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Facilities Usage Policy

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) This Policy describes the conditions of use of Macquarie University facilities.


(2) Macquarie University Property requires the cooperation of all staff, students and visitors to ensure that:

  1. rooms and spaces are maintained in the best possible condition;
  2. all facilities remain ready for future users; and
  3. the University complies with all relevant regulations and legislation.


(3) This Policy applies to all people who use Macquarie University facilities.

(4) This Policy applies to the following types of facilities and spaces:

  1. Centrally Allocated Pool (CAP) rooms eg classrooms and theatres;
  2. Common Meeting Rooms eg the Senate Room in C8A;
  3. Local Rooms eg staff offices, department classrooms, staff meeting rooms, computer rooms and laboratories; and
  4. Outdoor Areas eg the area between the Macquarie Lake and E11A.

(5) This Policy does not apply to:

  1. facilities managed by the University Library and Art Gallery, Macquarie Graduate School of Management or Campus Life;
  2. computers and audiovisual equipment (these are covered by the Acceptable Use of IT Resources Policy and the Learning Technologies Policy, respectively).
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Section 2 - Policy

Conditions of Use

(6) All Facilities:

  1. access to facilities will be in accordance with the Core Business Hours Policy;
  2. smoking is not permitted in any University building; smoking will be required to be in accordance with the Smoking on Campus Policy;
  3. food and drink will only be allowed in outdoor areas, Common Meeting Rooms, Local Rooms, and the foyers of Macquarie, X5B and Y3A Theatres;
  4. all activities must comply with Local, State and Commonwealth legislation;
  5. all activities must comply with Health and Safety regulations;
  6. non-educational activities involving the entertainment of public audiences will only be allowed:
    1. in rooms and outdoor areas that comply with the Building Code of Australia (BCA) Entertainment Venue provisions; and
    2. where the appropriate copyright consents and licenses have been obtained by the room user prior to the event, if copyrighted music or films are played to a public audience;
  7. users are not permitted to alter the physical fabric of rooms or spaces;
  8. lights and equipment must be turned off when leaving a room;
  9. all advertising material posted on campus must be removed at the end of an activity; and
  10. noise or music is not permitted to disturb activities in adjacent rooms or areas. Exceptions require the approval of the Vice-Chancellor.

(7) CAP Rooms:

  1. all hiring will be in accordance with the Facilities Hire Policy;
  2. all bookings will be in accordance with the Room Booking Policy;
  3. alcohol is not permitted;
  4. food and drink are not permitted (except bottled water);
  5. no cooking, reheating or microwaving is permitted for use outside or in surrounding areas such as corridors, stairwells and bathrooms;
  6. furniture or equipment are not permitted to be removed from rooms;
  7. if furniture is rearranged, the original layout must be reinstated after use;
  8. the room must be tidied after use and all rubbish placed in bins;
  9. only staff who have prior approval from the Learning and Teaching Centre may operate audiovisual equipment;
  10. no person is permitted to sit or stand in a passageway or on steps in any University theatre; and
  11. anyone using the piano in Macquarie Theatre must comply with the moving directions attached to the cover of the piano.

(8) Common Meeting Rooms:

  1. all booking will be in accordance with the Room Booking Policy;
  2. all catering and alcohol provision will be in accordance with the Entertainment Policy;
  3. no cooking, reheating or microwaving is permitted;
  4. if furniture is rearranged, the original layout must be reinstated after use; and
  5. the room must be tidied after use and all rubbish placed in bins.

(9) Local Rooms:

  1. all catering and alcohol provision will be in accordance with the Entertainment Policy;
  2. Local Room rules are to be observed;
  3. if furniture is rearranged, the original layout must be reinstated after use; and
  4. the room must be tidied after use and all rubbish placed in bins.

(10) Outdoor Areas:

  1. all hiring will be in accordance with the Facilities Hire Policy;
  2. all booking will be in accordance with the Room Booking Policy;
  3. all catering and alcohol provision will be in accordance with the Entertainment Policy; and
  4. the area must be tidied after use and all rubbish placed in bins.
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Section 3 - Procedure

(11) Nil.

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Section 4 - Guidelines

(12) Nil.

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Section 5 - Definitions

(13) The following definitions apply for the purpose of this Policy:

  1. Facilities means the built environment, furniture and outside spaces.