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Delegations of Authority Procedure

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) This Procedure provides instructions on how to request an amendment, deletion or addition to the Delegations of Authority Register in accordance with the Delegations of Authority Policy. This includes documenting the appointment of an Authorised Agent. 


(2) This Procedure applies to all University bodies, committees, officers and employees. It documents the actions required by:

  1. Delegates listed within the Delegations of Authority Register;
  2. Governance and Compliance Services;
  3. Audit and Risk Committee;
  4. Finance and Facilities Committee; and
  5. Vice-Chancellor.
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Section 2 - Policy

(3) Refer to the Delegations of Authority Policy.

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Section 3 - Procedure

Part A - Responsibilities and Required Actions

Requesting Amendments to the Delegations of Authority Policy or Register

(4) Requests for an amendment, deletion or addition must be submitted in writing to the Policy Enquiries Contact and must include the following information:

  1. proposer's Name and Position;
  2. amendment requested including (reference to) any relevant existing Delegations;
  3. justification;
  4. proposed date of effect of amendment; and
  5. evidence of Endorsement by existing Delegate (if relevant).

(5) Governance and Compliance Services will determine whether the amendment is minor or otherwise.  Following the outcome of a request, the Director, Governance and Compliance will provide information on that outcome to the relevant Proposer.

Minor Amendments

(6) Minor amendments are those arising from an approved management action, provided that these do not represent a substantive change to a Delegation.

(7) Governance Services will:

  1. publish an annual schedule of amendments to the Delegations of Authority Policy and / or Delegations of Authority Register;
  2. submit all minor amendment requests on a quarterly basis for the Vice-Chancellor's approval;
  3. advise the Proposer and the Delegate (if relevant) of the outcome;
  4. update the Delegations of Authority Policy and / or Delegations of Authority Register on Policy Central; and
  5. will advise the University community of the update.

(8) The Vice-Chancellor will report all minor amendments to the Delegations of Authority Policy and / or Delegations of Authority Register to the Audit and Risk Committee on a quarterly basis.

Other Amendments

(9) Amendments that will change the scope, intent or application of delegated functions (for example the deletion or addition of a Delegation or changes to a delegated function) will be submitted to the Audit and Risk Committee or, in the case of amendments to Financial Expenditure Delegations, to the Finance and Facilities Committee for consideration.  

(10) Any request for an amendment to Financial Expenditure Delegations must be supported by a business case sponsored by the relevant member of the Executive and developed in consultation with and with the endorsement of the Director, Financial Control and Treasury.  The Director, Financial Control and Treasury will present proposed changes to the Finance and Facilities Committee for approval.

(11) If approved, the amendments will subsequently be submitted to Council for noting on a quarterly basis.

(12) Approved amendments will be documented through the upload of an updated version of the Delegations of Authority Register on Policy Central by Governance and Compliance Services.

Appointing an Agent

(13) Subject to the provisions of clauses 28 – 30 of the Delegations of Authority Policy, Delegates may authorise another officer or employee of the University to exercise their functions as an Authorised Agent. An authorisation ordinarily relates to the appointed agent’s office, or position, not to the individual in that position.

(14) To be recorded on the Delegations of Authority Register, the appointment of an Authorised Agent must exceed a 12 week period and:

  1. be documented in writing and submitted to the Policy Enquiries Contact;
  2. specify the function(s) which the Agent will be exercising for and on behalf of the Delegate (this may be a general or limited authority);
  3. specify the period for which the Agent may act; and
  4. be endorsed by the Delegate.

(15) The insertion of details of authorised agents in the Delegations of Authority Register and changes to those details are considered minor amendments and will be dealt with in accordance with clauses 6 – 8 of this Procedure.

(16) Note: Clause 11 of the Delegations of Authority Policy states that where a person is duly appointed as a temporary or acting occupant of an office, that person has the authority delegated to the position in which he or she is acting, unless otherwise specified in the Delegations of Authority Register. Accordingly, in such circumstances there is no need to write to the Policy Enquiries Contact to appoint an authorised agent.

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Section 4 - Guidelines

(17) Nil.

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Section 5 - Definitions

(18) Commonly defined terms are located in the University Glossary. Definitions specific to this Procedure are contained in the Delegations of Authority Policy.