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Honorary Academic Titles Procedure

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) This Procedure documents the process for conferral of honorary academic titles by Macquarie University in accordance with the Honorary Academic Titles Policy.


(2) This Procedure applies to:

  1. current and former Macquarie University staff;
  2. staff of organisations affiliated with Macquarie University;
  3. individuals from outside Macquarie University who are eligible for the award of honorary academic titles; and
  4. current Macquarie University honorary academic title holders.

(3) This Procedure does not apply to the following out of scope processes:

  1. appointment of Adjunct Supervisors for Higher Degree Research students (refer to: Higher Degree Research Supervision Policy);
  2. appointment of Adjunct Supervisors (Placement) (refer to: Practical Placements Procedure);
  3. appointment of visiting Higher Degree Research students (Visiting Scholars). (For domestic and international students refer to: 6.16a Visiting Scholar – Request to Appoint Form, and the Honorary Academic Titles webpage)
  4. award of honorary degrees (refer to: Honorary Degree Policy)
  5. award of Distinguished Professor title (refer to: Award of Distinguished Professor Policy); or
  6. where the only purpose is to give an individual access to Macquarie University email and systems. Please contact Information Technology (IT) for a sponsored OneID for individuals who do not meet the honorary categories’ descriptions set out in the Honorary Academic Titles Schedule.
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Section 2 - Policy

(4) Refer to the Honorary Academic Titles Policy.

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Section 3 - Procedures

(5) There is an Honorary Academic Titles Procedure Flowchart available for this Procedure.

Nomination and Conferral

Emeritus Professor

(6) The nomination for and conferral of the Emeritus Professor title will be in accordance with the Professor Emerita Emeritus Policy and Professor Emerita Emeritus Procedure.

Honorary Category

(7) As per the Honorary Academic Titles Schedule, an Honorary title can be awarded to an academic with whom Macquarie University wishes to continue or to develop a significant long-term (i.e. three (3) – five (5) years) academic association.

(8) The academic can be:

  1. a retired academic staff member (including retired research-only academic) of Macquarie University; or
  2. a current or retired academic staff member (including research-only academic) of other universities.

(9) The title may be awarded at one of the following levels:

  1. Honorary Professor;
  2. Honorary Associate Professor;
  3. Honorary Senior Lecturer or Honorary Senior Research Fellow;
  4. Honorary Lecturer or Honorary Research Fellow; or
  5. Honorary Associate Lecturer or Honorary Postdoctoral Fellow.

(10) The level of the Honorary title awarded to a current academic from another university should reflect their current academic level at that university and be commensurate with academic appointments at Macquarie University.

(11) If a nominee is a retired academic, the level of the Honorary title must be the same as the nominee’s academic level at the time of retirement.

(12) A request for the conferral of an Honorary title will normally be submitted to the Executive Dean by the relevant Head of Department or delegate via Request to Confer an Honorary Title Form.

(13) The Executive Dean will consider the nomination and will approve or decline the nomination with due regard to merit and to fit with Faculty strategy.

(14) As soon as possible after approval, the nominator or delegate will:

  1. issue an Invitation Letter to the nominee which includes the start and finish dates and all conditions of conferral;
  2. record acceptance and notify relevant Head of Department or delegate; and
  3. send all documentation to Human Resources (HR).

(15) HR will process the documentation and create a record in the University’s Human Resources Information System.

Visiting Category

(16) As per the Honorary Academic Titles Schedule, a Visiting title can be conferred on an academic staff from another university, Australian or international, or other educational or research organisation, who is on a short-term visit (up to 12 months) to Macquarie University.

(17) Such an academic would usually be on leave from their employer (e.g. on Outside Studies Program) and is expected to collaborate and contribute to research and / or teaching at Macquarie University, arising from their paid employment with another university.

(18) The title may be awarded at one of the following levels:

  1. Visiting Professor;
  2. Visiting Associate Professor; or
  3. Visiting Fellow (comparable to academic Levels A – C).

(19) Recommendations for level of the Visiting title should be consistent with the levels expected for academic appointments at Macquarie University.

(20) A request for the conferral of a Visiting title will normally be submitted to the Executive Dean by the relevant Head of Department via Request to Confer an Honorary Title Form.

(21) The Executive Dean will consider the nomination and will approve or decline the nomination with due regard to merit and to fit with Faculty strategy.

(22) As soon as possible after approval, the nominator or delegate will:

  1. issue an Invitation Letter to the candidate which includes the start and finish dates and all conditions of conferral;
  2. record acceptance and notify relevant Head of Department or delegate;
  3. if a visa is required, liaise with the University’s in-house Immigration Consultant;
  4. send all documentation to HR.

(23) HR will process the documentation and create a record in the University’s Human Resources Information System.

Adjunct Category

(24) As per the Honorary Academic Titles Schedule, an Adjunct title can be awarded to individuals who are expert in an appropriate field and are contributing significantly to teaching and / or research, or are fostering partnerships between the University and industry or the wider community. These individuals may or may not have an academic background.

(25) Such individuals may include:

  1. professionals from industry; or
  2. professional staff of Macquarie University who will have a significant academic role such as joint supervision of Higher Degree Research students in an area of their academic / professional expertise (such an academic role will be entirely separate from requirements of their substantive position at Macquarie University).

(26) This category does not apply to medical and other accredited allied health professionals who undertake clinical work (see Clinical Titles).

(27) The title to be awarded will be:

  1. Adjunct Fellow (equivalent to academic Levels A – E).

(28) In rare and exceptional circumstances, the University may bestow a title of Adjunct Professor on individuals from industry by invitation of the Vice-Chancellor.

