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Death of Student or Staff Procedure

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) The purpose of this Procedure is to ensure consistent decision-making and management of information and actions in the event of the death of a current student or serving staff member.


(2) All staff and students of Macquarie University Community.

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Section 2 - Policy

(3) Nil.

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Section 3 - Procedure

Responsibilities and Required Actions

(4) This Procedure requires actions by the following:

  1. Student / Staff member;
  2. Security Services;
  3. Associate Director, Student Wellbeing;
  4. Office of the Vice-Chancellor;
  5. Chief People Officer;
  6. Director, Student Administration;
  7. Pro Vice-Chancellor, Graduate Research;
  8. Director, Communications;
  9. Head, Workplace Health and Safety;
  10. Executive Dean / Dean / Head of Office;
  11. Executive Director, International;
  12. Chief Executive Officer, U@MQ Ltd;
  13. General Counsel;
  14. Vice-President, Finance and Resources;
  15. Chief Risk Officer;
  16. Vice-President, Professional Services / Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic);
  17. Events and Domestic Protocol Team; and
  18. Alumni Relations.

Student / Staff Member

(5) If you receive reliable information about the death of a student or staff member, or discover the death of a student or staff member, contact the NSW police service (Dial 000) and University Security (Dial 7112) immediately.

University Security

(6) Notify the Office of the Vice-Chancellor and the Associate Director, Student Wellbeing.

(7) Notify and meet the Police and / or ambulance and guide them to the site.

(8) Coordinate the University security response as required.

Associate Director, Student Wellbeing

(9) Coordinate the University response and support teams as outlined below.

(10) Confirm that the person identified as a Macquarie student or staff member is a student or staff member and that they are deceased.

(11) Confirm and report to University response and support teams, relevant demographic information such as name, date of birth, place of residence, contact details, and relevant academic study or work information such as student type (e.g. domestic / international; undergraduate / postgraduate / Higher Degree Research / other), course of study (e.g. Bachelor of Law) or place of work (e.g. Faculty / Department / Office).

(12) Where possible, secure information about how the student or staff member passed and if it was during an endorsed University activity or work.

(13) In relation to a student, facilitate initial liaison with next of kin and if required ascertain repatriation and insurance information.

(14) In relation to a staff member, notify Human Resources, and relevant University staff and partners as required and as set out in this Procedure.

(15) Facilitate support for classmates, roommates, or work colleagues, as required.

(16) Notify Australian Government Departments involved with higher education and immigration as required.

Office of the Vice-Chancellor

(17) Where required, and there is sufficient information available, develop and issue a note of condolence to the student or staff member’s next of kin.

Chief People Officer

(18) In the event of the death of a staff member:

  1. liaise with Student Wellbeing as required;
  2. identify staff details;
  3. contact the respective Executive Dean / Dean / Head of Office to facilitate initial liaison with the next of kin;
  4. ensure staff communications cease by notifying:
    1. Information Technology
    2. Payroll
    3. Head, Workplace Health and Safety; and
  5. ensure work colleagues have support available.

(19) Ensure any memorial service (whether a local or University-wide service) for a serving staff member is arranged in accordance with the Memorial Service for Serving Staff Member Protocol.

Director, Student Administration

(20) In the event of the death of a student:

  1. liaise with Student Wellbeing as required.
  2. ensure academic communications cease.
  3. notify (as appropriate):
    1. Student Administration (including scholarships);
    2. Service Connect;
    3. Governance and Compliance Services;
    4. Student Systems Team;
    5. Graduations Unit;
    6. University Library and Art Gallery;
    7. Learning and Teaching Centre;
    8. Faculty Student Administration;
    9. Information Technology;
    10. Macquarie International; and
    11. Alumni Relations (Graduates).

(21) Co-ordinate any fee remission and commonwealth support adjustments as appropriate.

Pro Vice-Chancellor, Graduate Research

(22) In the event of the death of a Higher Degree Research student:

  1. liaise with Student Wellbeing as required; 
  2. ensure academic communications cease;
  3. notify (as appropriate):
    1. HDRO administration;
    2. Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research);
    3. University Library and Art Gallery;
    4. Information Technology;
    5. Faculty; and
    6. Student Administration.

(23) Co-ordinate any research project, grant or fee communications as appropriate.

Director, Communications

(24) In consultation with the University’s Compliance and Privacy Manager, manage any relevant media queries and any required internal communications.

(25) Ensure marketing communications cease.

Head, Workplace Health and Safety

(26) Advise Workcover.

(27) In cases where there has been a death of a staff member, organise support for colleagues as required.

Executive Dean / Dean / Head of Office

(28) Ensure staff and students are provided with necessary support.

(29) Liaise with Student Wellbeing and Human Resources to organise student / staff support as required.

(30) Facilitate communication between responding staff and respective Department staff to effect the response.

(31) Consider any request from any staff member for a memorial service (whether a local or University-wide service) for a serving staff member, and if request is approved, ensure any memorial service for serving staff is arranged in accordance with the Memorial Service for Serving Staff Member Protocol.

Executive Director, International

(32) Liaise with Student Wellbeing as required.

(33) Contact relevant:

  1. Consular representatives; and
  2. Partner universities.

(34) Support the University Events and Domestic Protocol team in the case of a memorial service for a serving staff member.

Chief Executive Officer, U@MQ Ltd

(35) Ensure non-academic communications cease.

(36) Organise a memorial service for a serving staff member through the Events and Domestic Protocol Team if requested.

General Counsel

(37) Respond if the Police commence an investigation.

Vice-President, Finance and Resources

(38) Cancel tuition debt and any charges, as required.

Chief Risk Officer

(39) Notify and manage information exchanges with University insurers if required.

Compliance and Privacy Manager

(40) Manage any requests for the release of information.

Vice-President, Professional Services / Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic)

(41) Consider requests for a University-wide memorial service for a serving staff member.

(42) Advise memorial service requester of decision and any related conditions.

(43) Refer the organiser of an approved University-wide memorial service for a serving staff member to the Events and Domestic Protocol Team.

Events and Domestic Protocol Team

(44) Advise and work with organisers of memorial services for serving staff members whether the service is a local service or a University-wide one, in accordance with the Memorial Service for Serving Staff Member Protocol.

Alumni Relations

(45) Ensure Alumni Relations communications cease.

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Section 4 - Guidelines

(46) Nil.

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Section 5 - Definitions

(47) Nil.