(1) This Policy sets out the principles for the enrolment of coursework students at the University, as well as variations to enrolment including leave of absence, suspension of study and withdrawal or course withdrawal. (2) This Policy, together with the Leave of Absence and Suspension of Studies Procedure and the Withdrawal Procedure, specifies: (3) It should be read in conjunction with the Leave of Absence and Suspension of Studies Procedure and the Withdrawal Procedure. (4) Provisions for Enrolment, Withdrawal from units, Withdrawal from a course, and Student Appeals and Complaints as specified in Parts A, B, D, and E of this Policy, apply to all: (5) Provisions for Leave of Absence and Suspension of Study as specified in Part C of this Policy apply to all students listed in clause 4 with the exception of non-award students, cross-institutional students, Open Universities Australia students, exchange students, and students in study abroad courses. (6) Leave of absence provisions for Higher Degree Research and Master of Research (MRes) candidates are not in scope. These provisions are documented in the Graduate Research Variations to Candidature Policy. (7) By enrolling at the University, students agree to be bound by the University’s Terms and Conditions, and all University by-laws, rules, policies and procedures including the General Coursework Rules and the Student Code of Conduct. The student also agrees to pay all fees, levies, and charges directly arising from their enrolment. (8) Unless otherwise advised, enrolment occurs through the University’s online enrolment system (eStudent). A student’s eligibility to enrol or remain enrolled is subject to University provisions including but not limited to the General Coursework Rules, Handbook, Admission Policy, Recognition of Prior Learning Policy, Academic Progression Policy, and Student Code of Conduct. (9) The University will publish a Calendar of Dates on its website before students commence in their course or enrol in a unit. The key dates for each study period include: (10) Students must manage their enrolment by the specified due dates as published on the Calendar of Dates. (11) The University will also publish course-specific enrolment requirements, including inherent requirements, fitness to practice conditions, and requirements imposed by external accreditation or registration bodies or organisations that provide professional placements as specified in the Admission Policy, the Academic Progression Policy, and the Fitness to Practice Procedure. (12) Students must meet overall enrolment requirements for their course including those specified in clause 11 and ensure that their enrolment is consistent with the course structure (see Handbook). (13) Students are not eligible to undertake additional units if they do not contribute towards the requirements of their course. A student wishing to enrol in additional units that do not contribute to the requirements of their course may do so as a non-award student. Non-award units will be listed separately on the transcript. (14) Unless otherwise advised, a student who has passed a unit cannot re-enrol in the same or an equivalent unit during their study. (15) A student who wishes to attempt a completed unit again is required to complete the unit as a non-award course following approval by the Unit Convenor. Students who do this without authorisation may have that unit enrolment cancelled and receive a refund of fees or charges incurred. (16) To maintain enrolment, a domestic student or international students who would not ordinarily require a student visa must enrol in a minimum of one (1) unit for each standard study period or seek leave of absence. (17) To maintain enrolment, an international student who has, or would ordinarily require, a student visa must maintain enrolment in the appropriate units for a standard teaching period as advised by the University or seek a suspension of study. (18) University staff may enrol a student on their behalf where a need for such assistance is identified. (19) Students are effectively enrolled when they remain enrolled in a unit beyond the study period Census Date. (20) A student remains enrolled in a unit unless the student: (21) The University may amend a student's enrolment to meet University and/or compliance requirements. This includes where the University decides that a course or unit must be significantly amended, replaced, or no longer offered. In any transition arrangement, the University will seek to ensure that all students are able to complete a course that leads to an Award within the timeframe of the initial course to which the student was admitted. The University will also seek to ensure that international students are able to complete their course within the duration of their current visa, subject to requirements specified in the Academic Progression Policy and the Macquarie University College Academic Progression Policy. (22) Students are responsible for keeping their personal details up to date in the student system (eStudent). (23) Students must follow all course specific enrolment requirements including inherent requirements, fitness to practice conditions, and any requirements imposed by accreditation or registration bodies or organisations that provide professional placements. If