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Credit Card Policy

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) To define the responsibility for, and use of, University Corporate Credit Cards.

(2) Macquarie University staff members who are responsible for purchasing goods / services or those who travel regularly, may be issued with a Corporate Credit Card with the approval of the Dean / Head of Office / Faculty Executive Director.


(3) Holding a University Corporate Credit Card involves responsibility for appropriate business use. Misuse of credit cards will result in revocation and may result in the University taking disciplinary action against the cardholder.

(4) All cards are issued subsequent to the submission of the University Business Card application and the card usage may be audited and / or rescinded at any time. The cardholder, in whose name the card is issued, is responsible for all charges placed on this card.

(5) The use of credit cards is not intended to avoid or bypass appropriate procurement procedures, but is to be used in accordance with the guidelines established within Macquarie University to complement existing procurement and payment procedures. When purchasing using a credit card, the cardholder must adhere to the principles of the Procurement Policy.


(6) This Policy applies to any staff involved in the ownership, operation, supervision, management or administration of University Corporate Credit Cards.

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Section 2 - Policy


(7) To be eligible for a University Corporate Credit Card, a staff member must:

  1. hold the delegation of authority to commit or incur expenditure;
  2. complete user training on the Concur Expense System;
  3. be a permanent member of Macquarie University staff (not a controlled entity);
  4. purchase significant volumes of minor goods and services for use by the University; or
  5. incur regular frequent expenses of a kind appropriately paid by credit card; or
  6. travel frequently in the course of their duties; and
  7. be willing to accept the conditions of use stipulated by the University.

Correct Use

(8) A University Corporate Credit Card must only be used for business purposes. Under no circumstances may personal items be charged on the University Corporate Credit Card.

(9) Correct usage is detailed below:

Acceptable Use Non acceptable Use
Payment for goods / services in full or part-supply under $5,000
Provision of Internet / broadband, unless recommended by the Executive Dean / Head of Office and approved by the Vice-Chancellor as per the Acceptable Use of IT Resources Policy.
Deposits e.g. conferences, accommodation Private or personal expenditure. Cardholders are considered to have misused their card if it is used for private business, even when the cardholder is prepared to reimburse the University for the expenses incurred.
Conference fees Withdrawal of cash / cash advances.
General operating supplies Stationery and general supplies available from the Macquarie University approved contract supplier.
Minor items of equipment Computer hardware – this includes laptops and PCs costing over $1,000. Low value computer hardware below this amount can be purchased.
Travel related expenses
In accordance with the Travel Policy, all travel related expenses such as accommodation, meals and incidentals may be paid by the Macquarie University Credit Card.
Splitting purchases to avoid the principles of the Procurement Policy requirements.
Domestic travel bookings
Travel bookers may use the Concur booking tool to book domestic travel with their corporate credit card and pay for any travel related costs in accordance with the Travel Policy.
International travel bookings
Only those staff who have been provided with specific authority can use a University Credit Card to book and pay for international travel directly with the University’s nominated travel agents. No other staff member may use a University Credit Card to pay for international travel.
  Fuel for University or personally owned motor vehicles. Exceptions are available where:
  1. the fuel is for hire cars or new University vehicles (where the issue of a fuel card is pending);
  2. there is no fuel card available; or
  3. the fuel card is not accepted by the vendor.
Official entertainment in accordance with Entertainment Policy / Entertainment Schedule Memberships / subscriptions for personal use.
  Parking infringements.

Incorrect Use

(10) All credit card statements will be audited each month for non-acceptable purchases. If a non-acceptable purchase has been identified, the cardholder will receive a warning and may be asked for a reimbursement.

(11) Following notice, if there are further breaches and an unsatisfactory explanation is provided, the matter will be forwarded to the Assistant Director Of Business Services and the card will be cancelled.

Attendance at Fraud and Corruption Training

(12) All staff who hold a University Credit Card as at September 2013 are required to have completed the University’s Fraud and Corruption Training program in 2012 or 2013. This training is required to be completed at two yearly intervals.

(13) All staff who initially hold a credit card after September 2013 are required to complete the University’s Fraud and Corruption training at the next block of training provided by the University. This training is then required to be completed at two yearly intervals.

(14) Failure to complete the University’s Fraud and Corruption Training program will result in cancellation of the credit card.

Reimbursement of Personal Expenses

(15) Any use of a university credit card for private or personal expenditure is strictly prohibited. Where this has occurred the card holder must immediately repay the University via the Cashiers Office using the credit card’s default account. A copy of the Cashier's receipt is to be uploaded to the Concur Expense System prior to the expenditure being referred to a Concur supervisor for approval.

Compliance and Breaches

(16) The University may commence applicable disciplinary procedures if a person to whom this Policy applies breaches this Policy (or any of its related procedures).

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Section 3 - Procedures

(17) Refer to the Credit Card Procedure.

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Section 4 - Guidelines

(18) Refer to the Credit Card Guideline.

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Section 5 - Definitions

(19) Commonly defined terms are located in the University Glossary.