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Credit Card Procedure

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) To detail the requirements when applying for, processing and using the University Credit Card to purchase goods and services.

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Section 2 - Policy

(2) Refer to the Credit Card Policy.

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Section 3 - Procedure

(3) This Procedure requires actions by the following:

  1. Corporate Card Administrator;
  2. Credit Card Administrator;
  3. Finance Administrator;
  4. staff member (cardholder); and
  5. supervisor.

(4) The following steps that must be taken include:

  1. process Credit Card Application;
  2. apply for a credit card;
  3. accountability;
  4. record keeping;
  5. disputed amounts;
  6. lost / stolen cards;
  7. credit limit changes;
  8. cancellation and return of Credit Card;
  9. monitor appropriate use - Supervisor;
  10. monitor appropriate use – Corporate Card Administrator; and
  11. monitor appropriate use – Finance Administrator.

Part A - Credit Card Administrator

Process Credit Card Applications

(5) Ensure the completed forms have the appropriate approval / recommendation from the Executive Dean / Dean / Head of Office.

(6) Send the approved ANZ Commercial Cards Cardholder Registration form to the Bank.

(7) File the Application for a University Business Card form and the Financial Delegation Authority form in Business Services records.

(8) Advise the applicant when the card provider has issued the card and it is ready to be collected.

(9) Receive and process requests from cardholders for increase / decrease to credit limits.

Part B - Staff Member

Apply for a Credit Card

Note - the University's process under this section has changed, please refer to the Credit Cards page for further information.

(10) Complete all of the following:

  1. Application for a University Business Card;
  2. an ANZ Cardholder Registration Form; and
  3. Financial Delegation Authority Form.

(11) Give all completed forms to the Faculty Finance Officer / Office equivalent for forwarding to the Credit Card Administrator.

(12) Collect the card in person when the Credit Card Administrator advises that it is ready. Processing takes 7 – 10 days from the date the card provider receives the application. The collection cannot be delegated to someone else.

(13) Sign an acknowledgement form and receive a Business Card User Pack giving instructions on the use of the card.


(14) Cardholders are accountable for transactions incurred on their credit card and for its safe keeping. They are also responsible to track unknown transactions (see Disputed Amounts).


(15) Use the Concur Expense Management System to maintain a record of the transactions incurred on the credit card. The Concur User Guide provides detailed instructions for cardholders.

(16) On a daily basis, transactions will appear on the online bank statement in Concur.

(17) Cardholders are required to:

  1. obtain a valid Tax Invoice for each transaction exceeding $82.50 (GST Inclusive) from the supplier when making purchases with a University Credit Card;
  2. review on a monthly basis the Expense Report (Online Statement) to verify all the transactions listed;

    Note: Complete the online Expense Report and have it approved within one month. The regular statement period is from the 13th of the month to the 12th of the following month but is subject to change. Any changes will be notified via email.

    Transactions that are not coded or approved by the end of the month are accrued to your default account for posting to the correct accounts in the subsequent month.
  3. attach Tax Invoices and Receipts for each transaction that appears on the online Expense Report. Credit card transaction dockets are NOT valid Tax Invoices and are not sufficient to claim credits for GST paid. Enter in Concur sufficient explanation as to the nature and purpose of each transaction;

    Note: The University retains the right to seek reasonable explanation for all credit card amounts. Where you cannot give a reasonable explanation, the transaction will be considered a personal expense requiring a reimbursement to the University and referred to Internal Audit.
  4. attach other supporting documentation ie screen prints of internet orders, letter / memo explaining / approving the expenditure, email correspondence, or file notes;
  5. identify transactions on which Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) is payable and allocate that expenditure to the appropriate account classes. Where you used the University Credit Card at a function, provide names of all University staff and associates (ie spouse, contractor) and the number of external clients (non-University staff or associates) in attendance at the function in the on-line FBT questionnaire
  6. identify any non-capital asset transactions which require tracking and provide the asset information, including location and serial number;
  7. at the end of the monthly accounting period, print a copy of the online Expense Report and submit to your Authorising Officer for review and approval, ensuring all supporting documentation is attached; and
  8. send the approved report and original documentation to Business Services.

