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Position Classification for Professional Staff Policy

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) To detail the principles related to the determination of the position classification for Professional staff positions for Higher Education Worker (HEW) Levels 1 – 9.


(2) Position classification is the process the University uses to determine the appropriate level for Professional staff positions.

(3) The process allows the University to determine the classification level and remuneration of a particular position, and to establish internal relativities between positions.


(4) This Policy is of particular relevance to staff involved in the determination of position classification for Professional staff positions (HEW Levels 1 – 9).

(5) This Policy applies to Professional staff employed under the relevant industrial instrument.

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Section 2 - Policy

(6) Professional staff positions will be classified in accordance with the Macquarie University Professional Staff Enterprise Agreement 2018.

(7) Academic staff positions will be classified in accordance with the Minimum Standards for Academic Levels (MSALs).


(8) The position classification process will be used for:

  1. newly created positions;
  2. recruiting for a position (if not evaluated within last three (3) years);
  3. reviews due to staff requests; and
  4. significant change to an established position.

(9) A position classification review is an assessment of the position, not the staff member. Reviews will not be a mechanism for a salary increase on the grounds of personal merit or performance.

(10) The position classification will be based upon the position description documentation and assessed against the classification standards in the Macquarie University Professional Staff Enterprise Agreement 2018. For HEW Level 10 band positions a recognised external job evaluation method will be used.

(11) If, during the classification process, it is identified that the position documentation supplied is not sufficient to accurately classify the position more information may be obtained in either written format, by visiting the workplace or by interviewing staff members and / or management of the work area.

Position Titles

(12) All positions developed within the University will be allocated a position title in accordance with the Position Titles Schedule.

Position Descriptions

(13) Position descriptions are written in a standard format and provide information on all components of the position.

(14) Existing positions will be reviewed by the supervisor in consultation with the staff member. Supervisors and staff will be trained in the writing of position classification documentation.

(15) Human Resources will provide access to evaluated position descriptions.

Request a Review

(16) A supervisor may refer a position description for review of its classification level.

(17) A staff member may apply for a review of their position classification supported by their supervisor.

(18) Where the re-evaluation of the position is not supported by their supervisor, a staff member may approach Human Resources directly.

(19) A position will not ordinarily be considered for reclassification within twelve (12) months of its last review, unless a significant workplace change has taken place or the staff member has vacated the position.

Classification Outcomes

Same Classification

(20) A position may remain at the same HEW level despite changes to the position.

Higher Level Classification

(21) Should a position be reclassified at a higher HEW level, the new classification and remuneration will be effective from the date that the position documentation was received by HR.

(22) A staff member will be appointed to the first step of the higher HEW level.

Lower Level Reclassification

(23) Should a position be reclassified at a lower HEW level, the position holder (where there is one) will have their current HEW Level maintained until such time as they vacate the position. When vacated, the position will be advertised at the reclassified HEW level.


(24) A staff member may appeal the position classification review outcome within fourteen (14) calendar days of receiving notification of the outcome. The staff member must submit a statement, including the grounds and reasons for the appeal of the position classification review outcome, to the Chief People Officer.

(25) New information that alters the original documentation will not be taken into consideration.

(26) The appeal will be considered by a Position Classification Appeals Committee. All Committee members will be provided with appropriate training in job evaluation on an annual basis.

(27) The Chief People Officer will give consideration to the recommendation of the Committee before making a decision on the appeal.

(28) The decision of the Chief People Officer will be communicated to the staff member in writing specifying the reasons for the outcome of the review.

(29) The decision of the Chief People Officer will be final.

Compliance and Breaches

(30) The University may commence applicable disciplinary procedures if a person to whom this Policy applies breaches this Policy (or any of its related procedures).

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Section 3 - Procedures

(31) Refer to the Position Classification for Professional Staff Procedure.

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Section 4 - Guidelines

(32) Nil.

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Section 5 - Definitions

(33) Nil.