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Outside Work Procedure

This is not a current document. It has been repealed and is no longer in force.

Section 1 - Purpose

(1) To specify how requests for Outside Work are considered and approved.


(2) This Procedure requires actions by the following:

  1. Executive Dean;
  2. Head of Office;
  3. Staff Member; and
  4. Supervisor.
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Section 2 - Policy

(3) Refer to the Private Outside Work and University Consultancy Policy.

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Section 3 - Procedures

Responsibilities and Required Actions

Staff Member

(4) Discuss the proposed Outside Work opportunity with your supervisor before commencing Outside Work.

(5) Complete Outside Work Approval Form to seek approval of this Outside Work from your supervisor.

(6) If you are currently performing Outside Work and have not reported it, immediately seek approval.


(7) Do the following:

  1. examine details of the Outside Work;
  2. make any suggestions for changes, taking into account the impact of the proposed Outside Work on the staff member’s performance and development plans; and
  3. make a recommendation to the Executive Dean / Head of Office.

Executive Dean / Head of Office

(8) Decide whether or not to approve the Outside Work or approve in a revised form.

(9) Provide reasons if the decision is not to approve. Such reasons may include, but are not limited to, conflicts of interest, the activity will impinge upon satisfactory performance of the staff member's University duties or the activity is injurious to the reputation of the University.

(10) Inform the staff member whether the Outside Work is approved.

Staff Member

(11) If changes to the Outside Work occur after approval by the Executive Dean / Head of Office, you must seek re-approval of these changes.

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Section 4 - Guidelines

(12) Nil.

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Section 5 - Definitions

(13) Commonly defined terms are located in the University Glossary. Definitions specific to this Procedure are contained in the Private Outside Work and University Consultancy Policy.