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Professor Emerita Emeritus Procedure

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) The purpose of this Procedure is to document the process for the award of the title of Macquarie University Professor Emerita or Professor Emeritus.


(2) This Procedure applies to eligible staff of Macquarie University.

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Section 2 - Policy

(3) Refer to the Professor Emerita Emeritus Policy.

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Section 3 - Procedures

(4) There is an Award of Professor Emerita or Emeritus Procedure Flowchart available for this Procedure.

Step 1: Nomination

(5) The nomination of a candidate for Professor Emerita or Professor Emeritus should be initiated no earlier than 12 months prior to the proposed last day of duty and no later than 12 months after the last day of duty.

(6) Only in exceptional circumstances, and subject to the approval of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic), can a nomination be made more than 12 months after a Professor has left the University.

(7) As a general rule, a nomination for the title will be made by a Head of Department and endorsed by the Executive Dean.

(8) A nomination may also be made by:

  1. a Deputy Vice-Chancellor;
  2. the Vice-Chancellor; or
  3. the Chancellor if the nomination is for a departing Vice-Chancellor.

(9) The nomination must be made using the Award of Professor Emerita or Emeritus Nomination Form. The nominee’s full curriculum vitae must also be provided with the Nomination Form.

(10) The Nomination Form must be signed by the Executive Dean and submitted to a relevant Deputy Vice-Chancellor. Generally, this would be Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic), but could also be the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) for candidates who have made outstanding contributions in research.

(11) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor will consider the nomination, and where appropriate, provide a letter of support outlining the merits of a nomination.

(12) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor will submit the nomination to the Chair, Academic Senate.

(13) In cases where a nomination is made by a Deputy Vice-Chancellor, the Vice-Chancellor or the Chancellor, they will liaise directly with the Chair, Academic Senate.

Step 2: Assessment

(14) Nominations for the title are assessed by the Professor Emerita / Emeritus Evaluation Panel of Academic Senate.

(15) The Professor Emerita / Emeritus Evaluation Panel will have the following composition:

  1. Chair, Academic Senate or nominee;
  2. one (1) elected member of Academic Senate who is at the Professor level, appointed by the Chair, Academic Senate; and
  3. four (4) members from across the faculties who are at the Professor level, appointed by the Chair, Academic Senate.

(16) The Professor Emerita / Emeritus Evaluation Panel will assess the nomination against the Schedule A – Professor Emerita Emeritus Evaluation Criteria and will make a recommendation to the Academic Senate.

(17) The Academic Senate will consider the recommendation as a confidential item and determine whether to recommend the nomination to the University Council.

Step 3: Conferral

(18) The University Council will consider the Academic Senate's recommendation and determine whether to approve the award of the title of Professor Emerita / Professor Emeritus, or not. The Council Secretary will advise the Office of the Vice-Chancellor of the decision.

(19) The Office of the Vice-Chancellor will notify:

  1. each successful nominee;
  2. the Office of the Chief People Officer; and
  3. Philanthropy and Alumni Relations.

(20) Human Resources will process the changes to the title.

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Section 4 - Guidelines

(21) Nil.

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Section 5 - Definitions

(22) Definitions specific to this Procedure are contained in the Professor Emerita Emeritus Policy.