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Position Classification for Professional Staff Procedure

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) To detail the steps and responsibilities associated with the determination of position classification for Professional Staff positions for the Higher Education Worker (HEW) Levels 1 – 9.


(2) This Procedure requires actions by the following:

  1. Chief People Officer;
  2. Executive Dean / Head of Office;
  3. Human Resources Officer;
  4. Position Classification Appeals Committee;
  5. Staff Member; and
  6. Supervisor.
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Section 2 - Policy

(3) Refer to the Position Classification for Professional Staff Policy.

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Section 3 - Procedures

Responsibilities and Required Actions


New Position

(4) Prepare the Position Description (PD) in consultation with HR.

(5) Review the impact on other roles within the work unit and check that the position satisfies organisational needs.

(6) Obtain approval for the position classification from the Executive Dean / Head of Office. Provide the following to the Executive Dean / Head of Office:

  1. Position Classification Review Request Form;
  2. the Position Description in the PD template in Microsoft Word format only; and
  3. any additional information (i.e. summary of changes, organisational chart).

Executive Dean / Head of Office

(7) Review the submitted documentation.

(8) Ensure the duties and accountabilities of the position are aligned to the Faculty / Office objectives and management requirements.

(9) You may email your approval to the supervisor or sign the Position Classification Review Request Form. Forward the completed documentation to the supervisor.


(10) Send the following to the job evaluation request email address –

  1. scanned signed Position Classification Review Request Form;
  2. Position Description in the PD template in Microsoft Word format only; and
  3. any additional information (i.e. summary of changes, organisational chart).

Human Resources Officer

(11) Review the position classification request.

(12) Determine the position classification.

(13) Notify the Executive Dean / Head of Office and the supervisor of the outcome through the email.

Staff Member

Existing Position – Staff Member Request

(14) Request a re-evaluation of the classification of your position from your supervisor.

(15) You may approach Human Resources directly for assistance if the re-evaluation request is not supported by your supervisor.


Existing Position – Significant Change

(16) Assess whether the existing position requires a reclassification review. If yes, continue below.

Existing Position

(17) Review the position description in consultation with the staff member. This includes reclassification following significant change to an established position.

(18) Review the impact on other roles within the work unit and check that the position satisfies organisational needs.

(19) Obtain approval for the position classification review from the Executive Dean / Head of Office. Complete and provide the following:

  1. Position Classification Review Request Form;
  2. Position Description in the PD template in Microsoft Word format only; and
  3. any additional information (i.e. summary of changes, organisational chart).

Executive Dean / Head of Office

(20) Review the submitted documentation.

(21) Ensure the duties and accountabilities of the position are aligned to the Faculty / Office objectives and management requirements.

(22) You may email your approval to the supervisor or sign the Position Classification Review Request Form. Forward the completed documentation to the supervisor.


(23) Send the following to the job evaluation request email address –

  1. scanned signed Position Classification Review Request Form;
  2. Position Description in the PD template in Microsoft Word format only; and
  3. any additional information (i.e. summary of changes, organisational chart).

Human Resources Officer

(24) Review the position classification review request.

(25) Determine the position classification.

(26) Notify the Executive Dean / Head of Office and the supervisor of the outcome through the job evaluation request email address.

(27) Where the review has been successful:

  1. amend the position under review to the new classification level; and
  2. adjust the remuneration of the reclassified position.

(28) Where the review has been unsuccessful:

  1. record the outcome as unchanged.

(29) Where the re-evaluation request has not been supported by the supervisor:

  1. obtain advice from the supervisor on the reason(s) for not re-evaluating the classification of the position; and
  2. notify the supervisor and staff member on whether or not the position classification will be reviewed.


(30) Notify the staff member of the outcome of the reclassification request.

Staff Member


(31) Where appropriate, you may submit a statement of appeal within fourteen (14) calendar days of receiving notification of the outcome to the Chief People Officer. The statement must include the grounds and reasons for the appeal of the position classification review outcome.

Chief People Officer

Establish the Position Classification Appeals Committee

(32) The Position Classification Appeals Committee will comprise:

  1. a nominee of the University (other than the officer responsible for conducting the original classification review);
  2. one nominee of the Union/s; and
  3. an independent Chair selected by the Chief People Officer from a pool of appropriately qualified practitioners. The pool will be agreed between the Chief People Officer and the Chair of the Macquarie University Consultative Committee (MUCC).

Position Classification Appeals Committee

(33) Review the appeal documentation:

  1. Position Description;
  2. appellant’s statement;
  3. any documents forwarded by the Executive Dean / Head of Office;
  4. position classification review outcome;
  5. any other supporting documentation where applicable; and
  6. interview the staff member and / or supervisor where additional information regarding the position is required.

(34) Recommend to the Chief People Officer the appropriate classification level of the position.

Chief People Officer

(35) Give consideration to the recommendation of the Committee before making a decision on the appeal.

(36) Provide the appellant with a report specifying the reasons for the outcome of the review.

(37) Advise the Human Resources Officer of the outcome of the appeal.

Human Resources Officer

(38) Where the appeal has been successful:

  1. amend the position under review to the new classification level; and
  2. adjust the remuneration of the reclassified position.
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Section 4 - Guidelines

(39) Nil.

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Section 5 - Definitions

(40) Nil.