(1) This Procedure outlines the responsibilities and actions required to enable Students with a Disability, or Students who are Carers of a person with a Disability, to access services and support in accordance with the Student Accessibility Policy. (2) This Procedure applies to all Staff and Students of the University. (3) Refer to the Student Accessibility Policy. (4) Registration with the Accessibility Service should be completed as soon as possible after enrolment, so that the University has time to implement Reasonable Adjustments. (5) To register with the Accessibility Service, a current Student must complete the steps outlined on the Register for Accessibility Support webpage. (6) Any supporting documentation provided at Accessibility Service Registration must comply with the following requirements: (7) Where supporting documentation does not meet the requirements, the Accessibility Service will request new or additional documentation before implementing an Individual Education Access Plan (IEAP). (8) The Accessibility Service will use the Student’s Macquarie University Student email address for all communication. (9) The Accessibility Service may request updated, more specific or new documentation, if changes to the impacts of the Disability, or caring for a person with Disability require changes to Reasonable Adjustments. (10) The Accessibility Service may refer any documentation for verification to the referenced health practitioner. (11) Accessibility Service Staff will receive, record and store all documentation submitted by a Student as part of their registration. (12) Supporting documentation is handled in accordance with the University’s Privacy Policy and stored in a restricted access electronic record, which is separate from other University records and systems. (13) Students with an existing IEAP may request changes to the IEAP at any time during their study. Students wishing to amend an IEAP should submit a request via the Accessibility Service Portal. (14) Future Students, or a support person enquiring about Accessibility Service support at Macquarie University can submit an enquiry form via the Student CARE MQ Referral Form. (15) Reasonable Adjustments can only be implemented after assessment of information provided to the Accessibility Service via the registration process. (16) Provision of support documentation, and the assessment of impact on study are required to ensure that Reasonable Adjustments are fair and consistent. (17) Once an online registration has been completed, and appropriate support documentation reviewed and verified, the Student will be invited to meet with Accessibility Service Staff. (18) Accessibility Service Staff will review the information and using an appropriate communication method, consult with the Student about relevant Reasonable Adjustments and their implementation and develop an Individual Education Access Plan (IEAP). (19) Accessibility Service Staff will discuss the following with the Student: (20) Accessibility Service Staff will assess the impact of the Student’s health condition(s)/Disability, on their studies and will consult with the Student about Reasonable Adjustments and how they might be implemented. (21) Accessibility Service Staff will discuss what the Student can reasonably expect of the Accessibility Service, and any Reasonable Adjustments. This could include the Inherent Requirements of the Student’s studies, or Fitness to Practice Requirements within the context of a Student’s practical, clinical or professional course. (22) To determine whether a particular Adjustment for a Student with a Disability is reasonable, all relevant circumstances and interests will be considered as defined in the Policy. (23) Following consultation with the Student, Accessibility Service Staff will prepare an Individual Educational Access Plan (IEAP) which will outline the suggested Reasonable Adjustments. This constitutes an agreement between the Student and the Accessibility Service. (24) The Individual Education Access Plan (IEAP) will be sent to the Student via the University Student email account. (25) Accessibility Service Staff will liaise with relevant Staff to implement the IEAP. This may include discussions with: (26) Accessibility Service Staff will document any issues raised around the implementation of Adjustments and consult with the relevant stakeholder(s) to identify alternatives or other options to address such difficulties. (27) Where there is an impediment to the implementation of an Adjustment, and a change to the Reasonable Adjustment can be offered, Accessibility Service Staff will consult with the Student about the alternative Adjustment arrangements. (28) Accessibility Service Staff will continue negotiation with relevant Staff and the Student until satisfactory Reasonable Adjustments are negotiated. (29) Consultation about the IEAP and impediments to Reasonable Adjustments will aim to be resolved within 5 working days, to avoid a negative effect on the Student’s studies. (30) If a satisfactory resolution cannot be achieved within 5 working days, Accessibility Service Staff will engage the assistance of the Manager, Accessibility Service (or delegate) and relevant academic Head of Department, Course Director, Deputy or Associate Dean, or Associate Director, to negotiate Reasonable Adjustments. (31) Once the Reasonable Adjustments in the IEAP have been resolved, Accessibility Service Staff will implement Reasonable Adjustments as soon as reasonably possible. (32) Relevant academic and professional Staff will receive notification from the Accessibility Service that a Student requires a specific Reasonable Adjustment (as listed on their IEAP) to be implemented. (33) Academic or professional Staff will implement the relevant