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Credit Card Policy

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) This Policy, together with the Credit Card Procedure, specifies the principles that govern the issuing and use of a University Credit Card. For this Policy and the Credit Card Procedure, references to University mean Macquarie University and its Controlled Entities.


(2) The University may issue a Credit Card to Eligible Staff Members to facilitate expenditure incurred during the discharge of their duties.

(3) Credit Cards are the University’s preferred method of payment for low value (up to $10,000 ex GST) transactions and for payment of incidental expenses incurred whilst discharging official duties on behalf of the University.

(4) All University purchasing activities and associated expenditure of public funds are governed by the requirements and standards of integrity, fairness, accountability, sustainability, and value for money. These requirements and standards, including the proper use and management of public funds are embedded within this Policy and the Credit Card Procedure.


(5) This Policy applies to staff and authorised affiliates of the University eligible for a Credit Card as described in Clause (6), regardless of the funding source.

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Section 2 - Policy

Credit Card Eligibility

(6) Continuing, fixed term staff and authorised affiliates of the University are eligible for a Credit Card on the following basis:

  1. professional, academic, and research staff, all staff of Controlled Entities, paid via University payroll.
  2. authorised contractors paid by University payroll, across all campuses and locations of the University, who incur expenses on behalf of the University.
  3. authorised affiliates, in exceptional circumstances, with approval from the Executive Dean or equivalent and Deputy Group Chief Financial Officer or equivalent.
  4. honorary title holders in exceptional circumstances (who hold a Research Grant with the University) and only with the approval of the Executive Dean or equivalent.

(7) Adjunct, visiting, casual staff, and students (including research active students) are not eligible for a Credit Card.

(8) The University will issue a Credit Card to Eligible Staff Members who:

  1. occupy a position that requires travel on behalf of the University and/or is responsible for staff who are required to travel on behalf of the University, and/or
  2. has a regular need to purchase low value (up to $10,000) goods/services.

(9) Eligible Staff must agree to abide by the conditions of Credit Card use as established in the University’s online Credit Card Declaration and agree to comply with all relevant University policies and procedures.

Use of Credit Card

(10) A Credit Card must not be used:

  1. by any person other than the Card Holder, whose name and signature appears on the Credit Card;
  2. other than within the period of validity indicated on the Credit Card; or
  3. if the Card Holder ceases to be eligible for a Credit Card.

(11) Card Holders are responsible for all transactions incurred on the Credit Card. It is the responsibility of the Card Holder to obtain appropriate supporting documentation from the supplier or merchant in relation to each purchase made on the Credit Card.

(12) Provided that the supporting documentation image is clear and legible, and the expense claim has been approved in Concur, the individual can choose to dispose of the physical document/s.

(13) The Credit Card Procedure contains further information on supporting documentation.

Deviation from this Policy

(14) It is acknowledged that deviation from this Policy may be necessary in exceptional circumstances. Where this occurs, the Cardholder must seek approval in writing prior to incurring the expense from their relevant Faculty Executive Director or Office Executive Manager and the Deputy Group Chief Financial Officer.

Inappropriate use of Credit Cards

(15) Please refer to the list expenses that cannot be claimed.

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Section 3 - Procedures

(16) Refer to the Credit Card Procedure.

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Section 4 - Guidelines

(17) Nil.

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Section 5 - Definitions

(18) Definitions specific to this Policy are contained within the Credit Card Procedure.