the tasks cover the same learning outcomes) some feedback on the earlier task must be provided prior to the due date of the subsequent task, so that students have an opportunity to assess and improve their learning before completing the subsequent task. This feedback may be formal or informal, directed to individuals or to a group. (69) Students are expected to read, reflect, and act on feedback provided in a timely manner, including feedback provided generally to all students in the unit, as well as feedback provided individually. Self-regulation and responsibility in the learning process are key factors for student success. (70) If the feedback is not clear or does not explain the grade given against the stated assessment criteria and standards, students may request clarification and further feedback. (71) Students are able to provide constructive feedback on assessment processes and tasks through feedback mechanisms including but not limited to student surveys, suggestions for future offerings and student representation on committees. (72) Assessment tasks are graded consistently across the University. Grading involves using the rubric developed during the design of the assessment, as per clause 12. The criteria and standards for specific assessment tasks must be aligned with the grading descriptors specified in clause 127. Grades must be standards-based and clearly linked to the stated assessment criteria. (73) Grades and / or marks for all individual assessment tasks will be released to students. Where a grade has been provided without a mark, feedback must be provided to the student to help them understand their performance within the range for the grade. (74) Grades and / or marks for tasks conducted within a session should be released prior to tasks being undertaken during the examination period, where possible. Grades and / or marks for tasks conducted in the final examination period should be released to students prior to the finalisation of unit marks for ratification, wherever possible. (75) Wherever possible, steps should be taken to reduce or eliminate any forms of implicit and explicit bias in marking and providing feedback. Mechanisms such as de-identification of students’ work should be used when appropriate. (76) Students studying at Macquarie University from 1 January 2020 will receive a Weighted Average Mark (WAM), which is a calculation that reflects the overall performance of a student in their course. Students who completed their studies prior to 1 January 2020 will have received a Grade Point Average (GPA). For the formula for WAM and GPA calculations see Appendix B: WAM and GPA Calculations. (77) A final examination is a formal assessment conducted in a managed setting during specified examination periods. The University does not prescribe the use of a final examination. (78) A take-home examination will be listed as an assessment task in the unit guide; it will not appear in the Final Examination timetable. (79) Where a Final Examination is held, it will normally be invigilated and conducted on the University campus. Where a student is studying externally, or in other approved circumstances, arrangements may be made to host the examination in an external examination centre, or an appropriate online platform. Examinations may be conducted digitally or on paper. (80) Unit Convenors, or equivalent, must follow processes and timelines set by the Examinations Office for submission of the details of the Final Examination. These processes will be communicated at least two (2) weeks prior to any deadline. (81) The University will publish the Final Examination timetable in advance of the Final Examination period as follows: (82) The University will notify external students of the location of external Final Examination centres. (83) Students are responsible for checking the Final Examination timetable and the unit guide for details of examinations in the units in which they are enrolled. Misreading the Final Examination timetable does not meet the grounds for Special Consideration as stipulated in the Special Consideration Policy. (84) Students with examinations will be available for the duration of the Final Examination period in case arrangements are made to reschedule a Final Examination. (85) Students will be notified by the Examinations Office of arrangements that will be made if their exams clash. Clash means two Final Examinations overlapping for any period of time, or with less than one-hour break between two Final Examinations on the same day. In the event of a clash, Final Examinations take precedence over take-home examinations. (86) The Unit Convenor or their nominee will be available for contact by telephone by the Examinations Office for at least 30 minutes prior to the scheduled commencement time and for the full duration of the Final Examination. The Unit Convenor or their nominee must make themselves available for the full duration of the examination period in case a Final Examination needs to be rescheduled. (87) The last day of the Final Examination period will be used for Final Examinations that need to be rescheduled (e.g., due to a disruption or emergency on the day of the examination). (88) If an examination is disrupted for any reason, the Unit Convenor or their nominee will determine the best course of action to ensure all students have been given an opportunity to demonstrate that they have met the learning outcomes. This may include considering whether: (89) If not all students in the unit were affected by the disruption, the Unit Convenor or their nominee must ensure