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First Aid Procedure

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) This Procedure outlines the steps required to:

  1. provide first aid resources and training;
  2. select and appoint First Aid Officers;
  3. pay a first aid allowance; and
  4. administer first aid in cases of illness or injury.


(2) This Procedure applies to all workers, students, and other persons associated with the University and controlled entities in the course of endorsed activities on and outside the University’s campus.

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Section 2 - Policy

(3) Refer to the Health and Safety Policy.

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Section 3 - Procedure

Responsibilities and Required Actions

(4) The provision of First Aid resources is a key strategy in Macquarie University’s commitment to:

  1. maintaining a safe and healthy working environment and minimising the effects of accidents and injuries; and
  2. ensuring that the University complies with its legislative obligations under the relevant Health and Safety legislation.

(5) This Procedure requires actions by the following:

  1. Executive Dean;
  2. First Aid Officer;
  3. Head of Office;
  4. Head, Workplace Health and Safety; and
  5. Payroll Officer, Human Resources.

(6) This Procedure consists of the following topics:

  1. Provide first aid resources;
  2. Provide training;
  3. Provide first aid kits;
  4. Appoint first aid officers;
  5. Withdraw an appointment;
  6. Pay first aid allowance;
  7. Receive first aid allowance; and
  8. Administer first aid.

Head, Workplace Health and Safety

Provide First Aid Resources

(7) Ensure that first aid resources (see First Aid Resources Schedule) are provided in accordance with relevant legislation and regulations.

(8) Provide fully equipped First Aid rooms and recovery / treatment rooms on campus and staff these with suitably qualified personnel.

(9) Ensure that there are sufficient numbers of First Aid Officers appointed across the University.

Provide Training

(10) Ensure training is obtained and maintained as follows:

  1. First Aid Officers must complete HLTFA301B Apply First Aid (Senior First Aid);
  2. Security staff must complete:
    1. HLTFA301B Apply First Aid;
    2. HLTFA402B Apply Advanced First Aid; and
    3. HLTFA403B (Occupational First Aid certificate).

Executive Dean / Head of Office

Provide First Aid Kits

(11) Ensure that an appropriate number of first aid kits are provided in all work areas as appropriate.

Appoint First Aid Officers

Determine Requirements

(12) Executive Deans / Heads of Departments are responsible for ensuring that they have appointed sufficient numbers of staff to the position of First Aid Officer in the areas they control.

(13) Note the following minimum requirements for each work area / building:

  1. one First Aid Officer per 25 staff or staff / students;
  2. two First Aid Officers per workshop complex; and
  3. one First Aid Officer in each location where there is a higher risk of injury e.g. laboratory, field trips.

(14) If you wish to increase the number of First Aid Officers beyond the minimum number, request the appointment and approve the allowance to be paid from Faculty / Office funds.

(15) To assist you in determining the number of First Aid Officers needed, complete a First Aid Requirements Risk Assessment and assess the:

  1. work being undertaken;
  2. environment in which the work is undertaken;
  3. hours during which the work is undertaken - first aid coverage should be arranged for all hours during which an area is staffed;
  4. number of people in a work area; and
  5. size and layout of the building.

(16) To ensure coverage, consider appointing full-time staff to First Aid positions, or appointing several part-time staff.

(17) First Aid officers are appointed to cover an entire work area, even if this might be an entire building. Where a building or floor is shared, you will need to speak with other Faculties / Offices to decide on the requirements and appointment of officers in each area.


(18) The following selection criteria should be followed when identifying staff for appointment as First Aid Officers:

  1. willingness to provide first aid to any person requiring it;
  2. enthusiasm and willingness to act in this role;
  3. ability to act calmly and take charge in an emergency;
  4. awareness of the limit to their role and able to make appropriate judgments about when to seek medical assistance;
  5. ability to relate well to others;
  6. ability to make good assessments of situations;
  7. located in one place, readily contactable and in a position to be called away at short notice;
  8. full-time staff member or a part-time staff member who can share the role;
  9. in good physical health, sufficient to be able to discharge their responsibilities; and
  10. has completed the required training, or is capable of undertaking the required training.

(19) Appoint Deputy First Aid Officers to assist the First Aid Officers, as required. Note that Deputy First Aid Officers are not entitled to a First Aid Allowance.

(20) Complete a First Aiders Appointment Form and forward with a copy of the applicant’s current certificate to the Head, Workplace Health and Safety.

(21) Once confirmed, the First Aid Officer will receive the First Aider allowance.


(22) First Aid Officers are appointed for a fixed term period up to a maximum of three (3) years, or until expiration of their certificate. At expiration of their certificate, a First Aid Officer wanting to be re-appointed, should supply their manager with a copy of their new certificate and request re-appointed to the position. There is no system of automatic re-appointment.

