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Outside Work Policy

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) To specify how Outside Work is approved.


(2) This Policy supports the process for approval of Outside Work as determined by the Macquarie University Enterprise Agreements.


(3) This Policy applies to staff employed under the Macquarie University Enterprise Agreements.

(4) It is of particular relevance to all Professional Staff, all full-time Academic Staff Members and all part-time Academic Staff Members whose part-time appointment is at a time fraction of 0.8 or above.

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Section 2 - Policy

(5) An Academic Staff Member must obtain the University's written consent prior to engaging in any activity for which they derive a benefit, which has a monetary value.

(6) A Professional Staff Member must obtain the University's written consent prior to engaging in any Monetary Activity during work time.

(7) Executive Deans / Heads of Office must approve, as appropriate, all Outside Work applications submitted within their Faculty or Office.

Compliance and Breaches

(8) The University may commence applicable disciplinary procedures if a person to whom this Policy applies breaches this Policy (or any of its related procedures).

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Section 3 - Procedures

(9) Refer to the Outside Work Procedure.

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Section 4 - Guidelines

(10) Nil.

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Section 5 - Definitions

(11) Commonly defined terms are located in the University Glossary. The following definitions apply for the purposes of this Policy:

  1. Outside Work means any activity that a staff member performs for any person or entity (other than the University except where this is part of any University Consultancy), for which the staff member derives a benefit, which has a monetary value (Monetary Activity).
  2. University Consultancy means any services provided by a staff member as part of any agreement between the University (or a related body corporate as defined in the Corporations Act 2001) and a third party (including a third party of which the University is a member), whether the staff member is a party to that agreement or not.