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Graduate Research Rules

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Section 1 - Preliminary

Name of Rules

(1) These Rules may be cited as the Graduate Research Rules.


(2) These Rules commence on 27 October 2023, under Resolution CNL 23/35.


(3) These Rules are enacted to outline the admission and orientation, enrolment and progression, supervision, assessment (thesis examination), awards and graduation, discontinuation and exclusion, monitoring and review, and connected matters of Graduate Research Degrees at Macquarie University (the University).


(4) The Rules apply to the following Schedule of Graduate Research Degrees at the University:

  1. Master of Research;
  2. Master of Public Health (Research);
  3. Master of Philosophy;
  4. Doctor of Philosophy;
  5. Cotutelle and Joint PhD with an approved Partner University;
  6. Combined Master of Clinical Psychology and Doctor of Philosophy;
  7. Combined Master of Clinical Neuropsychology and Doctor of Philosophy; and
  8. Combined Master of Organisational Psychology and Doctor of Philosophy.


(5) The Council of Macquarie University makes these rules under section 29 of the Macquarie University Act 1989 and Part 10 of the Macquarie University By-law 2005.


(6) In these Rules:

  1. Award or award course, qualification or degree means the qualification resulting from the satisfactory completion of a specific program of study or research.
  2. Candidature means enrolment.
  3. Cotutelle means joint enrolment by a student in a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) at the University and an overseas Partner University. A student has supervisors at both universities, spends time at both universities, and submits a single thesis for examination by each university.
  4. Degree means the major qualification awarded by a university. It is awarded either for successful work at undergraduate (bachelor degree) or postgraduate (higher degree) level, or as an honorary recognition (honorary degree) of achievement.
  5. Exclusion means that a student is barred from re-enrolling in a program for a set period.
  6. Faculty means an administrative grouping of research, academic and professional staff and students based on the area they teach, support and study.
  7. Full-time means at least an average weekly commitment by a Graduate Research Student of 35 hours per week throughout the year on a program of research and advanced study.
  8. Joint PhD means joint enrolment by a student in a program at Macquarie University and at an international Partner University. A student has supervisors at both universities and spends time at both universities. The final thesis is jointly examined and the two universities may jointly award a degree.
  9. Partner University means an institution which has entered into a formal written agreement with Macquarie University to facilitate Graduate Research programs.
  10. Part-time means at least an average weekly commitment by a Graduate Research candidate of 17.5 hours per week throughout the year on a program of research and advanced study.
  11. Student means a Graduate Research student.
  12. Termination means termination of Candidature (enrolment) in a Graduate Research course in accordance with the Graduate Research Continuation Policy, and is a permanent Exclusion.
  13. Testamur means the official document with the University's seal on it which certifies that a student has been awarded a Graduate Research Degree.
  14. Withdraw means discontinuation, where a Graduate Research Student decides to discontinue their enrolment in the Graduate Research Course.
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Section 2 - Rules

Part A -  Substantive Provisions

Admission and Orientation

(7) To be admitted to Candidature for any Graduate Research Degree of the University, the applicant must meet the requirements referred to in the Graduate Research Admissions Policy in force at the time.

(8) The University will offer induction and orientation programs for Graduate Research Students covering codes of conduct, ethics, occupational health and safety, intellectual property and any additional matters that are necessary for the type of research to be undertaken.

Enrolment and Progression

(9) A program of study of a Graduate Research Student is to include the submission of a thesis embodying the results of the student’s work, of which at least half must have been completed whilst an enrolled student in a Graduate Research Degree at Macquarie University.

(10) In special cases, the University may approve work done conjointly with other persons, provided the University is satisfied as to the student’s part in the conjoint research.

(11) A Graduate Research Student shall pursue an approved program of advanced study and research by supervised study, either within the University or outside the University as governed by the Offsite Research Enrolment Policy in force at the time.

(12) A candidate for a Cotutelle or Joint PhD will be required to conduct research at Macquarie University and the Partner University.

(13) The requirements for continuation of Candidature (enrolment) in Graduate Research Degrees is specified by the Graduate Research Continuation Policy and Graduate Research Continuation Procedure in force at the time.

(14) The University will assess progress in Graduate Research Degrees at minimum once per year through the Annual Progress Report process for Doctor of Philosophy and Master of Philosophy, and Faculty specific processes as specified in the University Handbook for Master of Research and Master of Public Health (Research) in force at the time.

(15) A Graduate Research Student may vary their enrolment in the Graduate Research Degree by application for change in attendance (Full-time/Part-time) or a period of leave, as specified by the Higher Degree Research Variations to Candidature Policy in force at the time.

(16) The transfer of enrolment between Graduate Research Degrees is governed by the Higher Degree Research Degree Transfer Policy.

