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University Clinics Policy

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) To specify the requirements for the operation of a University Clinic.


(2) The University operates many clinics (some on campus), including the Emotional Health Clinic, Macquarie University Audiology Clinic, Chiropractic Outpatients and Research Clinics, Macquarie University Speech Clinic and the Rod Power Psychology Clinic. Clinics share a common purpose in offering facilities for teaching, research and outreach into the local community. All Clinic Managers / Directors meet formally at least once annually to promote best practice and uniformity of procedures, where possible, across the University Clinics.

(3) All clinics provide a learning environment for Macquarie University students and a research base for students and staff. As such, they are curriculum-based centres rather than profitable businesses and some clinics are funded in part from their Faculties. In addition, they provide best practice interventions for community members, who are the clients / patients of the clinics, rather than a service to students on campus.

(4) In all clinics, students provide services to client / patients, while in some clinics students and staff jointly provide direct service provision. In all cases, students are supervised by members of staff.


(5) This Policy applies to all staff and students working within a clinic or wanting to establish a new clinic.

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Section 2 - Policy

(6) A University Clinic may be established, with the approval of the Faculty Executive Dean, to fulfil the University's commitment to students enrolled in a course requiring clinical competence.

(7) A University Clinic will provide a model of best practice within its area of professional operation, to include excellence in teaching, research and / or community service.

(8) Each clinic will comply with any relevant federal, state and University regulations, rules and policies, in addition to any code of conduct established by the relevant professional body.

(9) Each clinic will develop and regularly update at least one Operating Manual to minimise potential risks.

(10) All Clinic Managers / Directors will participate in the University Clinics Committee which will meet at least annually and provide a report to the Academic Senate.

(11) The University through its Insurance agents will provide all staff and students who are involved in an approved clinic with a Professional Liability insurance policy that provides indemnity for Malpractice and Public Liability as well as Product Liability for goods sold.

(12) Each clinic will operate within a current business plan approved by the Faculty Executive Dean or their delegate, such as Head of Department. The business plan will set goals in line with Macquarie University strategy and objectives, and specify the purpose to which clinic income can be applied.

(13) An annual report on the activities of the clinic for the previous calendar year, including where required the financial outcomes, is to be submitted to the Faculty Executive Dean, or business plan approval delegate.

(14) Each clinic should ensure that a high quality service is provided to its patients / clients and that appropriate quality assurance mechanisms are in place and operational.

(15) Each clinic will be reviewed at regular intervals in accordance with the Organisational Unit Reviews Procedure. In addition, clinics will be reviewed by external professional bodies as deemed appropriate for accreditation purposes.

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Section 3 - Procedures

(16) Nil.

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Section 4 - Guidelines

(17) Nil.

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Section 5 - Definitions

(18) Nil.