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Academic Progression Procedure

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) This Procedure specifies the procedures and responsibilities relating to the progression of students in an approved course of study, leading to qualification for a coursework award.

(2) In addition to the Academic Progression Policy and this Procedure, all coursework students are subject to the provisions of the General Coursework Rules. Students enrolled in practical, clinical or professional courses listed on Schedule 2: Practical, Clinical and Professional Courses and Schedule 3: Practical, Clinical and Professional Courses with Fitness to Practice Requirements of the Academic Progression Policy are also subject to the provisions of the Fitness to Practice Procedure. These provisions will be applied in addition to a student’s Academic Standing.


(3) This Procedure applies to:

  1. all domestic and international undergraduate and postgraduate coursework award students enrolled in Standard Teaching Periods; and
  2. Bachelor of Philosophy/Master or Research (first year) students.

(4) This Procedure does not apply to:

  1. Higher Degree Research Candidates and (refer to the Graduate Research Rules);
  2. microcredentials (refer to the Microcredentials Policy);
  3. Macquarie University College students (refer to the Macquarie University College Academic Progression Policy);
  4. students enrolled in non-standard teaching periods;
  5. non-award students; and
  6. cross-institutional students.
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Section 2 - Policy

(5) Refer to the Academic Progression Policy.

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Section 3 - Procedures

Academic Standing Support Process

(6) Students who fail early or major assessments, or who feel they are not coping with study should seek assistance as soon as possible from academic staff and the support services provided by the University.

(7) Students will receive notifications from the University about their Academic Standing status. This notification may include actions for the student to take to improve their Academic Standing status. Students are encouraged to follow these actions.

(8) Student Shared Services monitors students identified as having an unsatisfactory Academic Standing status and provides activities for identified students to improve their academic performance. Monitoring and activities will be informed by Faculty recommendations. Agreed intervention/action plans will be stored against a student’s record and updated following each engagement.

(9) Student progression data will be available for Student Shared Services, Faculties, and others on a periodic basis to monitor Academic Standing to assist with student engagement with learning and teaching activities.

(10) The table below shows the support / requirements for students at different levels of Academic Standing.

Support / Requirements
The student is making good progress, has passed more than 50% of attempted units in the Standard Teaching Period under consideration.
The student will be contacted via their student email through Student Shared Services to advise them of their satisfactory Academic Standing.
Academic Caution
The University is concerned about a student’s progress, as the student has not passed more than 50% of the attempted units in the Standard Teaching Period under consideration.
The student will be contacted via their student email to advise them of the change to their Academic Standing to Academic Caution and the requirement to return to a satisfactory Academic Standing.
Students will be asked to engage with the academic progression self-refflection tool, students will be able to identify the appropriate support offered by Student Shared Services and/or Faculties to assist with their concerns.
Monitored Enrolment
The student has been on academic caution and is not making satisfactory progress and is in danger of being placed on Academic Pause as the student has not passed more than 50% of the attempted units in the Standard Teaching Period under consideration.
The student will be contacted via their student email to advise them of their Academic Standing as ‘Monitored Enrolment’
The student will be provided an opportunity to engage in an online learning module or an on-campus workshop which will cover one or more of the following concerns:
Time Management
Academic Learning Support.
The student will be unable to enrol until they have participated in at least one online learning module and/or an on-campus session has occurred.
Academic Pause
The student has been on monitored enrolment and continues to make unsatisfactory academic progress and is required to take a break from studies (two (2) consecutive Standard Teaching Periods), as the student has not passed more than 50% of the attempted units in the Standard Teaching Period under consideration.
The student will be contacted via their student email to advise them of:
  1. the University’s intention to suspend enrolment;
  2. the requirement to take a break from their studies for two (2) Standard Teaching Periods;
  3. the right to return to be admitted to the current version of the same course (subject to availability), following the Academic Pause; and
  4. the right to an appeal of this decision in accordance with the Academic Appeals Policy.
The Office of the Dean of Students will brief each Faculty at the end of the semester on the students who are on Academic Pause.
For students returning from an Academic Pause, the relevant Faculty will develop a ’return to studies’ schedule with the student and send it to the student the week after the census date of their second session on Academic Pause.
A student returning following a period of Academic Pause can return to studies in either Session 1 or Session 2.
Probation Upon return from Academic Pause, a student is on Probation for at least one Standard Teaching Period.
The Office of the Dean of Students will contact students on Probation to confirm their status as being on Probation and the need to adhere to the return to study plan as developed by the relevant Faculty and sent to the student the week after the census date of their second session on Academic Pause.
The student will be unable to enrol until consultation has occurred and a student success plan has been implemented.
The Faculty will inform Course Directors regarding students returning to studies after an Academic Pause to provide support to the student when they return.
A student who is on Probation and has not passed more than 50% of the attempted units in the Standard Teaching Period under consideration.
The student’s progress and engagement with support services and Faculty has been minimal and as such it is expected that they are unlikely to complete their course and are required to seek re-admission to the University at the end of the exclusion period.
The student will be contacted via their student email to advise them of:
  1. the University’s intention to exclude the student; and
  2. the right to an appeal of this decision in accordance with the Academic Appeals Policy.
The Office of the Dean of Students will contact students on Exclusion to discuss their student success plan during the time they are on Exclusion. This contact will occur at the time of Exclusion and approximately six (6) months before the end of the Exclusion period.
If the student wishes to return to the University following a period of Exclusion, the student must lodge an application for admission with the appropriate Admissions Office in accordance with the Admission Policy by the deadline advertised, and in the manner prescribed.
A student may not apply to study another course at the University during the period of Exclusion.
A student who applies successfully for re-admission following a period of Exclusion will be placed on Satisfactory Standing for the initial Standard Teaching Period.