(17) The period of enrolment for a:

  1. Doctor of Philosophy is:
    1. a minimum period of two years; and a maximum period of three years Full-time and six years Part-time.
  2. Joint / Cotutelle Doctoral Degree is the:
    1. minimum and maximum periods as specified in the institutional agreement.
  3. Combined Doctoral / Master of Clinical Psychology; Combined Doctoral / Master of Clinical Neuropsychology; or Combined Doctoral / Master of Organisational Psychology:
    1. a minimum period of three years; and
    2. a maximum period of four years Full-time or equivalent Part-time.
  4. Master of Philosophy is:
    1. a minimum period of one year which may be reduced with the approval of the Committee; and
    2. a maximum period of two years Full-time or equivalent Part-time.
  5. Master of Research is:
    1. a minimum period of two years Full-time or equivalent Part-time; and
    2. a maximum period of two years Full-time or equivalent Part-time.

(18) Graduate Research Students may seek extensions of enrolment beyond the maximum period of Candidature specified in clause 17, in accordance with the Higher Degree Research Variations to Candidature Policy in force at the time.

(19) Thesis submission prior to the minimum period of enrolment may be considered in exceptional circumstances, in accordance with the Graduate Research Thesis Preparation, Submission and Examination Policy in force at the time.


(20) Each Graduate Research Student must be supported by continuing supervisory arrangements for the duration of their enrolment at Macquarie University.

(21) The minimum standards for appointment of Supervisors of Graduate Research Degrees is governed by the Higher Degree Research Supervision Policy and Higher Degree Research Supervision Procedure in force at the time.

(22) Supervisors are appointed only where enrolled Graduate Research Students can be provided with a study environment of research activity or other creative endeavour or enquiry.

Assessment (Thesis Examination)

(23) All examinable work for Graduate Research Degrees specified in clause 4 of these Rules must be examined by at least two (2) assessors with international standing in the field of research, who are independent of the conduct of the research, competent to undertake the assessment, do not have a conflict of interest and are external to the University.

(24) Outputs arising from Graduate Research Degrees, for example, theses, dissertations, exegeses, creative works or other major works, must contribute to the development of the field of research, practice, or creative field, and for doctoral degrees must demonstrate a significant original contribution.

(25) The requirements for the preparation, submission and examination of Graduate Research theses at Macquarie University are governed by the Graduate Research Thesis Preparation, Submission and Examination Policy and Graduate Research Thesis Preparation, Submission and Examination Procedure in force at the time.

Awards and graduation

(26) Any of the Degrees referred to in clause 4 of these Rules may be conferred by the Council on a candidate who has complied with the requirements of these Rules to the satisfaction of the Academic Senate.

(27) The candidate for a Joint PhD will be eligible for the University award of a Joint PhD on satisfying the requirements of both universities. The award Testamur, or equivalent, will normally contain the crests of both universities.

(28) The Bachelor of Philosophy is an approved Exit Award for the Master of Research. A candidate who wishes to discontinue study in the Master of Research may elect to qualify with the Bachelor or Philosophy provided the requirements of the Exit Award have been met.

Withdrawal and Termination of Enrolment

(29) A Graduate Research Student’s enrolment may be discontinued in accordance with the Higher Degree Research Variations to Candidature Policy in force at the time.

(30) If a Student Withdraws or Candidature is ceased:

  1. the Student is required to apply for re-admission in accordance with the University policies and procedures in force at the time;
  2. the University will determine the application and may specify conditions for enrolment; and
  3. a Student re-enrolling after a period of non-enrolment will be subject to the Graduate Research Rules in force at the time of enrolment.

(31) A Graduate Research Student enrolment may be terminated in accordance with the Graduate Research Continuation Policy and Graduate Research Continuation Procedure.

Monitoring and Review

(32) The University and its governance structures will monitor trends in rates of retention, progression and completion of Graduate Research Student cohorts to enable review and improvement.

(33) The University will ensure that Graduate Research Students have opportunities to provide feedback on their research training experience to inform institutional monitoring, review and improvement activities.

(34) The University will provide supervisors of Graduate Research Students with the opportunity to review feedback on their teaching and research supervision. The University will offer support to supervisors to enhance supervision when appropriate.

Complaints, Grievances and Allegations of Misconduct

(35) Complaints, grievances or allegations of misconduct relating to Graduate Research will be dealt with in accordance with the Macquarie University Research Code Complaints, Breaches and Investigation Procedure, the Student Conduct Rules and Procedures, or the Complaints Resolution Policy for Students and Members of the Public and related Procedures.

Part B -  Miscellaneous


(36) Any notice to a Student will be given by email to the Macquarie University issued student email account.

(37) In clause 36 a reference to a “notice” is to any notice or other communication and includes, any notice which these Rules require or authorise to be served on any person.

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Section 3 - Schedules and Associated Information

(38) Nil.