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Associated Information

This page contains links to legislation/regulations/codes of practice and Australian (AS, AS/NZS) and International Standards (ISO); associated policies, procedures, manuals and guidelines; and other resources (e.g. forms/flowcharts, websites, articles) identified as having a direct association with this document.

Enrolment Policy

( View Historic Versions )

Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000
Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021
National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018
  Academic Progression Policy
  Academic Progression Procedure
  Course Transfer (Undergraduate Coursework) Policy
  Course Transfer (Undergraduate Coursework) Procedure
  Deferment of a Course Offer Procedure
  Higher Degree Research Variations to Candidature Policy
  Leave of Absence and Suspension of Studies Procedure
  Macquarie University College Academic Progression Policy - ELICOS Students
  Macquarie University College Attendance Policy - ELICOS Students
  Macquarie University College Attendance Policy - Standard Foundation Program
  Student Code of Conduct
  Transfer and Release for International Students Policy
  Transfer and Release for International Students Procedure
  Withdrawal Procedure
Website Links
  AskMQ - Student Withdrawal Release Form
  Calendar of Dates
  Course Advisers
  Credit Overload
  Higher Education Administrative Information for Providers - March 2020
  National Boards
  Personal Support
  Student Visa Support
  Study Support
  Terms and Conditions
Other Electronic Publications
  Appendix 1: Inherent Requirements Statement  (121.40 KB)
  Schedule 3: Practical, Clinical and Professional Courses with Fitness to Practice Requirements  (159.26 KB)