that neither group is advantaged nor disadvantaged. (90) Where an examination has been disrupted, the University will communicate with students via their student email account within two (2) working days of the original date of the final examination and advise of the consequences of the emergency and any alternative arrangements that will be made. (91) The maximum duration of a timed examination will be two (2) hours per unit (excluding reading time). (92) Faculty Boards may grant an exception to clause 91 on the basis of a sound pedagogical argument or other requirements e.g., by professional bodies. These exceptions will be recorded in Appendix D: Record of Exceptions and will be reviewed by the Academic Senate Education Committee on a regular basis, as specified in clause 150. (93) Reading time may be allowed at the beginning of each Final Examination, as specified in the examination conditions. (94) Students will check in advance of the time and date of the examination to determine if any additional materials are able to be brought into the examination. Where permitted, ensure the additional materials (e.g., calculator) comply with the stated requirements. (95) Students will bring photographic identification in the form of their University Student ID card to the examination. If this is not possible, students must bring an alternative valid form of photographic identification for example a current Australian driver licence, a current Australian Proof of Identity card or a current passport. (96) There will be a Final Examination Supervisor in charge at every Final Examination. (97) Examination supervisors must not permit any student to attempt a Final Examination without adequate photographic identification. (98) Students will comply with: (99) Students who do not comply with instructions from a staff member can be required to cease their attempt at the examination paper and leave the room. (100) Students are not permitted to: (101) Examination supervisors ensure that: (102) Staff will make available to students details of the structure and format of the examination prior to the start of the Final Examination period. This detail will include: (103) If a supplementary examination is offered, the examination will take the form of the original as closely as possible. Students will be informed of the details in clause 102 adjusted to the timing of the delivery of the supplementary exam. The supplementary examination should be arranged and graded as soon as practicable. (104) It is a student's responsibility to make themselves aware of the information provided in clause 102, including whether an examination is an open book or closed book examination; if any aids are permitted; and to obtain aids if permitted – as they will not be supplied. (105) Authorised materials can be taken into on-campus examinations. This includes: (106) Unauthorised items cannot be taken into on-campus examinations. This may include but is not limited to: (107) Aids are only permitted in examinations where they have been authorised by the Unit Convenor in the information provided in clause 102. This information will also be listed on the examination. Aids include but are not limited to: (108) Any unauthorised material detected in on-campus examinations will be confiscated by the supervisor. Cases of alleged academic misconduct will be handled under the provisions of the relevant University policies. (109) For online examinations, students must follow all instructions of examination supervisors with relation to materials that may or may not be permitted. (110) Applications for reasonable adjustments for examinations will be considered per the University’s Student Accessibility Policy. (111) All staff involved in the development or delivery of examination papers will take all necessary measures to ensure that all copies, whether in draft form, final form, or completed scripts are stored and managed in a secure manner. (112) A marker is required to annotate each page of an examination script to indicate that it has been marked. (113) A student is entitled to view their annotated examination script. The viewing will be conducted in a secure location. The Unit Convenor (or nominee) will be present at all times. The student is not entitled to copy, destroy, alter or annotate the script in any way. The script will remain the property of Macquarie University. (114) Each examination script will be kept by the University for a minimum of six (6) months, or longer if deemed appropriate by the relevant Executive Dean. The six (6) months starts from the end date of the relevant Final Examination period. Where an appeal has been lodged, the examination script is to be kept for a minimum of six (6) months following the outcome of the appeal. (115) Completed examination scripts will be disposed of via confidential waste or deleted if electronic. (116) The Final Examination for each unit will be made available by the University and published on the University Library website after the official end date of the scheduled Final Examination period. Online final examinations will be made available to future cohorts of students via iLearn. (117) Academic Senate may grant an exception to clause 116. These exceptions will be recorded in Appendix D: Record of Exceptions, must be noted in the Unit Guide, and will be reviewed by the Academic Senate Education Committee on a regular basis, as specified in clause 150. (118) Where there is an examination, grading decisions for the examination will be moderated against the standards for the examination before final grades