(1) This Guideline provides additional information to that set out in the University’s Faculty Research Centres Policy and Faculty Research Centres Procedure on the establishment and management of Faculty Research Centres. (2) Note: Faculty Research Centres are not separate budget units of the University unless specifically approved. Allocation of resources from the Faculty Funding Model (for example, from Commonwealth Infrastructure Block Grant allocations, such as IGS and RTS funding) are at the discretion of the Executive Dean. In addition, Centres are not usually treated as separate units for the purposes of student enrolment, whether undergraduate or postgraduate. (3) Refer to the Faculty Research Centres Policy. (4) Refer to the Faculty Research Centres Procedure. (5) A Faculty Research Centre may be established when its proposed program can demonstrate that it will have a recognisably separate structure within a Faculty or Department. That is to say, it has to add some thing to the existing academic structure rather than duplicate or partition off a special area of interest. For example, Centres may fall across traditional Faculty or Departmental boundaries and may be interdisciplinary - involving members of different Faculties or Departments. Where this is the case, one Faculty should take the lead and be responsible for Centre financial matters, while student enrolments will be handled via the normal departmental structure. In other cases Centres may have major interactions outside the University, where the focus is assisted by having a separate identity or where the grouping is better able to attract outside resources than traditional Faculties or Departments. (6) The objectives of the proposed Centre should be clearly specified in its Constitution and must be in accord with the University’s overall Mission and Goals (as expressed in the University’s Strategic Plans), and must also be demonstrably in accord with the objectives set out in the Strategic Plan(s) of the Faculty / Faculties involved. (7) More specifically, the following objectives of the Centre are to be addressed: (8) Each Faculty Research Centre is expected to identify performance indicators to measure progress of its activities towards its objectives. The indicators will vary according to the nature of the Centre, but will usually address some of the following items: (9) Each Faculty Research Centre will have a Director (or Co-Directors), appointed by the Executive Dean of the respective Faculty (Faculties). The terms and membership of the Centre’s Advisory Committee and / or Management Committee will also be approved by the relevant Executive Dean(s). It would be expected that the respective Executive Dean(s) would be ex officio member(s) of such Centre Committees. (10) If a Faculty Research Centre involves one or more outside bodies, a formal Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) should be signed by all participating agencies / institutions. Note that such MoUs must be signed on behalf of Macquarie by an officer of the University with formal delegated authority to do so (usually a Deputy Vice-Chancellor) – other staff may not commit the University. (11) For administrative purposes, Faculty Research Centres will be accountable to the relevant Executive Dean(s). (12) In terms of their operating budgets, Faculty Research Centres are not supposed to impose any additional financial burden on the Faculty that hosts it, or upon the University. Wherever Faculty Research Centres have significant research and / or administrative Centre costs, they are expected to attract a significant part of their operating budget from outside funding (e.g. from infrastructure costs components of grants or consulting activities). It is expected that a Faculty will take into account the component of the Faculty’s budget “earned” by a Centre (for example by way of income from Commonwealth research infrastructure Block Grants), and provide them funding for research infrastructure accordingly. (13) The members of a Centre are: (14) Each Faculty Research Centre will normally have at least two full-time-equivalent (FTE) University staff members, exclusive of the nominated Director). (15) Each year, upon the Anniversary of its establishment, a Faculty Research Centre should provide an Annual Report to the Executive Dean for each calendar year of its existence. The format of such a report will be specified by the Executive Dean. However, there should be three major sections to such reports: (16) Faculty Research Centres may develop distinctive letterhead incorporating the title of the Centre only after the Centre has been formally established and subject to continuing status as a Faculty Research Centre, but such letterhead must conform to the University’s Style Guide and incorporate the University’s logo.Faculty Research Centres Guideline
Section 1 - Purpose
Section 2 - Policy
Section 3 - Procedure
Section 4 - Guideline
Establishment of a Faculty Research Centre
Performance Indicators
Management and Accountability
Centres with External Collaborative Partners
Financial Support
Centre Members
Annual Reports
Publicity and Identification of Faculty Research Centres
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This is not a current document. It has been repealed and is no longer in force.