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Immunisation Procedure

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) This Procedure sets out the procedure under which the University will meet the requirements of its Immunisation Policy regarding vaccine preventable diseases (VPD) and tuberculosis for staff, students, contractors and volunteers who undertake activities as part of the business of Macquarie University.


(2) Immunisation requirements apply to all staff, students, contractors and volunteers who undertake work in high risk areas on Macquarie University business and / or on placement where potential exposure to vaccine preventable diseases and / or tuberculosis exists and they pose a significant risk to health status.

(3) The identification of ‘significant risk’ is achieved through robust risk assessment(s) led by the line manager / convenor / academic supervisor in consultation with those involved in the activity and the Faculty / DVC portfolio health and safety adviser as required. The following areas require consideration and documentation of specific requirements for immunisation:

  1. any area that provides a health service, including (but not limited to) Macquarie University Medical, Chiropractic and Human Sciences Clinics;
  2. University researchers working in environments, which includes contact with:
    1. live person(s) and / or animal(s);
    2. deceased person(s) and / or animal(s);
    3. human body or animal part(s);
    4. person or animal blood and other body or animal product(s);
    5. infectious material or surface(s); and / or
    6. equipment that might contain infectious material e.g. instruments, trays, bed linen, sheets, syringes, etc.
  3. other work and research environments upon identification of a significant risk,of altering a person’s health status.
  4. specific geographical environments:
    1. Habitation in / or visitation to / or climates and / or conditions that increase the person’s exposure to illness and disease and the potential for contracting such illness or disease.

(4) A staff member who is subject to an immunisation requirement and is not medically, physically or emotionally able to be immunised is required to report this to their line manager and the Health Monitoring Advisor via as soon as practicable.

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Section 2 - Policy

(5) Refer to the Immunisation Policy.

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Section 3 - Procedures

Responsibilities and Required Actions

(6) These requirements are based on National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) recommendations.

(7) Flowcharts are available for this Procedure as follows:

  1. Staff: Immunisation Procedure for Staff Flowchart
  2. Students: Immunisation Procedure for Students Flowchart
  3. HDR Students: Immunisation Procedure for HDR Students Flowchart
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Section 4 - Guidelines

(8) Nil.

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Section 5 - Definitions

(9) Definitions specific to this Procedure are contained in the accompanying Immunisation Policy.