Reasonable Adjustments from the IEAP within a timely manner. (34) Academic and professional Staff will not implement a Reasonable Adjustment if the Adjustment compromises academic standards or prevents the Student meeting the Inherent Requirements or Fitness to Practice Requirements of a course of study or unit. (35) If an academic or professional Staff member believes they cannot implement a Reasonable Adjustment, they must contact the Accessibility Service as soon as possible to determine alternative arrangements. (36) The academic or professional Staff member must document the implementation of Reasonable Adjustments via the designated system as evidence of implementation. This documentation may be batched if there are multiple Reasonable Adjustments being implemented. (37) The academic or professional Staff member will review the effectiveness of the Reasonable Adjustments. Staff must inform the Accessibility Service as soon as possible, if they believe the Reasonable Adjustments are not effective or reasonable. (38) Where appropriate, an academic or professional Staff member can access training from the Accessibility Service, in relation to the implementation of Reasonable Adjustments. (39) The University will ensure educational resources are available in accessible formats, where feasible. (40) Educational resources may include (but are not limited to): (41) The University will also ensure professional assistance is available to Students if required when accessing educational resources, and that website content produced is compliant with W3C Guidelines to AA level or above. (42) Students completing written assignments may have planned assignment extensions as a Reasonable Adjustment in the IEAP. To activate Planned Extensions, Students must confirm implementation of the Planned Extensions via a Special Consideration request using the Service Connect portal. (43) Students who need to complete timed assessments in exam conditions (generally 15 minutes – several hours) may have additional time recommended as a Reasonable Adjustment. Students with this Adjustment in their IEAP are not required to submit Special Consideration to request additional time for timed assessments completed in exam conditions. (44) If the completion of a final assessment task is significantly impacted by a Student's health condition/Disability, an incomplete grade may be requested by Accessibility Staff if this will assist the Student to progress in their program. (45) A Student with a Disability, or a Carer for a person with Disability, may be entitled to Reasonable Adjustments when undertaking a range of practical or workplace activities required to complete coursework. (46) Students are encouraged to contact the Accessibility Service before the session when the external activity is to occur to discuss Reasonable Adjustments and allow sufficient time for implementation prior to the activity start date. (47) The Student must provide the University with appropriate supporting documentation which describes the impacts of their Disability, or caring for a person with Disability, on the activity. (48) Consultation about Reasonable Adjustments will involve the Student, the Accessibility Service, the Staff coordinating the activity, and (if applicable) the external organisation staff hosting the activity. (49) Where appropriate, an independent workplace assessment, which includes risk assessment, may occur. This assessment must make recommendations regarding Reasonable Adjustments. (50) An external activity provider and/or University Staff supporting the activity will receive notification from the University Accessibility team that a Student has an IEAP. (51) The external activity provider and/or University Staff supporting the activity will be asked to undertake implementation of Reasonable Adjustments as per Part C of this Procedure. (52) Disability legislation, and the Student Accessibility Policy outline exceptions to the implementation of these Procedures. Exceptions to implementation must occur for specific reasons and must be documented. An exception to implementation must be communicated to the Student who is affected, with reasons provided for the exception. (53) The University may decline to implement an Adjustment where it would impose an Unjustifiable Hardship on the University or on a Placement provider. (54) The University will implement appropriate measures, which may affect a Student’s ability to access study or study environments, where it is reasonably necessary to protect the health or welfare of the Student or other people. (55) Students who believe they have been treated unfairly, or received inadequate delivery or quality of services, may seek advice and support from the Accessibility Service and Student Advocacy. (56) Complaints are governed by the Complaints Resolution Policy for Students and Members of the Public. (57) Any questions or concerns on matters relating to Disability discrimination may be referred to the Accessibility Service or Diversity and Inclusion Unit. (58) Complaints may also be made externally to the Australian Human Rights Commission or the Anti-Discrimination Board of NSW. (59) Nil. (60) The following definitions apply for the purpose of this Procedure:Student Accessibility Procedure
Section 1 - Purpose
Section 2 - Policy
Section 3 - Procedures
Part A - Student Registration
Part B - Assessment of Reasonable Adjustments to Study
Individual Educational Access Plan (IEAP)
Part C - Implementation of Reasonable Adjustments
Application of Additional Time Adjustments
Part D - Fieldwork, Workplace activities, Clinical and Professional placements
Part E - Exceptions
Part F - Student Concerns
Section 4 - Guidelines
Section 5 - Definitions
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