(1) To outline the practices for the selection, use, maintenance, replacement, storage, training in, and review of safety equipment and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). (2) This Procedure requires actions by: (3) Nil. (4) Select and provide PPE as follows: (5) Provide PPE for the following situations: (6) Take care to ensure that PPE does not create additional hazards during use. (7) Protective equipment should be in a clean and hygienic condition and should not be shared between wearers unless the equipment is considered clean. (8) Selecting the most appropriate PPE for a task is the first step to ensuring a user is protected against a hazard. In all instances, consult employees regarding the type of equipment being considered. (9) The decision on selecting PPE can be supported by sources of information including: (10) Note that not all PPE will meet the same performance requirements and provide the same protection. For example, no one type of glove provides adequate protection against all chemicals. (11) When selecting the appropriate PPE, give consideration to characteristics such as: (12) Store protective equipment in an appropriate and clearly identified place so that it remains clean and not exposed to the weather. (13) As part of regular workplace inspections, check PPE to ensure it is in good working order and that it continues to control the risk it is intended to control. Maintenance should include an inspection before each use to determine if the equipment has sustained any damage and whether it will work as intended. Where PPE is damaged, it should be either repaired or disposed of appropriately and replaced. (14) Train any wearer of PPE in the correct use, appropriate fitting, and any limitations, of the equipment. Provide instructions on the correct use of the equipment, maintenance and storage. (15) Report to your supervisor any discomfort when using PPE. (16) Inform your supervisor of any defects or deficiencies in PPE equipment. (17) Regularly review, with relevant stakeholders, all PPE in order to ensure that it continues to be effective and applicable. Conditions which might warrant a review of PPE on a more frequent basis would include: (18) Following completion of any review, revise and update the PPE equipment and instructions as required in order to correct any deficiencies. (19) Contribute to the cost of prescription eye protectors up to the recommended maximum contribution of $400. (20) Nil. (21) The following definitions apply for the purpose of this Procedure: (22) Note: Do not over-estimate the protection afforded by PPE.Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Procedure
Section 1 - Purpose
Top of PageSection 2 - Policy
Section 3 - Procedures
Responsibilities and Required Actions
Provide PPE
Select / Replace PPE
Staff Member
Advise of Problems or Defects with PPE
Health and Safety Coordinator
Executive Dean / Head of Office
Section 4 - Guidelines
Section 5 - Definitions
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