At Risk Monitoring

(11) At the start of each session, ‘at risk’ monitoring commences and carries through until end of session exams, as specified below:

Data generation
Communication to students
Staff responsible
Early Identification (Week 1-2)
iLearn engagement metrics and enrolment information from BIR will be used to determine who is enrolled in each unit and provide lists to the appropriate Faculty Contacts.
A personalised email with information regarding a self-assessment tool and options for engaging with support to be sent from the Office of Dean of Students.
Faculty Head of Educational Services will provide the information to the appropriate Course Directors / Unit Convenors for noting and action.
The Office of Dean of Students to email students and provide information to Faculty Head of Educational Services.
Pre-census (Week 3-4)
Students who have had little/no iLearn activity/engagement or; Students who have not submitted assessments or failed to attend/participate in class or; Students who have submitted work/ completed assessment tasks but have failed.
The Head of Educational Services and/or Unit Convenor, will send a personalised email with information regarding pre- census activities to change enrolment. Appropriate recommendations include:
withdrawing from units,
engaging with Academic Literacy workshops/skill-shops,
meeting with the Student Shared Services centre and the Faculty for Academic/Course advising.
The Faculty Head of Educational Services will provide the information to the appropriate Course Directors / Unit Convenors for noting and action.
The Office of Dean of Students to provide standard templates for engagement with students.
Mid-Session Assessment
Students who have had little/no iLearn activity/engagement or; Students who have not submitted assessments or failed to attend/participate in class or; Students who have submitted work/ completed assessment tasks but have failed or; Students who have frequently applied for special consideration or sought extensions for assessment tasks.
From the Office of the Dean of Students, a personalised email with information regarding options available to boost academic performance in the session will be sent. Appropriate recommendations include:
engaging with Academic Literacy workshops/skill-shops,
meeting with the Student Shared Services centre and the Faculty for Academic/Course advising
referral to the academic progression self- assessment tool to provide access to support and resources required for the student’s individual concerns.
The Office of Dean of Students to provide standard templates for engagement with students.
Last week of Session
Students who have had little/no iLearn activity/engagement or; Students who have not submitted assessments or failed to attend/participate in class or; Students who have submitted work/ completed assessment tasks but have failed or; Students who have frequently applied for special consideration or sought extensions for assessment tasks.
From the Office of the Dean of Students, a personalised email with information regarding options available to boost academic performance in the session will be sent including relevant policy and procedures for examinations, special consideration and assessment to inform students of the requirements for sitting final assessments/exams.
The Office of Dean of Students to provide standard templates for engagement with students.
End of Session
Academic Standing data as per the results release shared with Student Shared Services and Faculties.
Sessional reviews of students who have frequently applied for special consideration or have withdrawn from units.
Academic Standing notifications sent to students from the Registrar.
Assessment and review of students with appropriate referrals provided to support services at the University to assist students with accessibility and wellbeing requirements.
DVC(A) and the Office of Dean of Students.


(12) A student who is currently on academic pause or exclusion under the Academic Progression requirements or who has failed to meet the currency or professional requirements specified in Schedule 1: Courses with Currency Requirements, Schedule 2: Practical, Clinical and Professional Courses, or Schedule 3: Practical, Clinical and Professional Courses with Fitness to Practice Requirements, can appeal this decision.

(13) Academic Appeals are governed by the Academic Appeals Policy.

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Section 4 - Guidelines

(14) Nil.

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Section 5 - Definitions

(15) Definitions specific to this Procedure are contained in the Academic Progression Policy.