(29) A request for the conferral of an Adjunct title will normally be submitted to the Executive Dean by the relevant Head of Department via Request to Confer an Honorary Title Form.

(30) The Executive Dean will consider the nomination and will approve or decline the conferral of title with due regard to merit and to fit with Faculty strategy.

(31) As soon as possible after approval, the nominator or delegate will:

  1. issue an Invitation Letter to the candidate which includes the start and finish dates and all conditions of conferral;
  2. record acceptance and notify relevant Head of Department or delegate; and
  3. send all documentation to HR.

(32) HR will process the documentation and create a new record in the University’s Human Resources Information System.

Conjoint Category

(33) Conjoint titles can be awarded to individuals who contribute significantly to teaching and / or research at Macquarie University as part of their employment / appointment with an organisation which has a formal affiliation with Macquarie University (see the Honorary Academic Titles Schedule).

(34) When a new affiliation agreement is signed and there is an intention to confer existing staff with Conjoint titles, a process will be developed on an appropriate basis, which may include a committee chaired by an Executive Dean.

(35) When a new position with the likelihood of a Conjoint status is available in the organisation formally affiliated with Macquarie University, the preferred mode of appointment will involve jointly advertising the position by the affiliated organisation and Macquarie University. The interview panel will be constituted to meet the criteria for an interview panel for the affiliated institution and for Macquarie University.

Clinical Category

(36) This category is limited to accredited medical and other allied health professionals who undertake clinical work as per the Honorary Academic Titles Schedule.

(37) The process for conferral of Clinical titles outside the Faculty of Medicine, Health and Human Sciences will be similar to the process for Adjunct titles (as per the Adjunct Category Clauses 24 to 32).

Conferral of Clinical titles in the Faculty of Medicine, Health and Human Sciences

(38) In the Faculty of Medicine, Health and Human Sciences, candidates can apply for a Clinical title via an expression of interest process.

(39) Candidates must meet the criteria set out in the Guidelines on the Honorary Clinical Academic Appointments webpage.

(40) The Clinical Appointments Advisory Committee will review and support or decline the applications and advise the Executive Dean.

(41) The Executive Dean will review the Committee’s recommendations and will approve or decline the conferral of title with due regard to merit and to fit with Faculty strategy.

(42) As soon as possible after approval by the Executive Dean, the Committee delegate will:

  1. issue an Invitation Letter to the candidate which includes the start and finish dates and all conditions of conferral;
  2. record acceptance and notify relevant delegate/s; and
  3. send all documentation to HR.

(43) HR will process the documentation and create a record in the University’s Human Resources Information System.


(44) A title holder may be offered a renewal of their title at the end of their term at the absolute discretion of the University and subject to:

  1. evidence of appropriate contributions during the previous term;
  2. projected future contributions; and
  3. any resource implications on the Department, Faculty or University.

(45) Application for renewal must follow a similar process as nomination and conferral for the relevant title outlined in Clauses 6 to 43.

(46) Application for renewal should be initiated at least three (3) months before the expiry of the term, or at the discretion of the Executive Dean.

Conferral of Title at a Higher Level

(47) Visiting and Clinical title holders may request a title at a higher level at the time of title renewal.

(48) Honorary title holders who are currently employed at another university may request a title at a higher level following a promotion at their home university or at the time of title renewal.

(49) Conjoint title holders are eligible to request a higher title only via the University’s academic promotion process. In this case, the timing of application for promotion will be determined by the University’s promotion rounds.

Withdrawal of Title

(50) Honorary academic titles are at the discretion of the University. An honorary academic title, and any associated conditions and privileges, may be withdrawn at any time at the absolute discretion of the University.

(51) A decision to withdraw an honorary academic title will be made by the Executive Dean, following consultation with the Chief People Officer.

Use of Title

(52) When using the conferred title, the full title must be used in one of the following formats:

  1. [First name] [Surname], [Conferred title] Macquarie University; or
  2. [Conferred title] [First name] [Surname], Macquarie University.

(53) For example:

  1. Dr Jane Smith, Honorary Associate Professor Macquarie University; or
  2. Honorary Associate Professor Jane Smith, Macquarie University.

(54) Conjoint title holders have an option of leaving the word ‘Conjoint’ from their title, for example:

  1. Dr Jane Smith, Conjoint Associate Professor Macquarie University;
  2. Dr Jane Smith, Associate Professor Macquarie University;
  3. Conjoint Associate Professor Jane Smith, Macquarie University;
  4. Associate Professor Jane Smith, Macquarie University.

Visa Requirements for International Visitors

(55) All visiting academics who are not Australian citizens or permanent residents are required to obtain or hold a valid visa. A Visiting appointment cannot commence until an appropriate visa is obtained.

(56) All visa costs are met by the visiting academic.

(57) For holders of the Temporary Activity visa the University’s Immigration Consultant will notify the Department of Home Affairs of the date of cessation of the Visiting appointment.


(58) Title holders may be covered by the relevant University insurance for the activities conducted for the University under this title.

(59) Healthcare professionals holding an honorary academic title are responsible for maintaining their own relevant professional indemnity insurance. It is the responsibility of the title holder to maintain their professional indemnity insurance.

(60) Visiting individuals holding a visa must maintain suitable health insurance for the duration of their stay in Australia.

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Section 4 - Guidelines

(61) Nil.

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Section 5 - Definitions

(62) The following definition applies for the purpose of this Procedure:

  1. Honorary academic title means an academic title awarded to an individual who is typically not employed by Macquarie University, but who is a collaborator for research and / or teaching and / or where a formal academic association is mutually beneficial.