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Faculty Research Centres Policy

This is not a current document. It has been repealed and is no longer in force.

Section 1 - Purpose

(1) This Policy details the requirements associated with the establishment, management, performance, review and extension of Faculty Research Centres at Macquarie University.


(2) Macquarie University will recognise the following research centre categories:

  1. National Research Centres (including ARC Centres of Excellence) (NRCs) – whose core funding is provided from external sources;
  2. Macquarie University Research Centres (MQRCs) – with operational funding provided by the University;
  3. Faculty Research Centres – Faculty research centres established and maintained in accordance with this Policy and associated procedures; and
  4. the Australian Institute for Health Innovation.

(3) Over time Faculty Research Centres may develop into either MQRCs or NRCs. It is important that Faculty Research Centres not only demonstrate cohesive character, but also meet ongoing high standards of performance, with quality and excellence in their declared field.


(4) This Policy applies to:

  1. new groupings of researchers aspiring to Faculty Research Centre status; and
  2. staff in an existing Faculty Research Centre anticipating a scheduled review of its performance.
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Section 2 - Policy

(5) Faculty Research Centres will be expected to play a vital role in the University’s activities.

(6) In accordance with Delegation of Authority 7.2, all Faculty Research Centres require approval by the Vice-Chancellor in consultation with the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) and on the recommendation of the Executive Dean / Dean.

Eligibility and Functions

(7) A Faculty Research Centre must advance the excellence and impact of research at the University, enable the development of critical mass and provide a focus for activities that are consistent with the University’s and the Faculty’s Strategic Plans. The focus must be in an established or emerging area of research specified by the Faculty.

(8) A Faculty Research Centre will be expected to:

  1. form a cohesive group of researchers with a demonstrable record of collaboration;
  2. focus the activities of its research staff and students, and in so doing, use available research infrastructure more efficiently;
  3. foster collaborative research efforts between individuals and research teams within and outside the Faculty Research Centre;
  4. encourage inter-disciplinary approaches to particular research problems;
  5. establish and maintain regional, national, and international links with individuals and teams conducting research in similar, or complementary fields;
  6. complement and enrich the higher degree / research training programs of the University;
  7. where possible, strengthen the links between research activities and teaching within the various Departments / Faculties of the University;
  8. enhance the status of the University by raising the level and public profile of research activity;
  9. seek to attract funds from the public and private sectors to help support the University's research program;
  10. provide opportunities for the professional development of staff, particularly new and early career researchers; and
  11. undertake research and / or consultancy activities on behalf of industry, government, and / or the community.


(9) Each Faculty will determine and set its own procedures and requirements for the establishment of a Faculty Research Centre consistent with this Policy.

Management and Accountability

(10) A Faculty Research Centre must have:

  1. a Director (or co-Directors) with a track record of high-level performance of relevance to the Faculty Research Centre's goals;
  2. an Advisory Board or Management Committee; and
  3. a minimum of three full-time-equivalent (3.0 FTE) continuing University academic staff members.

(11) Once the establishment of a Faculty Research Centre has been approved in accordance with this Policy and where it involves one or more external organisations, all participating organisations will enter into a written agreement regarding the management of the Faculty Research Centre. The University will require approval by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research).

Financial Support

(12) A Faculty Research Centre must not impose any financial cost on the host Faculty (other than the salary costs of its members), unless specifically approved by the Executive Dean / Dean.


(13) Upon establishment, a Faculty Research Centre will be set Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), in negotiation with the Executive Dean / Dean. Each Faculty will determine the reporting requirements for KPIs and the required program for review provided always that KPIs are reviewed by no later than the date of the third anniversary of their being set. The Faculty Research Centre must report to the Executive Dean / Dean on the KPIs in accordance with the Faculty’s reporting requirements and their required program for review (Report). The form of the Report will be at the discretion of the Executive Dean / Dean, but as a minimum it will include information on how the Centre has performed against the KPIs set at the establishment of the Faculty Research Centre or (if applicable) against any key performance indicators set in subsequent years.

Review, Extension, Disestablishment

(14) The Executive Dean / Dean will review the Centre every three (3) years to assess the extent to which it has met its KPIs and the degree to which it has achieved the expected outcomes of the Faculty Research Centres scheme. The Executive Dean / Dean will determine (in accordance with Faculty requirements) whether the Centre:

  1. will be extended for a further term of three years; or
  2. will be invited to apply for renewal of its status via the submission of a new Faculty Research Centre application, and if the application is not made or is unsuccessful, the Centre will be disestablished as a Faculty Research Centre.

(15) Extension of the term of a Faculty Research Centre will be subject to the approval of the Vice-Chancellor in consultation with the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) upon recommendation of the Executive Dean / Dean.

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Section 3 - Procedure

(16) Refer to the Faculty Research Centres Procedure.

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Section 4 - Guidelines

(17) Refer to the Faculty Research Centres Guideline.

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Section 5 - Definitions

(18) In this Policy, the term:

  1. Faculty Research Centres will be read to include Macquarie Graduate School of Management research centres.