Lost or Misplaced Invoices and Receipts

(18) If you lose or misplace tax invoices or receipts, complete and sign a Statutory Declaration form and attach it to a printed copy of the monthly online Expense Report. The only exception to this is where the transaction value is less than AUD$82.50 inclusive of GST (or converted foreign exchange equivalent), for which it is not necessary to obtain or keep tax invoices or receipts.

Disputed Amounts

Note - the University's process under this section has changed, please refer to the Credit Cards page for further information.

(19) Resolve disputed transactions with the supplier and the card provider. It is NOT the responsibility of the Credit Card Administrator to resolve a dispute.

(20) If a transaction is disputed, notify the card provider in writing giving full details of the problem. Complete the ANZ Dispute Form and send it directly to the bank. Attach a copy to the statement.

(21) Please note that the bank allows a 90 day grace period to submit the Dispute Form. If it is not received within this period, the charge cannot be investigated and charges will remain.

(22) As the resolution can take up to six (6) weeks, we advise that you assign an account to the disputed transaction in order for journals to be processed. If the charge is reversed, the same account can be assigned to credit the account.

(23) The card provider will take the following action on receipt of the written notification:

  1. seek a copy of the sales voucher for the transaction from the merchant’s bank;
  2. confirm whether or not the transaction appears to be genuine; and
  3. re-debit any genuine transaction to your account and forward you a copy of the transaction.

Lost or Stolen Cards

(24) In the event of a lost or stolen card, immediately notify the ANZ Bank and the Credit Card Administrator as per the contacts below. The bank will issue a replacement card based on the request from the University and will forward it to the Credit Card Administrator.

(25) The Credit Card Administrator will advise you when the replacement card is ready to be picked up from Business Services.

Australian & New Zealand Bank (ANZ)

(26) Lost / stolen cards during business hours: Contact Credit Card Administrator 9850 1680.

(27) Lost / stolen cards within Australia outside business hours: 1800 032 481.

(28) Lost / stolen cards outside of Australia(24 hours): +61 3 9683 7073.

Credit Card Administrator

(29) Phone:+61-2-9850-1680.

(30) Fax:+61-2-9850-1698.

Credit Limit Changes

Note - the University's process under this section has changed, please refer to the Credit Cards page for further information.

(31) Arrange the increase or decrease in your monthly credit limit by completing the Application for or Variation to University Business Card Form and sending it to the relevant Executive Dean / Head of Office.

(32) A delegation must be in line with the transaction limit. If it falls outside, complete a revised Financial Delegation Authority form.

(33) Once the Executive Dean / Dean / Head of Office approves this form, forward the request for increased or decreased credit limit to the Credit Card Administrator. The Credit Card Administrator lodges the request with the designated Bank. You will be advised when the new credit limit takes effect.

Expiry of Credit Cards

(34) A card has a life span of three years. The ANZ Bank will issue a replacement card within ten working days prior to the expiry date.

(35) At the same time the Credit Card Administrator will check that relevant delegation is currently assigned to you and that no reconciliations are currently outstanding.

(36) Once this is completed you will be advised by the Credit Card Administrator when the replacement card is ready to be picked up from Business Services.

(37) Note: Collection of a credit card will require photo ID.

Cancellation and Return of Credit Cards

(38) Return card(s) to the Credit Card Administrator if you:

  1. resign;
  2. retire;
  3. are transferred or promoted to another position; and
  4. are instructed to do so by the Credit Card Administrator.

(39) Note: The return of the credit card does not relieve you of the responsibility to substantiate outstanding expenses. Lodge the acquittal with the Budget Unit’s Financial Officer prior to your last day of duty.

