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Student Charter

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This charter was developed in collaboration with Students of Macquarie University.

Section 1 - Purpose

(1) The purpose of this Charter is to:

  1. set out the expectations between Students and the University; and
  2. reflect the University’s values of scholarship, integrity, and empowerment, expressed in the University’s Strategic Framework, Our University: A Framing of Futures, as they apply to Students.


(2) The Student Charter applies to the University and its Students (including an activity as a member of a Student Organisation) in connection with University-related activities.

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Section 2 - Charter

Part A - Student Expectations of the University

(3) Students can expect the University to:

  1. provide Students with support to successfully participate in their course:
    1. key related policies include, but are not limited to, the Enrolment Policy, Academic Progression Policy, Special Consideration Policy, Academic Appeals Policy, Assessment Policy, Assessment Procedure, Student Loans and Grants Policy and Student Loans and Grants Procedure;
  2. promote a safe, inclusive, and respectful learning environment:
    1. key related policies include, but are not limited to, the Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Policy, Discrimination, Bullying and Harassment Prevention Policy, Student Sexual Misconduct Prevention and Response Policy, Health and Safety Policy, Assessment Procedure, Alcohol and Drug Policy and Weapons on Campus Procedure;
  3. treat Students fairly, transparently, and courteously:
    1. key related policies include, but are not limited to, the Student Disability Support Policy and Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Policy;
  4. recognise the significance and diversity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and acknowledge their culture, communities, and ongoing role in the University’s learning, teaching, and research:
    1. refer to the Macquarie University Indigenous Strategy 2016-2025;
  5. promote and uphold academic integrity and ethical academic behaviour:
    1. refer to the Academic Integrity Policy;
  6. respect the legal rights of Students, including in matters related to intellectual property, the protection of personal information, and the protection of academic freedom:
    1. key related policies include, but are not limited to, the Intellectual Property Policy, Privacy Policy and Freedom of Speech and Academic Freedom Policy;
  7. provide Students with the opportunity to gain knowledge and skills to succeed in their learning, research, and professional endeavours:
    1. key related policies include, but are not limited to, the Learning and Teaching Strategic Framework, Assessment Policy, Higher Degree Research Supervision Policy, Recognition of Prior Learning Policy, Quality Assurance Framework Policy and Learning Technologies Policy;
  8. provide opportunities for Students to be consulted, including sharing feedback about their University experience:
    1. key related policies and other documents include, but are not limited to, the Complaints Resolution Policy for Students and Members of the Public and Student Care and Reporting Network;
  9. provide opportunities for Students participate in University decision making at various levels:
    1. key related policies and other documents included, but are not limited to, the Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement (AHEGS) Policy, AHEGS Recognised Co-curricular Activities.

Part B - University Expectations of Students

(4) The University expects the following general conduct from Students:

  1. be informed and comply with applicable University rules, policies, procedures, and guidelines relating to general conduct available on Policy Central;
  2. behave in an orderly, safe, and lawful manner that does not cause disruption or harm during all dealings with the University and those in the University community;
    1. key related policies include, but are not limited to, the Student Code of Conduct and the Student Conduct Procedure;
  3. act honestly and ethically in dealings with staff, Students, Affiliates, and members of the University community in all University-related activities, including those on social media and during investigations conducted by the University:
    1. key related policies and other documents include, but are not limited to, the Acceptable Use of IT Resources Policy, Online Behaviour guide and Complaints Resolution Policy for Students and Members of the Public;
  4. treat others respectfully, courteously, inclusively, and considerately and refrain from any form of bullying, unlawful harassment, or unlawful discrimination in all University-related activities, including those on social media and during investigations conducted by the University:
    1. key related policies and other documents include, but are not limited to, the Discrimination, Bullying and Harassment Prevention Policy, Student Sexual Misconduct Prevention and Response Policy, Acceptable Use of IT Resources Policy, Cyber Security Policy, Fraud and Corruption Control Policy, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Policy and Student Conduct Procedure;
  5. recognise the significance and diversity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people’s experiences and cultures, including their place in the University’s learning, teaching, and research;
    1. refer to the Macquarie University Indigenous Strategy 2016-2025;
  6. follow reasonable directions from staff members of the University;
  7. to not misuse, damage, destroy, or steal property of the University; and
  8. act responsibly in accordance with University rules, policies, and procedures.

(5) The University expects the following academic conduct from Students:

  1. be informed and comply with rules, policies, procedures, and guidelines regarding academic conduct and observe appropriate copyright and licence terms when using third party material for the purposes of study and research:
    1. key related policies and other documents include, but are not limited to, the Academic Integrity Policy, Academic Integrity Breach Procedure, Macquarie University Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research, Macquarie University Research Code Complaints, Breaches and Investigation Procedure and Intellectual Property Policy;
  2. respect the University’s commitment to academic achievement through upholding high standards in educational and research undertakings:
    1. key related policies and other documents include, but are not limited to, the Assessment Policy and Graduate Research Thesis Preparation, Submission and Examination Policy; and
  3. act professionally, ethically, and respectfully in dealings with the University’s Affiliates, including during mobility experiences, placements, projects, and practicums:
    1. key related policies and other documents include, but are not limited to, the Academic Integrity Policy, Academic Integrity Breach Procedure, Assessment Policy and Macquarie University Research Code Complaints, Breaches and Investigation Procedure.
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Section 3 - Procedures

(6) Nil.

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Section 4 - Guidelines

(7) Nil.

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Section 5 - Definitions

(8) Commonly defined terms are available in the Guide to University terms page. Unless the context requires otherwise, the following definitions are capitalized and apply for the purposes of this Charter:

  1. Affiliate means any person, organisation or entity that is affiliated with the University, holds an appointment with the University, is a contractor of, or provides services to (whether paid or unpaid), the University or is a student placement provider.
  2. Student means:
    1. currently admitted to a course or enrolled in at least one unit of study or research at the University; or
    2. permitted to audit a course or unit of study or research provided by the University or an educational institution affiliated with the University which is approved by the University; or
    3. on leave of absence from or has deferred their course, unit of study or research; or
    4. considered to have completed a course or unit of study or research but for which the applicable award has not been given.  
  3. Student Organisation means an association or group of persons who involve Students as members, where the group is affiliated with the University.