are calculated. (119) All examination markers must be familiar with the assessment standards and ensure that they have a shared understanding and application of criteria and standards for assessment and of any marking processes. (120) Examination moderation ensures that the marking process and the marks awarded have been determined accurately, consistently, and fairly in accordance with the assessment criteria and standards determined when the examination was designed. (121) Common forms of examination moderation may include: (122) Evidence of moderation should be recorded / retained until the next unit review. Insights from the moderation process should ideally feed forward into the next assessment cycle. Faculties are responsible for ensuring a continuous feedback loop. (123) A unit may only have one (1) assessment task scheduled during the final examination period. Any other assessment scheduled during the Final Examination period must be approved by the Faculty Board. These decisions are treated as exemptions and will be recorded in Appendix D: Record of Exceptions and will be reviewed by the Academic Senate Education Committee on a regular basis, as specified in clause 150. (124) The Faculty Board must ensure that the conduct of the assessment will not adversely affect those students taking other Final Examinations in the examinations period. (125) Final grades are reported consistently across the University. Reporting is by: (126) Moderation will take place for individual assessments as detailed throughout this Procedure. The outcome of the result of individual assessments will form the final grade. (127) Assessment criteria must be aligned to the standards described in the grade descriptors specified in the table below. These are common to all coursework units offered by or on behalf of the University. (128) Where a student has failed for non-submission, non-attendance or has failed all available attempts of at least one hurdle assessment, the following grades may be used: (129) The process of awarding final grades in accordance with the standards will be transparent to students, staff and moderators. (130) Where a grade has not yet been submitted, a holding grade will be used. For a list of holding grades and their descriptions see Appendix A: Holding Grades. (131) The process for ratification of results is specified in the Unit of Study Monitoring and Grade Ratification Policy. Faculties must produce a Faculty Unit Monitoring Report (Form C), signed by the Executive Dean, for submission to the Academic Senate Education Committee within seven (7) days of the release of student results. (132) A student who has been awarded a final grade for a coursework unit has the right to appeal that grade. (133) It is not possible to appeal the result for an individual assessment task completed during the teaching period. An appeal is only possible once the final grade has been released. (134) A final grade appeal must be supported by evidence. Grounds for a final grade appeal are limited to: (135) Students must ensure they provide sufficient supporting documentary evidence demonstrating one of the grounds for appeal listed above. (136) A final grade appeal must be submitted via the Service Connect portal (using the Grade Appeal Form). (137) A student is expected to view their examination paper in advance of submitting a final grade appeal if the examination is relevant to their application for a final grade appeal. (138) The successful submission of a final grade appeal will be acknowledged. (139) A final grade appeal will not be reviewed by an individual who has been involved in the assessment processes or the determination of the final grade of the relevant unit. (140) Each final grade appeal will be considered on its own merits. (141) The student will be notified of the outcome of their final grade appeal. (142) The deadline for submission of a final grade appeal will be fifteen (15) working days from the published result date for the relevant unit. (143) Late applications will not be considered unless supported by valid reasons for the delay. Late applications will require documented exceptional circumstances and approval by the Registrar. (144) Executive Deans / the Director, Macquarie University College or their nominee will ensure that final grade appeals are reviewed in a timely manner. (145) A final grade appeal may result in no change, an increase or a reduction to the awarded final grade. (146) The notification of the outcome of a final grade appeal will detail the grounds upon which the reviewer came to that finding. (147) Access to the documentation related to a final grade appeal will conform to the requirements of the Privacy Policy. (148) Where a student believes there has been a procedural irregularity in the consideration of their final grade appeal, they may appeal the outcome to the Academic Appeals Panel via the Service Connect portal (using the Academic Appeals Form) per the Academic Appeals Policy. The appeal must include details of the procedural irregularity. (149) Where a clause has allowed a Faculty Board to grant an exception, the exception must state the duration it is granted for, which must not exceed three (3) years. It is permissible to re-apply for an exception if it is nearing expiry. (150) The Academic Senate Education Committee will review the list of exceptions, which are listed in Appendix D: Record of Exceptions on an annual basis, in collaboration with Faculties. (151) The Academic Senate Education Committee will monitor the implementation of the Assessment Policy and this Procedure on an ongoing basis, including requesting and reviewing data on implementation as necessary. (152) Executive Deans / Director, Macquarie University College, or their nominee, are required to provide an annual report to the Academic Senate Education Committee using the Grade Appeal Faculty/Macquarie University College Summary Report Pro-Forma which will detail issues that arose in the operation of these processes and the strategies to be implemented to address them. (153) Nil. (154) Definitions specific to this Procedure are contained in the Assessment Policy and below:Assessment Procedure
