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Course Transfer (Undergraduate Coursework) Policy

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) To outline the University policy that enables a student to transfer from one undergraduate course to another.


(2) The University recognises the desire for flexibility and mobility of its student cohort and the value this adds to recruitment strategies. In keeping with this desire the University has developed a transfer policy that enables undergraduate students to move between specified courses (degrees) on attainment of particular transfer criteria.


(3) All prospective and existing coursework students of the University; staff involved in the academic management and administration of study, including offshore and distance-mode / external study.

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Section 2 - Policy

(4) The University will offer students the opportunity to transfer between a number of undergraduate courses at specified times in the academic year.

(5) The University will:

  1. determine the eligibility criteria for course transfer; and
  2. ensure the this Policy and associated documentation is readily available for both student and staff access.

(6) Student Lifecycle will administer requests for transfer.

(7) Applicants who meet the current transfer criteria will be admitted to the current version of the course for which they are seeking to transfer.

(8) Applicants who meet the current transfer criteria will have their previous Macquarie University studies transferred to the new course.

(9) The Academic Senate or delegated authority will approve the required criteria for course transfer.

(10) Commonwealth Supported students will be transferred into a Commonwealth Supported Place (CSP) in the new course. Domestic undergraduate tuition fee paying students will be transferred into a tuition fee category place in the new course. International tuition fee paying students will be transferred into the current calendar year fee structure of the new course.

(11) Students who have satisfied requirements for the award of a degree, or who have been qualified for that award by the University, may not use this Policy to take up a double degree or to transfer to another degree.

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Section 3 - Procedures

(12) Refer to the Course Transfer (Undergraduate Coursework) Procedure.

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Section 4 - Guidelines

(13) Nil.

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Section 5 - Definitions

(14) Nil.