(23) To re-appoint a First Aid Officer, submit a new First Aiders Appointment Form.

(24) Note: there is no provision for back payment of the First Aid Allowance to First Aid Officers who fail to apply for re-appointment following expiration of their certificate.

Withdraw An Appointment

(25) Where it is necessary to withdraw an appointment, do so by providing the Head, Workplace Health and Safety with a written explanation for the withdrawal.

Payroll, Human Resources

Pay First Aid Allowance

(26) Pay First Aid Officers a fortnightly allowance from the date that the appointment is approved to the expiration date of the officer’s Senior First Aid certificate. For fixed term staff, expiration will cease on the end date of their contract.

(27) First Aid Allowance is not payable for absences greater than four (4) weeks (e.g. annual, sick, long service, parental leave, Outside Studies Program, secondment) or during any period of leave without pay. This provides for the allowance to be paid to a relief First Aid Officer.

(28) Do not pay Deputy First Aid Officers a First Aid Allowance.

(29) Upon receipt of an approved First Aiders Appointment Form, load a First Aid Allowance for the individual and provide details of the appointment to the Head, Workplace Health and Safety.

First Aid Officer

Receive First Aid Allowance

(30) First Aid officers are paid a First Aid Allowance for completing the following duties:

  1. administering immediate aid to sick and injured person(s) on University premises in accordance with the principles of First Aid;
  2. documenting any First Aid treatment administered in the First Aid Treatment Book;
  3. monitoring access to the First Aid recovery / treatment room (where applicable);
  4. maintaining and arranging cleaning of the First Aid recovery / treatment rooms as required; and
  5. maintaining First Aid kits on a monthly basis and ordering stock as required.

(31) If you wish to be re-appointed at the expiration of your Senior First Aid certificate you need to provide your manager with a copy of your new certificate and the First Aiders Appointment Form.

(32) If you wish to have your appointment as a First Aid Officer withdrawn, notify your Executive Dean / Head of Office and the Head, Workplace Health and Safety in writing.

Administer First Aid

Obtain Consent

(33) Before you start treating an injured person you should seek and receive their consent to be treated. If the injured person is unconscious, or unable to give consent due to their injuries, you can assume consent and begin treatment. If the injured person is under 18 years old, then you should seek consent from a parent or guardian. If a parent or guardian is not present, you should ask the person if it is okay to commence treatment first.

(34) You should not start treatment if an adult refuses your offer of treatment.

(35) You only have the injured person’s consent to treat them for a condition that affects their immediate health. You should not provide help for any ailment that goes beyond your knowledge of first aid.

Refusal of Treatment

(36) Where an injured person declines treatment, you should:

  1. ask the person several times whether you can provide first aid assistance to them;
  2. call for an ambulance for further assistance; and
  3. advise the person that their refusal will be noted in the record of treatment and if possible have the injured person sign the notation indicating their desire not to be treated.

Provide First Aid

(37) You must work within the scope of your experience and training. Generally, this means that you should not undertake invasive procedures or use advanced skills or administer pharmaceuticals unless you have undertaken and passed required training.

(38) If you have appropriate training and certification, you may administer oxygen and / or automated defibrillation if required.

(39)  If further medical assistance is required, you (or a bystander) should contact Security to arrange for assistance in transporting the injured person to the Medical Centre or call an ambulance.

(40) Medication and Analgesics – 

  1. You are prohibited from administering medication or analgesics. You can assist an injured person self administer medications where the medication is used to control or reduce the effects of a medical condition e.g. vasodilator tables used to reduce the pain associated with an angina attack.

(41) External Automated Defibrillators – 

  1. The University has an External Automated Defibrillator available on campus. If you require the defibrillator, contact Security on 9999. Use of a defibrillator is limited to Occupational First Aiders and staff who have completed advanced resuscitation training.

(42) Epi-pens – 

  1. Epi-pens are not to be bought by a Faculty except in situations where as a result of employment there is an increased risk of exposure to insect sting, food or latex allergies. Currently the only areas that would require the supply of an Epi-pen are the Fauna Park and Macquarie University Property.
  2.  Epi-pens are to be stored in a secure (not locked) and cool location. You are responsible for ensuring that a pen is regularly checked to ensure that it has not expired.
  3. Only First Aid Officers who have received specific training in the administration of Epi-pens can administer a pen.
  4. If a person is suffering an allergic response, you should assist that person to self-administer their pen. In cases where the person is unable to administer the shot, you should administer the pen as follows:
    1. check the EpiPen to ensure the medication has not expired, has not become discoloured, does not contain particulates, or sediments;
    2. prepare the skin site with alcohol, if available;
    3. remove the safety cap from the auto-injector;
    4. place the tip of the auto-injector against the lateral aspect of the patient’s thigh midway between the waist and knee;
    5. push the injector firmly against the thigh until the spring-loaded needle is deployed and the medication is injected (at least 10 seconds);
    6. dispose of the auto-injector in a bio-hazard contained designed for sharp objects as soon as possible. Be careful not to prick yourself as the needle will now be protruding from the end of the injector; and
    7. record that epinephrine was administered, the dose, and the time of administration.