a student has concerns about meeting any course requirements, they must discuss their enrolment plans with the Course Director and/or, an Accessibility Advisor or Student Wellbeing (see Personal Support) before enrolling in the course. (24) International students who have, or would ordinarily require a student visa must comply with the enrolment conditions of their visa. They must not be enrolled past the duration mandated in their visa unless the required approvals have been received to extend that time. The University is required to monitor, and report to the Federal Government, international students studying in Australia on a student visa who do not meet certain conditions in accordance with the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 and the National Code. (25) Students must seek academic approval to study more than a full-time load in any study period in accordance with the Credit Overload provisions and form. Over-enrolment must be approved at an individual or course level by the appropriate Faculty contact and will incur full fees for the additional units. Additional information is available on the Credit Overload page. (26) International students who have or would ordinarily require a student visa must seek academic approval to study less than a full-time load in any study period. (27) Students may withdraw from one or more units in which they are enrolled. Provisions relating to withdrawal from units are available in the Withdrawal Procedure. (28) Students may apply to take a break from study at the University. Provisions for applying for leave of absence (domestic students) or suspension of studies (international students) are in the Leave of Absence and Suspension of Studies Procedure. (29) Students on leave of absence or suspension of study will retain access to University facilities and support services (see Support). Students on leave of absence or suspension of study are unenrolled and therefore are not liable for relevant fees. (30) Approved leave of absence decisions will appear on the student’s official transcript. (31) Approved suspension of study decisions will not appear on the student’s official transcript, due to the compassionate or compelling nature of the application. (32) For the purpose of clauses 33 to 35, domestic student also includes international students who would not ordinarily require a Student Visa. (33) Domestic students who require a break from study may apply for a leave of absence from their course for up to a total of twelve (12) months or an individual study period (whichever is longer) over the duration of their course, subject to approval and any course specific requirements. The study periods do not need to be consecutive. (34) Students may choose to return early from an approved leave of absence in accordance with the Leave of Absence and Suspension of Studies Procedure. (35) Leave of absence will not be granted: (36) For the purpose of clauses 37 to 40, international student refers to international students who have, or would ordinarily require, a Student Visa. (37) International students may apply to temporarily suspend their study for up to a total of twelve (12) months or two (2) standard study periods (whichever is longer) over the duration of the course, subject to approval and any course specific requirements. The study periods do not need to be consecutive. (38) Applications will only be considered where there are compassionate or compelling circumstances and must be supported by documentary evidence. International students on a student visa are required to comply with the provisions of their visa when seeking suspension of study. (39) Suspension of study for international students will not be granted: (40) International students are advised to fully understand the impact that suspension of study or withdrawal or transfer and release may have on their student visa before applying (see Student Visa Support). (41) A student’s enrolment may be cancelled by the University in accordance with conditions specified in this Policy and the Leave of Absence and Suspension of Studies Procedure. In addition, if a student fails to meet the requirements of the course to which they have been admitted, the University may suspend or exclude the student from their course or impose conditions on their future enrolment in accordance with the provisions of: (42) A student whose enrolment is cancelled will no longer be admitted to their course. They will have their admission withdrawn and be required to reapply for admission. (43) A student who has been withdrawn from their course will no longer retain access to relevant University facilities and support services but will continue to have access to their student email account. (44) International students who have, or would ordinarily require a student visa must be aware of possible impacts on their visa conditions if they are unable to study due to a change in academic status (see Student Visa Support). (45) A student who has been withdrawn from a course and later elects to return to the same course, must re-apply for admission to the most recent version of the course in accordance with the Admission Policy and will be charged the new rate of fees, if applicable. The provisions of the Recognition of Prior Learning Policy may also