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Development, Performance and Review Policy

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) To specify the requirements for defining, evaluating and developing the performance of academic and professional staff.


(2) Macquarie University recognises that the achievement of the University’s strategic direction depends on the performance and contribution of all staff.

(3) Development, Performance and Review (DPR) is a transparent system which encourages and develops staff to perform their roles and achieve their work and career goals.

(4) Development, Performance and Review aims to:

  1. align individual and organisational goals;
  2. ensure staff know what is expected of them in their role and how their performance will be evaluated;
  3. provide opportunities to receive feedback and coaching on performance and work-related issues;
  4. facilitate development through discussing learning goals, career aspirations and establishing individual development plans; and
  5. inform performance based reward and recognition structures.

(5) The key principles upon which this Policy is based are:

  1. clarity with respect to roles and responsibilities;
  2. recognition of staff achievements;
  3. commitment to the development of staff potential;
  4. fairness, transparency, equity and confidentiality;
  5. effective strategic and operational planning; and
  6. commitment to quality enhancement and  a culture of continuous improvement which is based on review and reflective learning.

(6) Development, Performance and Review is linked to a number of career development, reward and recognition processes, including incremental progression, payment of bonuses, probationary reviews, secondment between departments, outside studies program, learning and teaching awards, internal grants and promotion.


(7) This Policy applies to all staff employed under the Macquarie University Enterprise Agreements, including continuing and fixed-term staff.

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Section 2 - Policy

(8) The University will:

  1. provide appropriate resources to promote the development of individuals in accordance with the University’s strategic goals and Human Resources policies;
  2. establish consistent performance management practices with performance planning, regular informal performance feedback and at least one (1) formal performance review each year; and
  3. maintain confidentiality of performance discussions and documentation.

(9) Senior Management will:

  1. develop and communicate their area’s goals, priorities and performance indicators;
  2. provide leadership and commitment to performance management; and
  3. ensure all supervisory staff are trained and competent in performance management processes and techniques.

(10) Supervisory staff will:

  1. assist staff to develop individual performance and development plans which document goals and performance expectations;
  2. approve staff performance and development plans, ensuring they are aligned with strategic and operational needs; and
  3. manage the performance of all staff in accordance with this Policy and the Development, Performance and Review Procedure.

(11) All staff members:

  1. are expected to understand how their role contributes to the achievement of the University’s objectives; and
  2. will participate in both ongoing self review and discussions with supervisors regarding performance goals and outcomes.

(12) Human Resources will:

  1. develop and maintain this Policy and the Development, Performance and Review Procedure in consultation with the University community;
  2. ensure appropriate training, systems and information on DPR is available to enable active participation in the process; and
  3. monitor completion rates and undertake audit and compliance checks.

Compliance and Breaches

(13) The University may commence applicable disciplinary procedures if a person to whom this Policy applies breaches this Policy (or any of its related procedures).

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Section 3 - Procedures

(14) Refer to the Development, Performance and Review Procedure.

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Section 4 - Guidelines

(15) Nil.

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Section 5 - Definitions

(16) Nil.