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Curriculum Architecture - 2020 Study Plan Review Procedure

This is not a current document. It has been repealed and is no longer in force.

Section 1 - Purpose

(1) This Procedure provides a consistent framework for a student to submit a review of their Study Plan that has been issued in accordance with the new curriculum in 2020 and the Curriculum Architecture Policy.


(2) This Procedure applies to all students re-enrolling at Macquarie University following the introduction of the new curriculum. It is a mechanism for an individual student to request an official review of their 2020 Study Plan.

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Section 2 - Policy

(3) Refer to the Curriculum Architecture Policy.

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Section 3 - Procedure

Responsibilities and Required Actions

Criteria for Review

(4) An official review of a student’s study plan will only be completed upon request and where the reason for the review meets one (1) or more of the following criteria. There is evidence that:

  1. the 2020 study plan will take the student longer to complete than their pre 2020 course of study;
  2. the 2020 study plan requires the student to pay more fees to complete than their pre 2020 course of study;
  3. an error in the determination of the 2020 study plan;
  4. the 2020 study plan results in the student receiving a substantially different award than they were initially admitted to; and / or
  5. there are extenuating circumstances that should be considered as to why the student’s 2020 plan should differ from the rest of the cohort in the same degree as determined by the Registrar.


(5) The University aims to provide a high-quality teaching, research and learning experience. The 2020 curriculum was designed to ensure our students are offered the best academic experience, courses and units to prepare for a successful future.

(6) Throughout the implementation of the curriculum every effort was made to ensure a consistent and equitable approach to migrating each student cohort.

Requesting a Review

(7) During 2020, a student meeting the official criteria for review (Clause 4) may submit an official study plan review within 21 calendar days of the commencement of their first session in the new course.

Review Process

(8) Step 1: Student submits “2020 study plan review request” via AskMQ and they receive an automated email confirmation of submission.

(9) Step 2: Study plan is reviewed by either:

  1. Course Coordinator (or Faculty nominee) to decide under Clause 4 a, b, or c; OR
  2. Registrar (or nominee) to decide under Clause 4 d or e.

(10) Step 3: Notification of the review decision is conveyed to student.

  1. Notification of the review decision would normally be communicated to the student via email and within 10 working days of the review request being submitted.
  2. Possible decisions are a determination that the student may:
    1. remain in their 2020 version of the course (no change);
    2. revert to their pre-2020 version of their course (change); or
    3. be issued with a new study plan (minor change to study plan).

Right of Review

(11) A student who is dissatisfied with a decision may pursue other internal or external resolution pathways available.

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Section 4 - Guidelines

(12) Nil.

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Section 5 - Definitions

(13) Commonly defined terms are located in the University Glossary. Definitions specific to this Procedure are contained in the accompanying Curriculum Architecture Policy.