(1) This Procedure sets out the requirements and processes associated with an appeal by a student against certain academic decisions of the University. (2) This Procedure should be read in conjunction with the Academic Appeals Policy. (3) This Procedure applies to academic decisions made by the University affecting all applicants seeking admission to the University and to students (including graduands) enrolled in coursework awards, non-award courses, units of study, preparatory or other programs, and participants in microcredentials offerings (subsequently referred to as students within this Policy) or research degrees regarding decisions on: (4) This Procedure does not apply to: (5) Refer to the Academic Appeals Policy. (6) A student may appeal against an academic decision made by the University as specified in clause 3. (7) An appeal must be made in writing by the student via the Service Connect portal (using the Academic Appeals Form) and set out the details of the grounds for appeal (see the Academic Appeals Policy). (8) There is an Academic Appeals Procedure Flowchart available for this Procedure. (9) The Registrar may authorise any person to carry out any of their functions relating to this Procedure but will remain responsible for those functions. (10) A reference in this document to the Registrar or nominee, if the context permits, includes the person authorised by the Registrar to carry out any of their functions relating to this Procedure. (11) A student must lodge an appeal application no later than ten (10) Working Days after the original decision has been made for: (12) A student must lodge an appeal application no later than twenty (20) Working Days after the original decision has been made for: (13) Late appeal applications will be rejected unless: (14) The Complaints, Appeals, and Misconduct Unit will commence processing the appeal within ten (10) Working Days of receiving the appeal application by seeking a resolution to the appeal with the assistance of the relevant Faculty or business unit. (15) If an appeal application cannot be resolved with the relevant Faculty or business unit, the Registrar will appoint a Chair of the Academic Appeals Panel, having regard to the nature of the matter under consideration. (16) The Chair of the Academic Appeals Panel must, within five (5) working days of being appointed, review the appeal application, request any further documentation that may be required from the student or the Faculty or the business unit that made the academic decision, and provide the student with a written notice of the Chair’s decision to either: (17) The procedure for the calling of meetings of the Academic Appeals Panel and for the conduct of business at those meetings, may be determined by the chair. (18) The student must be given a reasonable opportunity to: (19) Any act or proceeding of an Academic Appeals Panel may be deemed invalid if the correct procedures for academic appeals have not been followed, however will not be invalid merely because of: (20) Current students of the University are able to access support, assistance and advocacy services from the University throughout the appeals process by contacting the Student Advocacy team. (21) For any appeal considered under clause 18b. the student attending a meeting of the Academic Appeals Panel may bring a support person (other than a legal practitioner). (22) Following consideration of an appeal, the Academic Appeals Panel will: (23) Prior to handing down a decision, the Chair of the Academic Appeals Panel or any member of the Academic Appeals Panel may seek advice from the Registrar as to the interpretation of the University’s policies/procedures for the purpose of the appeal in question. (24) If the appeal is upheld, the Academic Appeals Panel will decide what should be done as a consequence of the appeal being upheld. The Chair of the Academic Appeals Panel will inform both the relevant Faculty or business unit and the student of the outcome. (25) An appeal will not be upheld on the ground that a student does not agree with the original decision made. (26) A decision made by the majority of the Academic Appeals Panel will be the decision of the Academic Appeals Panel. (27) The Chair of the Academic Appeals Panel must notify the student of the decision of the Academic Appeals Panel and, if the appeal is dismissed, provide a short written statement of the reason/s for the decision. (28) The student is bound by the decision of the Academic Appeals Panel. (29) Nil. (30) In this document a reference to:Academic Appeals Procedure
Section 1 - Purpose
Top of PageSection 2 - Policy
Section 3 - Procedures
Responsibilities and Required Actions
Timeframes for lodging an appeal
Appeal process
Student support
Appeal decision
Section 4 - Guidelines
Section 5 - Definitions
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