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Professor Emerita Emeritus Policy

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) The purpose of this Policy is to set out the conditions for the award of the title of Professor Emerita or Professor  Emeritus at Macquarie University.


(2) Macquarie University values excellence in scholarship and sustained distinguished contributions to the University community. To recognise such contributions, the University awards the title of Professor Emerita or Emeritus to retiring or retired eminent Professors of Macquarie University.


(3) This Policy applies to Macquarie University academic staff.

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Section 2 - Policy


(4) The title to be awarded will be Professor Emerita or Professor Emeritus. The recipient may select their preferred designation. Alternatively, the recipient may choose to adopt the title of Emeritus Professor.

(5) The title is of high honour and not routinely awarded. The title should not be regarded as a normal expectation for Professorial staff who retire from the University.

(6) Conferral of the title will be based on merit and will recognise an individual’s academic and professional achievements relevant to the criteria outlined in this Policy, and relevant to opportunity. The University will adhere to the principles of equity and non-discrimination in the nomination for and award of the title.


(7) Unless there are exceptional circumstances as approved by the Vice-Chancellor, the title may only be conferred on the University’s Professors who:

  1. are retiring or retired; and
  2. have held a position as Professor at the University for a minimum of five (5) years prior to retirement.

(8) Where an individual does not meet these eligibility requirements but wishes to continue an affiliation with Macquarie University past retirement, an Honorary Academic Title may be considered.


(9) The title will be awarded based on merit as assessed against the criteria outlined in Schedule A – Professor Emerita Emeritus Evaluation Criteria of this Policy.

Who Can Make a Nomination

(10) As a general rule, a nomination for the title will be made by a Head of Department and endorsed by Executive Dean.

(11) A nomination may also be made by:

  1. a Deputy Vice-Chancellor;
  2. the Vice-Chancellor; or
  3. the Chancellor if the nomination is for a departing Vice-Chancellor.

Timeframe for Nomination

(12) The nomination for the title should be initiated:

  1. no earlier than 12 months prior to the proposed last day of duty; and
  2. no later than 12 months after the last day of duty.

(13) Only in exceptional circumstances, and subject to the approval of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic), can a nomination be made more than 12 months after a Professor has left the University.

Effective Date

(14) The title will come into effect:

  1. from immediately after the last day of duty if awarded prior to the last day of duty; or
  2. from the date of Council approval if awarded after the last day of duty.


(15) The award of the title does not:

  1. establish an employment relationship between the University and the title holder; or
  2. entitle the title holder to any salary payments.

(16) The title is awarded in perpetuity, subject to the termination provisions in this Policy.

(17) The title holder does not exercise any of the normal administrative functions associated with the title Professor.

(18) While there is no obligation for future service, title holders are encouraged to continue contributing to the academic activities of Macquarie University as a volunteer in retirement.

(19) The University reserves the right not to make an award for the title.

(20) The University reserves the right to remove the title in certain circumstances, such as where the person has been convicted of a serious criminal offence, or where damage may be caused to the reputation of the University by having a continued association with the person.


(21) The title holder will enjoy the precedence and courtesy due to academic staff of the University at the Professor level. For example, a Professor Emerita or Emeritus may be invited to all those occasions, ceremonies and functions to which a Professor could expect to be invited.

(22) The title holder will have:

  1. a OneID and Macquarie University email account;
  2. access to Macquarie University Library resources;
  3. access to on-campus parking on payment of prescribed fees; and
  4. staff and student rates for purchases at U@MQ/Campus Life.


(23) The title holder is specifically excluded from the following:

  1. access to corporate credit cards;
  2. formal supervision of University staff;
  3. authority to comment on behalf of the University, represent the University or bind the University; and
  4. recognition for the purpose of Academic Senate and Council elections.

Conferral of the Title

(24) Conferral process will be in accordance with the Professor Emerita Emeritus Procedure.

(25) Macquarie University Council will approve appointment as Professor Emerita or Emeritus.

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Section 3 - Procedures

(26) Refer to the Professor Emerita Emeritus Procedure.

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Section 4 - Guidelines

(27) Nil.

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Section 5 - Definitions

(28) The following definitions apply for the purpose of this Policy:

  1. Professor Emeritus or Emerita means an academic title of high honour awarded to a retiring or retired eminent professor of Macquarie University in recognition of sustained distinguished service to their field or discipline and to Macquarie University.