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Casual Employment Policy

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) To detail the principles related to the employment of appropriately skilled and qualified casual staff.


(2) The University offers casual employment where work is to be performed on an ad hoc basis for an undefined period.


(3) This Policy (Casual Employment Policy) applies to all staff employed under the Macquarie University Enterprise Agreements. It is of particular relevance to staff involved in the recruitment, selection and appointment of casual employees.

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Section 2 - Policy

(4) The recruitment, selection and appointment of casual staff are the responsibilities of the relevant Faculty/Office.


(5) The appointment of casual staff will be on the basis of merit.

(6) A casual staff member will not have any expectation of continuing employment.


(7) Casual employment positions do not need to be advertised. Where advertising is undertaken, the advertisement must include a task description, level/salary together with the minimum educational and skill levels required for the position.

(8) Casual staff will be recruited from various sources, including:

  1. referrals by existing staff members;
  2. applications from internal and external advertising;
  3. eligibility lists/databases of casual employees created in faculties/offices/departments; and
  4. Career Development Centre.


(9) The selection process will, at a minimum, consist of:

  1. a resume/CV provided by the applicant;
  2. consideration against the task description and education and skills, which may include an interview process;
  3. verification of qualifications (where required); and
  4. two reference checks.

Conflict of Interest

(10) There will be a conflict of interest when a prospective casual employee is a family member, or in a close personal relationship with the staff member, if:

  1. the staff member is involved in the selection decision; and/or
  2. the staff member is in a supervisory relationship to the casual employee.

(11) The conflict of interest situation is to be declared to the staff member’s supervisor.

(12) The supervisor will make amendments to the selection process, interview panel or impose acceptable supervisory arrangements, as appropriate.


(13) Payment of casual staff will be in accordance with the provisions of the Macquarie University Enterprise Agreement.

(14) The Faculty / Office employing the casual staff member will fund all costs associated with the casual staff member.

(15) Casual staff are paid an hourly rate which includes a loading. The loading is paid in compensation for the casual nature of the appointment and for all forms of leave (excluding Long Service Leave) and any other relevant entitlements.

Conversion Arrangements

(16) Casual Professional staff members may be eligible to apply for conversion to continuing or fixed-term employment in accordance with the provisions of the Macquarie University Enterprise Agreement.

Compliance and Breaches

(17) The University may commence applicable disciplinary procedures if a person to whom this Policy applies breaches this Policy (or any of its related procedures).

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Section 3 - Procedures

(18) Refer to the Casual Employment Procedure.

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Section 4 - Guidelines

(19) Nil.

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Section 5 - Definitions

(20) Nil.