apply. (46) For the purpose of clauses 47 to 48, domestic student refers to domestic students and international students who would not ordinarily require a Student Visa. (47) If a domestic student does not enrol in at least one unit in a standard study period, and fails to apply for leave of absence, the University will place the student on an administrative leave of absence for one standard study period up to a total of twelve (12) months. (48) An administrative leave of absence will count towards maximum leave calculations. Once a domestic student has reached the maximum leave for their course, they will be withdrawn from their course and they will be required to reapply for admission to the most recent version of the course and will be charged the new rate of fees, if applicable in accordance with the Admission Policy. (49) For the purpose of clauses 50 to 53, international student refers to international students who have, or would ordinarily require, a Student Visa. (50) International students must comply with the requirements of their student visa and strive, at all times, to complete their studies within the completion date as specified on their Confirmation of Enrolment (COE) document. (51) If a student is unable to complete the recommended number of units in a study period, the student can apply for Reduced Study Load or a Suspension of Study if there are compassionate or compelling circumstances. (52) If a Suspension of Studies is granted, the student will be placed on an administrative leave of absence which can be up to twelve (12) months. (53) At the end of the administrative leave of absence, the student may return to studies. If they do not enrol in the recommended number of units in a study period, and have not had Reduced Study Load or Suspension of Studies approved, the student will be administratively withdrawn from their course. (54) For the purpose of clauses 55 to 57, domestic student also includes international students who would not ordinarily require a Student Visa. (55) The University will assess students who wish to withdraw from their course in accordance with the Leave of Absence and Suspension of Studies Procedure. Students are encouraged to first seek course advice from their faculty or Student Wellbeing (see Course Advisers / Personal Support). (56) If a domestic student does not enrol in a standard study period, and fails to apply for leave of absence, the University will place the student on an administrative leave of absence for one standard study period. (57) If the student continues to remain unenrolled, the student will remain on an administrative leave of absence until they reach a total of twelve (12) months, after which the student will be formally withdrawn from the course. This means that their course enrolment will be cancelled by the University and they will be required to reapply for admission as per the Admission Policy. (58) For the purpose of clauses 59 to 60, international student refers to international students who have, or would ordinarily require, a Student Visa. (59) If an international student does not enrol in a standard study period and fails to apply for suspension of study, the University will cancel the student’s Confirmation of Enrolment in accordance with the National Code. (60) The student will be formally administratively withdrawn from the course. If the student later elects to return to studies they will be required to reapply for admission as per the Admission Policy. (61) For the purpose of clauses 62 to 63, international student refers to international students who have, or would ordinarily require a student visa. (62) International students who wish to withdraw from their course may do so via the Service Connect portal (using the Student Withdrawal Release Form). (63) International students who have not completed six (6) months of study in their Principal Course at Macquarie University but wish to withdraw in order to transfer to a course at another Provider should seek advice from Macquarie International, and must refer to the Transfer and Release for International Students Policy / and Transfer and Release for International Students Procedure. A release will only be granted in limited circumstances. (64) A student may appeal a University decision in accordance with the Academic Appeals Policy. (65) Refer to the Withdrawal Procedure. (66) Refer to the Leave of Absence and Suspension of Studies Procedure. (67) Nil. (68) The following definitions apply for the purpose of this Policy:Enrolment Policy
Section 1 - Purpose
Section 2 - Policy
Part A - Enrolment
Study load
Part B - Withdrawal from unit(s)
Part C - Leave of Absence and Suspension of Studies
Leave of Absence (Domestic Students)
Suspension of Study (International Students)
Part D - Administrative Withdrawal
Administrative withdrawal from a unit (Domestic Students)
Administrative withdrawal from a unit (International Students)
Administrative withdrawal from a course (Domestic Students)
Administrative Withdrawal from a course and Cancelled Enrolment (International Students)
Student Withdrawal from a course or Transfer and Release (International students)
Part E - Student Appeals and Complaints
Section 3 - Procedures
Section 4 - Guidelines
Section 5 - Definitions
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