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New Educational Products Policy

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) The purpose of this Policy is to ensure that the University has a suite of viable Educational Products that align with the University’s vision, strategic objectives, and the needs of students, as well as the requirements of industry, disciplinary fields and national and global priorities.

(2) This Policy specifies the process by which new Educational Products are developed and approved by the University.


(3) This Policy applies to all Macquarie University Educational Products, including all Award Courses of Study and Non-award programs except Graduate Research awards.

(4) This Policy does not apply to new Educational Products that are awarded only as exit awards or to microcredentials.

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Section 2 - Policy

(5) New Educational Products will be developed in consideration of current and emerging areas of student demand, as well as the requirements of industry, disciplinary fields and national and global priorities.

(6) All proposed Educational Products will have the strategic and business merits of the proposal approved before academic governance approval is granted by the relevant approval authority.

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Section 3 - Procedures

(7) The procedure for the approval of the strategic and business merits of a new Educational Product is based upon the nature of product and detailed in the following clauses.

(8) Where required, the relevant Authority is responsible for ensuring detailed information is provided to enable full consideration of the strategic and business merits of a new Educational Product. This may include, as appropriate:

  1. market evaluation;
  2. staffing - academic and professional;
  3. IT infrastructure and/or support;
  4. library requirements, including subscriptions, licensing and support;
  5. equipment requirements;
  6. facility requirements; and
  7. other resourcing requirements not otherwise stated.

New Course of Study, Major or Specialisation 

(9) A new course, major or specialisation is presented to the Education Strategy Committee for consideration and endorsement.

(10) A new major or specialisation must be proposed as a core component in at least one course of study. This may include a new course currently under consideration.

(11) The Education Strategy Committee will consider the strategic and business case of a new course, major or specialisation.

(12) The Faculty Authority is responsible for ensuring that appropriate consultation with all key stakeholders is undertaken.

(13) The Education Strategy Committee considers the strategic and business case for the new course, major or specialisation and will either recommend the proposal to the Vice-Chancellor for approval or return the proposal to the Faculty with feedback.

(14) Following recommendation of an endorsed proposal, the Vice-Chancellor will approve progress through to the academic governance process or reject the proposal.

New Unit of Study or Designated Minor

(15) A new unit of study must be proposed as a core unit in at least one course or Course Component. This may include a new course or Course Component currently under consideration.

(16) A new designated minor must be proposed as a core component in at least one course of study. This may include a new course currently under consideration.

(17) The appointed Course Authority or Unit Authority is responsible for ensuring that appropriate consultation with all key stakeholders is undertaken.

(18) The new unit or minor will be considered by the Faculty Board or equivalent, which will:

  1. approve the proposal, which proceeds to implementation, or in the case of a new unit of study requiring designation as PACE or Capstone, endorse the proposal and recommend it to the Academic Senate Curriculum Subcommittee for approval of the designation; or
  2. reject the proposal.

(19) In the case of a new unit of study designated as PACE or Capstone, the Academic Senate Curriculum Subcommittee will approve the designation (as the Authorised Agent of Academic Senate) or reject the designation.

New Non-Award Programs

(20) The new program will be considered by the relevant approval authority as stipulated within the Delegations of Authority Register.

(21) The designated authority proposing the new Non-award program is responsible for providing detailed information to the approval authority to facilitate the approval process.

(22) The designated authority proposing the new Non-award program is responsible for ensuring that appropriate consultation with all key stakeholders is undertaken.

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Section 4 - Guidelines

(23)  Nil.

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Section 5 - Definitions

(24) The following definitions apply for the purpose of this Policy:

  1. Award Courses of Study is a sequence of learning that culminates in a qualification within the Australian Qualifications Framework.
  2. Course Authority is the person assigned by a Faculty or equivalent, to provide leadership of a course.
  3. Course Component is a component of the course structure that will enable a student to develop understanding in one or more disciplines within a course and will either be a Major or a Minor or a Specialisation.
  4. Educational Products are the Award Courses of Study and Non-award programs of study offered by the University.
  5. Education Strategy Committee is a sub-committee of the Executive Group. It provides input and support in the development of a vision for education and execution of an education strategy.
  6. Faculty Authority is the person assigned by a Faculty or equivalent, to perform certain roles within the course lifecycle processes at a Senior Leadership level, for example: Deputy Dean, Associate Dean, Associate Director.
  7. Non-award program of study is a sequence of learning that does not culminate in a qualification with the Australian Qualifications Framework.
  8. Unit Authority is the person assigned by a Faculty or equivalent, to provide leadership of a unit.