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Fitness to Practice Procedure

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Section 1 - Purpose


(1) This Procedure specifies how to manage the progression of students enrolled in practical, clinical or professional (PCP) courses from admission and throughout enrolment. This Procedure describes the steps required to identify, notify, support, monitor and review students who experience fitness to practice (FTP) issues in their PCP courses, as well as the actions for excluding those students who fail to meet FTP requirements.


(2) This Procedure applies to:

  1. all students enrolled in a PCP course or unit as listed in Schedule 3: Practical, Clinical and Professional Courses with Fitness to Practice Requirements of the Academic Progression Policy; and
  2. academic and professional staff.

(3) It does not specifically address:

  1. behaviour that may constitute a breach of the Student Code of Conduct managed under the Student Conduct Rules and Student Conduct Procedure; or
  2. Inherent Requirements (see Requirements for Study).
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Section 2 - Policy

(4) Refer to the Academic Progression Policy.

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Section 3 - Procedure

Responsibilities and Required Actions

(5) There is a Fitness to Practice Procedure Flowchart to support this Procedure.

Information Requirements

Academic Course Director

(6) Propose Fitness to Practice Requirements.

Faculty Board

(7) Consider, and where appropriate, approve Fitness to Practice requirements proposed by Academic Course Directors.

Curriculum and Planning, Student Administration

(8) Update the Handbook to include approved Fitness to Practice requirements.


(9) Ensures that course information about FTP is available to prospective and enrolled students in the Handbook, Unit Guides and other relevant sources. Information will include descriptions of the requirements, how students are assessed against those requirements, and the process for intervention, support and exclusion.

Identification, Intervention and Support


(10) Students are required to:

  1. make themselves aware of, and meet, the FTP requirements;
  2. self-identify and seek support where there is a risk of not meeting a FTP requirement;
  3. actively participate in intervention strategies; and
  4. use the support services offered to them when a FTP issue is identified.

Unit Convenor

(11) The Unit Convenor ensures that:

  1. enrolled students are aware of the FTP requirements;
  2. enrolled students are aware of the risks and implications for not being fit to practice;
  3. at risk students are identified based on evidence;
  4. at risk students are notified;
  5. at risk students’ performance is monitored during any intervention strategy;
  6. at risk students are referred to support services;
  7. the relevant Academic Course Director is notified if they have concerns regarding a student’s FTP; and
  8. appropriate records are maintained.

Academic Course Director

(12) The Course Director determines the appropriate course of action as follows:

  1. dismiss the notification; or
  2. notify the student that they are at risk of not meeting FTP requirements; and
  3. implement an intervention strategy in consultation with the student and Unit Convenor; and
  4. where the student fails or continues to fail, recommend a performance review to the Head of Department / Associate Dean, Learning and Teaching; and
  5. maintain appropriate records.

Head of Department / Associate Dean, Learning and Teaching

(13) The Head of Department / Associate Dean, Learning and Teaching determines the appropriate course of action as follows:

  1. dismiss the referral; or
  2. notify the student of a performance review in accordance with guidelines; and
  3. conduct the performance review; and
  4. decide whether the student should remain enrolled with support or other action or recommend exclusion to the Executive Dean; and
  5. maintain appropriate records.

Executive Dean

(14) Receives the recommendation to exclude, reviews the process and determines the appropriate course of action as follows:

  1. dismiss the recommendation; or
  2. recommend to the Dean of Students that the student be excluded from the unit or course; and
  3. maintain appropriate records.

Dean of Students

(15) The Dean of Students determines the appropriate course of action as follows:

  1. implement the exclusion; and
  2. notify the student of the exclusion; and
  3. take other action as deemed appropriate (eg: refer the matter to the Student Conduct Committee if alleged student misconduct, report the matter to the relevant professional registration body or other external referral); and
  4. update the student record.


(16) Appeals will be managed in accordance with the Academic Appeals Policy and Academic Appeals Procedure.



(17) A student who has not met the FTP requirements for a PCP course listed in Schedule 3: Practical, Clinical and Professional Courses with Fitness to Practice Requirements of the Academic Progression Policy will be permanently excluded from their course of study.

(18) An excluded student may apply for entry as a new applicant for a different course for which they meet the entry requirements and may apply either directly through the University or through the Universities Admissions Centre. Refer to Coursefinder for specific admission requirements.

(19) An excluded student may have additional conditions for admission to other courses and will need to refer to the Admission Policy and Admission Procedure.

(20) A student who has been found guilty of misconduct by the University Discipline Committee according to the Student Conduct Rules may have a sanction applied, which may include suspending the student for an indefinite or a specified period or terminating the student’s admission or enrolment at the University.

(21) Guidance for this Procedure is provided in the Fitness to Practice Procedure Flowchart and the Fitness to Practice Guidance Document.

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Section 4 - Guidelines

(22) Nil.

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Section 5 - Definitions

(23) The following definitions apply for the purpose of this Procedure:

  1. Accredited Course means a course accredited by an external registering or accrediting body.
  2. Fitness to Practice means professional competence, acceptable professional behaviour, freedom from impairment, and compliance with course specific requirements needed for a student to practice properly and safely throughout their Practical, Clinical or Professional course or unit.
  3. Placement means an activity carried out under observation in a practical, clinical or professional setting.
  4. Practical, Clinical or Professional Course or PCP Course means a practical, clinical or professional course, listed in Schedule 3: Practical, Clinical and Professional Courses with Fitness to Practice Requirements of the Academic Progression Policy, with embedded placements and / or registration, accreditation or other mandated requirements.