Section 1 - Purpose
Section 2 - Policy
Section 3 - Procedures
Part A - Assessment Design
Designing for Academic Integrity
Curriculum Alignment
Design of Assessment Criteria and Standards
Task Weighting, Timing, and Volume
Course-based Design
Group Tasks and Groupwork
Hurdle Assessment Requirements
and must be specified in the Unit Guide in that context.Supplementary Assessment
Reasonable Adjustments
Moderation during Assessment Design
Part B - Communication of Assessment Requirements
Late Changes to Assessment Requirements
Unit Guide Requirements
Publishing Unit Guides
Late changes to Published Unit Guides
Part C - Delivery and Submission of Assessments
Submission and Retention
Late Submission
Part D - Feedback and Grades During Teaching Period
Moderation of Grades within a Teaching Period
Feedback within a Teaching Period
Grades and Marks within a Teaching Period
Weighted Average Mark (WAM) and Grade Point Average (GPA)
Part E - Examinations
Use and Types of Examinations
Final Examination Timetable
Disruption of Examinations
Duration of Timed Examinations
Examination Conduct
Communication of Examination Details
Materials in Examinations
Application for Reasonable Adjustments for Examinations
Examination Security
Handling of Examination Scripts
Moderation of Examinations
Other Assessment during the Final Examination Period
Part F - Feedback and Final Grades after Teaching Period
Final Grades
Grade Descriptors
No mark
Grade Not Submitted
Awarded when a student withdraws from a unit or units after the Census Date and on or before the Last Date to Withdraw Without Fail. Academic penalties do not apply but financial penalties may apply.
Holding Grades
Ratification of Results
Final Grade Appeal
Grounds for Appeal
Submitting a Final Grade Appeal
Appealing the Outcome of a Final Grade Appeal
Part G - Quality Assurance and Reporting
Clause Exceptions
Final Grade Appeals
Section 4 - Guidelines
Section 5 - Definitions
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High Distinction (HD)
Provides consistent evidence of deep and critical understanding in relation to the learning outcomes. There is substantial originality, insight or creativity in identifying, generating and communicating competing arguments, perspectives or problem-solving approaches; critical evaluation of problems, their solutions and their implications; creativity in application.
Distinction (D)
Provides evidence of integration and evaluation of critical ideas, principles and theories, distinctive insight and ability in applying relevant skills and concepts in relation to learning outcomes. There is demonstration of frequent originality or creativity in defining and analysing issues or problems and providing solutions; and the use of means of communication and the audience.
Credit (CR)
Provides evidence of learning that goes beyond replication of content knowledge or skills relevant to the learning outcomes. There is demonstration of substantial understanding of fundamental concepts in the field of study and the ability to apply these concepts in a variety of contexts; convincing argumentation with appropriate coherent justification; communication of ideas fluently and clearly in terms of the conventions of the discipline.
Provides sufficient evidence of the achievement of learning outcomes. There is demonstration of a certain level of understanding and application of fundamental concepts of the course; routine argumentation with acceptable justification; communication of information and ideas adequately in terms of the conventions the discipline. The learning attainment is considered satisfactory or adequate or competent or capable in relation to the specified outcomes.
Does not provide evidence of attainment of learning outcomes. There is missing or partial or superficial or faulty understanding and application of the fundamental concepts in the discipline; missing, undeveloped, inappropriate or confusing argumentation; incomplete, confusing or lacking communication of ideas in ways that give little attention to the conventions of the discipline.
Final Grades not receiving a mark
No mark
To be awarded in units of study where the student achievement is measured as a pass or fail only without a mark. To pass, students must, in their performance in assessment tasks, demonstrate the learning outcomes for the unit at an acceptable standard.
No mark
Not recorded
Mark not recorded due to special circumstances.
No mark
The student has not met the defined standards at an appropriate level within a specified time.
No mark
Awarded when a student withdraws from a unit or units after the Census Date, and when academic and/or financial penalties have been applied.
Fail Absent (FA)
Fail Absent
The student has failed for non-submission of an assessment task or non-attendance at a required assessment
Fail Hurdle (FH)
Fail Hurdle
The student has obtained a raw mark over 50 yet failed all available attempts of at least one hurdle assessment (as described within clause 33).