Business Travel

(40) Before travelling overseas, you should inform ANZ of your destination. This will ensure that the bank is aware of your whereabouts and will not suspect fraudulent activity. Alternately, you can inform the Credit Card Administrator who will advise the bank on your behalf.

(41) Refer to the Travel Policy for details on the appropriate use of a University Credit Card when travelling.

Part C - Supervisor

Monitor Appropriate Use - Supervisor

(42) A supervisor is accountable to:

  1. review, certify and authorise charges incurred by cardholders;
  2. request any additional information or explanations that may be necessary to verify that the transactions are valid charges to the University;
  3. approve the electronic transaction in the Concur credit card expense management system;
  4. ensure that the cardholder is complying with this Procedure and other relevant University policies and procedures;
  5. request reimbursement to the University for any private expenditure incurred on the University Credit Card, by declining the transaction and initiating recovery of the charges;
  6. request that a cardholder’s card be cancelled for non-compliance with University policies and procedures and immediately notify any misuse to the Corporate Card Administrator;
  7. review, on a yearly basis, the need for the University Credit Card for each cardholder under your supervision; and
  8. where a cardholder resigns, recover the University Credit Card, handle outstanding acquittals, cut the card in two and return it to the Corporate Card Administrator for cancellation.

Part D - Corporate Card Administrator

Monitor Appropriate Use - Corporate Card Administrator

(43) A Corporate Card Administrator is accountable for the overall administration and management of the University Credit Card facility and all contact with the ANZ Bank in relation to applications for new cards, cancellations and increased credit limits.

(44) They are also responsible for the administration and management of cardholders within Administrative portfolios. They do the following:

  1. together with Finance Administrators and Internal Audit, monitor compliance with this Procedure and other relevant University policies and procedures;
  2. together with Finance Administrators, monitor and follow up outstanding transactions not yet acquitted. (Note: Cardholders must always acquit their online University Credit Card Statement within one month from the end of the billing cycle which usually falls on the 12th of Month);
  3. contact the cardholder in the first instance;
  4. contact the cardholder’s supervisor if transactions are still outstanding after two months;
  5. cancel the credit card if the cardholder has not fully acquitted their University Credit Card Statement for three consecutive months. This cancellation must be done with approval from the Head of Faculty or Head of Administrative Unit. (Note: The term “acquitted” means to verify the transaction as being proper and correct and allocate each transaction to the correct financial account in Concur); and
  6. together with Finance Administrators, monitor the continued need for the University Credit Card for each cardholder on a regular basis - at least annually.

Monitor Appropriate Use - Finance Administrator

(45) Finance Administrators are responsible for the management of cardholders within their area of responsibility. They do the following:

  1. together with the Corporate Card Administrator and Internal Audit, monitor compliance with this Procedure and other relevant University policies and procedures;
  2. together with Internal Audit, consult with the cardholder’s Authorising Officer to request reimbursement to the University for any private expenditure that is incurred on the University Credit Card. They may also request that the card be cancelled due to non-compliance of the cardholder with University policies and procedures;
  3. together with the Corporate Card Administrator, monitor and follow up outstanding transactions not yet acquitted. (Note: Cardholders must always acquit their online University Credit Card Statement within one month from the end of the billing cycle which usually falls on the 12th of Month);
  4. contact the cardholder in the first instance;
  5. contact the cardholder’s supervisor if transactions are still outstanding after two months;
  6. cancel the credit card if the cardholder has not fully acquitted their University Credit Card Statement for three consecutive months. This cancellation must be done with approval from the Executive Dean of Faculty or Head of Administrative Unit. (Note: The term “acquitted” means to verify the transaction as being proper and correct and allocate each transaction to the correct financial account in Concur); and
  7. together with Corporate Card Administrators, monitor the continued need for the University Credit Card for each cardholder on a regular basis - at least annually.
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Section 4 - Guidelines

(46) Refer to the Credit Card Guideline.

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Section 5 - Definitions

(47) Commonly defined terms are located in the University Glossary.