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Development of Articulation and Related Credit Arrangements Procedure

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(1) To specify the procedure for developing Articulation and related Credit arrangements and to specify the relevant decision-making timelines.


(2) This Procedure applies to all coursework Awards offered by Macquarie University and governs all Articulation and Credit Agreements of the University.

(3) It is intended for RPL arrangements which are related to either the special admission of students or the granting of credit based on formal learning against existing Macquarie courses in accordance with the Recognition of Prior Learning Policy and related schedules and procedures.

(4) It does not cover transnational and joint degree arrangements which involve full or partial offshore delivery of Macquarie course components and / or the joint development and approval of curriculum for a single joint award which must be approved by Academic Senate through the standard course approval process.

Section 1 - Policy

(5) Refer to the Recognition of Prior Learning Policy.

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Section 2 - Procedure

Responsibilities and Required Actions

(6) This procedure requires actions by the following:

  1. Proposer of an RPL agreement 
  2. Admissions and Scholarships, International Admissions team
  3. Course Convenor / Head of Department
  4. Faculty Board / Executive Dean
  5. Academic Senate Education Committee
  6. Student Administration



(7) Research and identify courses and markets for Articulation and related Credit arrangements.

(8) Scope and compile a proposed arrangement in consultation with the Course Convenor and relevant stakeholders. If the Course Convenor is the proposer in a specific instance, consultation with identified stakeholders will still occur.

(9) Develop the proposed arrangement in accordance with the RPL Policy’s preference for defined entry points enabling Block Credit. Consider holistically a comparison of the staged course level learning outcomes (when available) between the proposed courses. Where necessary, submission and approval of individual unit equivalencies will follow the standard RPL procedure for unit assessment using the online system or be approved by the Course Convener as appropriate.

(10) Prepare required evidence in accordance with the Recognition of Prior Learning Policy through the Articulation and Related Credit Arrangements Template.

(11) Submit the completed RPL Articulations Request with supporting evidence to the Course Convenor / Head of Department or nominee of Executive Dean.


(12) Articulation and related Credit arrangements are to be approved in accordance with the principles contained in the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021, the Australian Qualifications Framework AQF Qualifications Pathways Policy, and the Macquarie University Recognition of Prior Learning Policy.

Course Convenor / Head of Department or nominee of Executive Dean

(13) Decision makers should as a priority assess the prior learning at the Course level through the use of Course level learning outcomes for the purpose of granting Block Credit. Decision making should be timely, efficient, auditable and be based on maximising the Credit available to students.

(14) Decision makers should ensure that students are equipped to succeed in the remainder of their Macquarie Course of Study and the academic integrity of the Course is not compromised.

(15) The Course Convenor / Head of Department should consider the proposed arrangement’s alignment with these principles and within five working days of receiving the proposal:

  1. recommend the proposal to the Faculty Board, or
  2. defer the proposal and request further information, or
  3. reject the proposal.

(16) If recommended, the Course Convenor / Head of Department should indicate this on the AskMQ - RPL Articulations Request and send the proposal to the Chair of the Faculty Board. This will be circulated to the Board for approval.

(17) Proposals may also be referred to the Executive Dean for review in cases where agreement cannot be reached between Course Convenors / Head of Department and Proposers.

Faculty Board or Dean or Delegate by Executive Action

(18) Assess the proposal and within five working days of receiving the proposal:

  1. approves, or
  2. defers decision-making pending further information, or
  3. does not approve.

(19) Notify Academic Senate of approved proposals.

Academic Senate Education Committee

(20) Receive notifications of approved Articulation and related Credit arrangements from Faculties.

(21) Consider and recommend to Academic Senate for approval any arrangements which constitute exceptions to the Recognition of Prior Learning Policy and its related schedules or procedures.


(22) The decision on a proposal is recorded on the student management system and the Proposer, Course Convenor, Head of Department, and Executive Dean (or delegate) are informed immediately by email of the result.

(23) The Proposer, if not the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education) or from the Admissions and Scholarships, International Admissions team will advise the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education) and the Admissions and Scholarships, International Admissions team of the approved arrangement and any details required to ensure the proper administration of the arrangement, including integration into admission processes and inclusion on the University’s Articulations Register.


(24) Student Administration in conjunction with Faculties and Departments, monitor and report student progression / attainment (via WAM) to Faculty Boards and the Academic Senate Education Committee on an annual basis.

Proposer and Course Convenor

(25) Identify curriculum change and commence review of the arrangement when applicable.

(26) Rework the entry point or conduct curriculum mapping if required.

Partner Institutions

(27) According to the terms of the agreement, partner institutions will advise the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education) of any curriculum changes which have a bearing on established Articulation and related Credit arrangements.

(28) The Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education) will advise Course Convenors of the changes which will activate the internal review process.

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Section 3 - Guidelines

(29) Nil.

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Section 4 - Definitions

(30) Definitions specific to this Procedure are contained in the accompanying Recognition of Prior Learning Policy.