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New Educational Products Policy

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) The purpose of this Policy is to ensure that the University has a suite of viable educational products that align with the institution’s strategic vision and meet the needs of students, as well as the requirements of industry, disciplinary fields, and scholarly understandings, in alignment with national and global priorities.

(2) This Policy specifies the process by which new educational products are developed and approved by the University.

(3) This Policy is part of Stage 1 Ideation of the Curriculum Lifecycle Framework and should be read in conjunction with all policies and procedures specific to this Stage and the Curriculum Lifecycle Framework.


(4) This Policy applies to all Macquarie University educational products including all award courses of study and non-award programs of study except Postgraduate Higher Degree Research awards.

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Section 2 - Policy

(5) New educational products will be developed in consideration of current and emerging areas of student demand, as well as the requirements of industry, disciplinary fields, and scholarly understandings, in alignment with national and global priorities.

(6) The development of new educational products is subject to institutional oversight.

(7) All proposed educational products will have an approved strategic and business case before the academic merits of a proposal are considered by the relevant approval authority.

(8) The development of educational products is underpinned by;

  1. coherent institutional processes;
  2. institutionally agreed data to inform decision-making;
  3. robust and regular analysis of the Higher Education sector at national and international levels;
  4. market research, workforce trends and societal need;
  5. detailed financial analysis;
  6. the latest sectoral trends in delivery, fees, terms, and conditions; and
  7. the approval of strategic and business cases before a proposal moves through existing academic governance (see Course of Study Accreditation Policy).
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Section 3 - Procedures

Part A - Background

(9) The development of proposals for the consideration of new educational products by the University will be conducted through the approved University system.

(10) The templates which inform the system are approved by the Education Strategy Committee.

(11) New educational products may be proposed by an Executive Dean or the Education Strategy Committee.

Part B - New Educational Product proposed by Executive Dean

(12) The process for a new educational product proposed by an Executive Dean is:

  1. the Executive Dean requests or gives approval for the investigation of a new course, course component and appoints a Course Authority to complete a strategic case;
  2. the Executive Dean requests or gives approval for the investigation of a new program and appoints a Program Authority to complete a strategic case;
  3. the Vice-President, People and Services provides a market evaluation for the strategic case;
  4. the authorised Course or Program Authority completes the strategic case through the approved University system;
  5. the Executive Dean considers the strategic case and decides to:
    1. not proceed and no further action is taken; or
    2. proceed;
  6. the Education Strategy Committee endorses the Executive Dean's decision to proceed at its March meeting if a new award course and at either its March or July meeting if a non-award program;
  7. the Faculty Executive Director completes the business case through the approved University system assisted by the Vice-President, Finance and Resources;
  8. the Education Strategy Committee considers the business case and makes a recommendation to the Executive Group;
  9. the Executive Group:
    1. endorses the proposal for the Vice-Chancellor's approval; or
    2. rejects the proposal and no further action is taken.
  10. if approved, the Course Authority commences the accreditation approval process;
  11. if approved the Program Authority commences implementation;
  12. the Education Strategy Committee records the new offering in the institutional Register of Non-Award        Programs of Study.

Part C - New Educational Product proposed by Education Strategy Committee

(13) The process for a new educational product proposed by the Education Strategy Committee is:

  1. the Education Strategy Committee at its March meeting considers the annual sector report of the Vice-President, People and Services and considers potential new award courses and non-award programs and makes recommendations to Executive Group on courses and awards to explore;
  2. the Executive Group considers the Education Strategy Committee's recommendations and:
    1. directs the relevant Faculty Executive Dean(s) to complete the strategic and business case; or
    2. determines that no further action is to be taken;
  3. the authorised Course or Program Authority completes the strategic and business case proposal through the approved University system;
  4. the Vice-President, People and Services provides a market evaluation for the strategic case;
  5. the Faculty Executive Director completes the business case through the approved University system assisted by the Vice-President, Finance and Resources;
  6. the finalised proposal is submitted to the Executive Dean(s) who:
    1. rejects the proposal; or
    2. endorses the proposal;
  7. the Education Strategy Committee makes a recommendation to the Executive Group;
  8. the Executive Group considers the proposal and the Education Strategy Committee recommendation and either:
    1. endorses the proposal for the Vice-Chancellor's approval; or
    2. rejects the proposal and no further action is taken.
  9. if approved, the Course Authority commences the accreditation approval process;
  10. if approved the Program Authority commences implementation;
  11. the Education Strategy Committee records any new program offering in the institutional Register of Non-Award Programs of Study.

Part D - Responsibilities

(14) Responsibilities for the development of new educational products are:

  1. the Education Strategy Committee endorses non-award programs of study or makes recommendation to the Executive Dean or Executive Group about award courses of study;
  2. the Executive Group will endorse the strategic and business cases for new Award Courses of Study for the approval of the Vice-Chancellor;
  3. the Executive Dean(s) will approve the strategic and business cases for new Non-Award Programs of Study;
  4. the Faculty Executive Director will finalise the business case;
  5. the Vice-President, Finance and Resources supports the finalisation of business cases;
  6. the Course or Program Authorities finalise strategic cases and academic approval of new award courses of study or non-award programs of study; and
  7. the Vice-President, People and Services compiles an annual sector report once a year for the consideration of the Education Strategy Committee, and market evaluations for specific courses or programs that are being considered.
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Section 4 - Guidelines

(15)  Nil.

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Section 5 - Definitions

(16) Commonly defined terms are located in the University Glossary. The following definitions apply for the purpose of this Policy:

  1. Award Courses of Study is a sequence of learning that culminates in a qualification within the Australian Qualifications Framework.
  2. Course Authority is the person assigned by a Faculty or equivalent, to perform certain roles within the Curriculum Lifecycle processes at a Senior Leadership level, for example: Deputy Dean, Associate Dean, Associate Director.
  3. Curriculum Lifecycle Framework charts the journey of an award course, course component or unit from idea to disestablishment, including the processes and policies for their accreditation, revision, monitoring and review, and reaccreditation. It can also be applied to non-award educational products that still require institutional oversight.
  4. Educational Products are the award courses of study and non-award programs of study offered by the University.
  5. Education Strategy Committee is a sub-committee of the Executive Group. It provides input and support in the development of a vision for education and execution of an education strategy.
  6. Faculty Authority is the person assigned by a Faculty or equivalent, to perform certain roles within the Curriculum Lifecycle processes at a Senior Leadership level, for example: Deputy Dean, Associate Dean, Associate Director.
  7. Non-award program of study is a sequence of learning that does not culminate in a qualification with the Australian Qualifications Framework.