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Leave - Parental / Partner's Leave Procedure

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) To detail the steps and responsibilities associated with accessing parental and partner’s leave.


(2) This Procedure requires actions by the following:

  1. Executive Dean / Head of Office;
  2. Human Resources Officer; and
  3. Staff Member.
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Section 2 - Policy

(3) Refer to the Leave - Parental / Partner's Leave Policy.

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Section 3 - Procedures

Part A - Responsibilities and Required Actions

Staff Member


(4) Notify the Executive Dean / Head of Office, in writing, of your wish to take parental leave, giving at least:

  1. two (2) weeks notice of parental leave for adoption;
  2. ten (10) weeks notice of the estimated date of birth;
  3. four (4) weeks notice of the first twelve (12) month period of parental leave;
  4. four (4) weeks notice of an additional twelve (12) month period of parental leave;
  5. six (6) weeks notice of the date of return from parental leave; and
  6. four (4) weeks notice of the choice to use and parental leave banked after return to the work place.

(5) Where partner’s leave is sought, notify the Executive Dean / Head of Office, in writing, providing reasonable notice to enable necessary arrangements to be made.

Supporting Documentation

(6) Provide notices with supporting medical certificates, indicating:

  1. the anticipated date of birth; or
  2. satisfactory evidence of the date on which a new Child will be taken into care for adoption.

(7) A Certification of Birth and Statutory Declaration may also be required.

Executive Dean / Head of Office

Review Application

(8) Review the parental / partner’s leave application, including the supporting documentation, to ensure accuracy and consistency with University policy.

(9) In consultation with the staff member, resolve any problems identified in the application.

(10) Approve the completed application and submit to Human Resources (HR).

Human Resources Officer

Process Approval

(11) Review the application to ensure accuracy and consistency with University policy.

(12) Refer any problems identified in the application to the Executive Dean / Head of Office for resolution, in consultation with the staff member.

(13) Process the parental / partner’s leave application and maintain records for reporting and compliance purposes.

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Section 4 - Guidelines

(14) Nil.

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Section 5 - Definitions

(15) Definitions specific to this Procedure are contained in the Leave - Parental / Partner's Leave Policy.