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Macquarie University College Board Terms of Reference

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Section 1 - Establishment


(1) The Macquarie University College Board (College Board) is established under the approval of the Vice-Chancellor and replaces the Macquarie University International College Sub-Committee.

(2) These Terms of Reference set out the College Board's purpose, authority, membership and functions and responsibilities.


(3) The College Board is the academic governance body of Macquarie University College and will ensure the quality, standards and compliance of the Macquarie University College (including academic programs and processes) against internal and external quality indicators, legislation, and University rules and policies. 


(4) The College Board has authority delegated by Council as specified in the Delegations of Authority Register section 5 (Academic Matters) and noted in Section 3 of these Terms of Reference. 

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Section 2 - Membership

(5) The membership of the College Board will consist of:

  1. the Director, Macquarie University College (Chair);
  2. the Associate Director, Macquarie University College;
  3. one (1) nominee of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic);
  4. one (1) nominee of Chief Student Recruitment Officer;
  5. up to four (4) academic staff members from relevant faculties nominated by the respective Executive Dean and appointed by the Vice-Chancellor, following consultation with the Chair, Academic Senate; and 
  6. one (1) student member nominated by the Chair and appointed by the Vice-Chancellor, being students drawn from the current cohort or recent graduates of Macquarie University College.

Term of office

(6) The term of office for members appointed under clauses 5 (e) and (f) is two (2) years unless otherwise specified.

Deputy Chair

(7) The Chair of the College Board will nominate a Deputy Chair from the academic staff members of the College Board (as appointed under clause 5 (e).

Casual vacancies

(8) Where a casual vacancy occurs during the term of membership of an appointed member under clauses 5 (e) and (f), a new nomination will be sought from the relevant nominator for appointment by the Vice-Chancellor.

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Section 3 - Functions and Responsibilities

(9) The College Board will:

  1. exercise its delegation to approve the establishment and amendment of inherent requirements for courses/programs delivered by Macquarie University College;
  2. exercise its delegation to determine Macquarie University College's unit offerings, including the approval of new units and the amendment, renewal or disestablishment of existing units (with the exception of the designation of a unit as PACE or Capstone, which is approved by Academic Senate);
  3. exercise its delegations relating to courses/programs of study and units of study; 
  4. exercise its delegation to approve final grades for students in a unit of study, including a change of academic grade after ratification;
  5. exercise its delegation to determine conditions for Macquarie University College specific prizes and scholarships (with the exception of philanthropic scholarships);
  6. carry out other functions relating to the Macquarie University College's courses/programs of study, units of study and microcredentials as specified in relevant University policies and procedures; 
  7. monitor the quality and standard of the Macquarie University College's academic activities, including but not limited to:
    1. reviewing student cohort data for admissions, progression, retention and completion;
    2. reviewing feedback from students on the quality of their learning experience, including teaching, supervision, and the overall delivery of units of study;
    3. the regular review of units, courses/programs as set out in the University’s curriculum lifecycle framework;
    4. benchmarking of data;
    5. external accreditation;
    6. academic integrity;
    7. research integrity;
    8. third party arrangements (including for course/program delivery); and
    9. report to the Academic Senate on any systemic issues identified that adversely affect the quality and standards of Macquarie University College's academic activities, actions to address these issues, and the effectiveness of the actions;
  8. discuss new and emerging risks relating to academic activities (including mitigating actions) and report material risks to the Academic Senate;
  9. following a request from the Academic Senate, report on Macquarie University College's compliance with the University’s external standards and internal standards (policies and procedures) relating to academic activities, including staff/scholarship, learning, teaching, and curriculum;
  10. oversee Macquarie University College's alignment with the curriculum architecture requirements of the University, including delivery of an Indigenous connected curriculum;
  11. determine the academic priorities of Macquarie University College; 
  12. contribute to the development or amendment of University policies, procedures and frameworks that impact on the academic activities of Macquarie University College and the experience of its students;  
  13. receive and consider reports, minutes or submissions from any sub-committees or working groups of the College Board;
  14. ratify executive decisions made by the Director, Macquarie University College (in their capacity as Chair of the College Board) between meetings of the College Board; and
  15. discuss and report on any other matter referred to it by Academic Senate, the Vice-Chancellor, or the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic).

(10) Operational and budgetary matters are outside the function and responsibilities of the College Board. This includes the business case of any proposal which must be approved by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic).

Establishment of sub-committees and working groups

(11) The College Board may establish sub-committees or working groups to support the performance of its functions and responsibilities. The College Board may not authorise any sub-committees or working groups to exercise any of its delegated authorities.

(12) The membership of any such sub-committees or working groups will be determined by the College Board and is not limited to members of the Macquarie University College.

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Section 4 - Meetings


(13) The Board shall meet at least four times in each year and whenever requested by the Chair.


(14) A quorum for a meeting of the College Board shall be a majority of the membership, i.e., half of the entire membership plus one, other than those members absent on approved leave.

Agendas and Minutes

(15) The College Board will be supported by staff within Macquarie University College, in accordance with the University’s standard committee servicing protocols.

Conflicts of interest

(16) Where a member has an actual, potential, or perceived conflict of interest, they must declare this prior to discussion of the item of business.

(17) Student members appointed under clause 5 (f) are exempt from considering confidential matters relating to:

  1. student results;
  2. student prizes, awards and scholarships; and
  3. any student conduct matters.


(18) The College Board will report to Academic Senate after each meeting.

Standing Orders

(19) The Academic Senate and Academic Senate Committees Procedure will apply to the conduct of College Board meetings.

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Section 5 - Variations

(20) Variations to the Terms of Reference of the College Board will be approved by the Vice-Chancellor in consultation with the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) and the Chair, Academic Senate (if deemed appropriate).

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Section 6 - Definitions

(21) Nil.