Record Treatment

(43) After administering first aid, you must complete a First Aid Treatment form and include details of:

  1. refusals of first aid assistance;
  2. recommendations made; and
  3. other relevant information.

(44) Send this form to the Head, Workplace Health and Safety.

(45) Advise the injured person to complete an Incident and Accident Report through Risk and safety reporting.

Take Precautions

(46) When you administer first aid, you should take care to ensure your own health and safety. You must follow safe work practices with regards to minimising exposure to blood or bodily fluids. You should assume that all blood / bodily fluids are infectious and you should follow these standard precautions to reduce the risk of infection:

  1. wash your hands with hot soapy water (or anti-bacterial gel) prior to and after administering first aid;
  2. wear disposable gloves and eye protection;
  3. cover any sores or open wounds with band-aids;
  4. when performing mouth to mouth resuscitation, use a face shield or barrier guard;
  5. use the injured person’s hand to cover an open wound or to apply pressure;
  6. locate and remove any sharps (syringes, glass etc) and dispose of these in a safe manner;
  7. dispose of all contaminated dressings in a plastic bag for safe disposal;
  8. wash any equipment with an alcohol swab or in warm water and a neutral detergent. Where practicable replace any metal equipment with disposable equipment (e.g. tweezers); and
  9. wash any surfaces down with warm water and neutral detergent.

Maintain Privacy of Patient Personal Information

(47) You must only record information critical to the provision of first aid, and treat confidentially any personal information gathered while treating an injured person. Information obtained while providing treatment is governed under the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (NSW) and the Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002 (NSW).

(48) This information may include:

  1. name and contact details of the injured person;
  2. date and time of injury / accident;
  3. information regarding the type of work being undertaken;
  4. details of first aid provided;
  5. information with regards to medical conditions, previous injuries etc. that would be relevant to the treatment being provided; and
  6. use of alcohol or illicit drugs.

(49) You are allowed to release information regarding an injured person to the attending Ambulance Officer or other emergency services personnel, as required.

Dispose of Waste

(50) You should consider waste generated in the administration of first aid as a biological hazard and contact Macquarie University Property to have the waste disposed of appropriately.

(51) For items such as bandages, swabs, gauze etc, you should do the following:

  1. put on disposable gloves;
  2. pick up objects with tongs;
  3. place waste in a biological hazard bag and seal as instructed; and
  4. place this bag inside another bag and seal.

(52) For sharps (syringes, needles etc), you should do the following:

  1. put on disposable gloves;
  2. locate a sharps container or glass jar with a lid;
  3. place the container on the ground in front of the sharp;
  4. pick up the sharp in the middle with tongs. Where no tongs are available, make sure you have the pointy end directed away from you;
  5. place the sharp into the container and secure the top; and
  6. remove the rubber gloves and wash your hands thoroughly.

Legal Protection

(53) In providing first aid to an injured person, you are provided protection from legal action brought against you through the University’s vicarious liability. Vicarious liability holds that Macquarie University as the employer is generally responsible for the actions of its employees, where they have acted in good faith and within the scope of their training.

(54) The Civil Liability Act 2002 (NSW) contains provisions which limit the ability of an injured person to bring legal action against a First Aid Officer for administering treatment which is described as a “good Samaritan act”. Sect 57 (1) of the Civil Liability Act 2002 states that:

  1. “a good Samaritan does not incur any personal civil liability in respect of any act or omission done or made by the good Samaritan in an emergency when assisting a person who is apparently injured or at risk of being injured”.

(55) It is important to note that this protection does not extend to situations where a person:

  1. renders first aid and is under the influence of alcohol and / or drugs (including prescription medication) and fails to exercise reasonable care and skill;
  2. is responsible for the injury or risk;
  3. falsely represents their skills or expertise in rendering assistance; or
  4. impersonates an emergency services worker.


(56) The University recommends that you are immunised against Hepatitis B. The cost of immunisation is to be met by your Department. You are required to provide a Certificate of Immunisation to the Head, Workplace Health and Safety. If you wish to decline the offer of vaccination, you will need to complete the “Election to Decline Vaccination” form.

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Section 4 - Definitions

(57) The following definitions apply for the purpose of this Procedure.

  1. First aid means the immediate care given to an ill or injured person until more advanced care arrives or the person recovers. In an emergency situation first aid aims to maintain life, prevent further harm / injury, ease pain and to prevent the deterioration of a person's condition until professional medical help can be obtained.