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General Coursework Rules

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Section 1 - Preliminary

Name of Rules

(1) These Rules may be cited as the General Coursework Rules.

Authority and commencement

(2) The Council of Macquarie University makes these Rules under section 29 of the Macquarie University Act 1989 and Part 10 of the Macquarie University By-law 2005.

(3) These Rules take effect on the day on which they are published on the Internet by means of the website of the University or in another official University publication under section 29(1) of the Macquarie University Act 1989 and section 35(4) of the Macquarie University By-law 2005.


(4) These Rules specify the admission and enrolment, credit recognition, progression, awards and graduation, review and appeal requirements, and connected matters of general coursework awards at Macquarie University (the University).

(5) These Rules apply to all preparatory, undergraduate, and postgraduate coursework awards offered by the University.


(6) In these Rules:

  1. Award means the qualification resulting from the satisfactory completion of a specific course of study (Course), also known as a qualification or degree.
  2. Course (or course of study) means the minimum sequence of required study which would enable a student to qualify for an Award, including both the general requirements of a specific Award and the specific requirements of a qualifying Major or Specialisation where applicable.
  3. Essential Unit means a specific compulsory unit of study that all students enrolled in the Course must complete.
  4. Exit Award means an approved lesser award that a student may elect to qualify with provided the requirements of the exit award have been met. Some exit awards are exit qualifications only and are not offered for admission.
  5. Major means a mandatory sequence of study within an undergraduate degree Course.
  6. Preparatory Program refers to a non-award program delivered by Macquarie University College, such as the Foundation and Masters Qualifying Programs.
  7. Specialisation means a sequence of study in postgraduate degree courses.
  8. Units refers to the units of study within a Course.
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Section 2 - Rules

Part A - Substantive Provisions

(7) All courses of study (Courses) offered by the University are publicly available via the University Handbook.

Admission and enrolment

(8) To be admitted to a course of study (Course) at the University, a student must meet the requirements referred to in the Admission Policy, the University Handbook, and any other relevant policies/procedures of the University.

(9) A student will be admitted to a Course and enrol in Units that satisfy the requirements of the Course (refer to the Admission Policy and the Enrolment Policy).

(10) A student may:

  1. vary their enrolment within a Course, according to the published procedures for adding or withdrawing from Units; and
  2. transfer between Courses within the University  in accordance with the requirements of the Course Transfer (Undergraduate Coursework) Policy.

(11) A student who has been admitted to more than one Course may be enrolled in more than one Course if they continue to meet the enrolment requirements for each Course.

(12) A student’s admission to a Course may be suspended or discontinued in accordance with the Admission Policy, Enrolment Policy, Academic Progression Policy, the Student Code of Conduct and any other relevant rules, policies or procedures of the University.

(13) Where legislative, regulatory, or policy requirements apply to a Course or Unit that requires a student to undertake any type of practical, clinical or professional activity, and/or research:

  1. a student is required to complete certain declarations and have certain personal information checked by the University and/or a partner organisation;  
  2. the student’s eligibility for admission and/or enrolment in such a Course or Unit is determined on the basis of information obtained through these checks; and
  3. the provision of inaccurate or unsatisfactory information or refusal to undergo these checks may result in withdrawal of an offer of admission and/or exclusion of enrolment in such a Course or Unit.

(14) The following requirements apply where a student is enrolled in a practical, clinical or professional Course with fitness to practice requirements:

  1. the University and the provider of the clinical or professional experience opportunity may appoint a suitably qualified supervisor who is external to the University to supervise a student’s practical professional experience;
  2. if a student fails one practical, clinical or professional activity, they may be permanently excluded from that Course; or
  3. if a student fails an Essential Unit twice or fails the equivalent of 20 credit points, they may be permanently excluded from that Course.

(15) Any determinations made under Rule 14 (a-c) will be made in accordance with the University’s relevant policies and procedures.

(16) Notwithstanding the above, a student’s participation in a practical, clinical or professional activity may be paused or suspended at the University’s discretion for any reason, which may include, but is not limited to, the safety and wellbeing of the student, a student’s fitness to practice, a change in circumstances at the location of the professional activity, or the investigation of a complaint or grievance and any allegation of misconduct.

(17) A student re-enrolling after a period of non-enrolment will be subject to the requirements of the Admission Policy and the Enrolment Policy in place at the time.

Credit recognition

(18) Credit for prior learning or previous study and/or formal and/or informal learning is governed by the University’s Recognition of Prior Learning Policy.


(19) The University is committed to ensuring that all students are provided with appropriate and timely support to assist them to complete their Course successfully.

(20) The University will monitor the academic progression of students enrolled in its Courses.

(21) Any determination relating to academic progression will be dealt with under the Academic Progression Policy.

Awards and graduation

(22) A student enrolled in a Preparatory Program is not eligible to graduate at a formal graduation ceremony.

(23) To be eligible to graduate a student must satisfy all requirements specified for the Course in which they were admitted, including any Specialisation or Major requirements where applicable.

(24) The University offers certain Exit Awards. A student may elect to qualify with an Exit Award provided the requirements of the Exit Award have been met.

(25) No award that comprises the same Course may be conferred by the University Council more than once on the same student.

(26) A student who successfully completes a double degree or combined degree will usually have their awards conferred upon meeting the requirements of both degree Courses.

Review and appeals

(27) Students have the right to request a review of a grade and/or appeal an academic decision as specified in the Assessment Policy and the Academic Appeals Policy.

Part B - Miscellaneous


(28) Any notice to a student will be given by email to the Macquarie University issued student email account.

(29) In clause 28 a reference to a “notice” is to any notice or other communication and includes any notice which these Rules require or authorise to be served on a person.

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Section 3 - Schedules and Associated Information

(30) Nil.